
Smart punctuation is an iOS feature that automatically turns certain generic punctuation marks like straight quotes into better ones like curly quotes. The problem is that smart punctuation doesn’t always play nice with the internet.

智能标点符号是一种iOS功能,可自动将某些通用标点符号(如直引号)转换为更好的标点(如卷曲引号)。 问题在于,智能标点在互联网上并不总是能很好地发挥作用。

Digital typography has made making great looking fonts a lot easier. Now, how a character is positioned is dependent on the other characters around it, rather than each character taking up the same amount of space as they do in old typewriter-esque fonts like Courier.

数字印刷术使美观的字体变得容易得多。 现在,字符的放置方式取决于周围的其他字符,而不是每个字符所占用的空间都与像Courier这样的老式打字机式字体所占用的空间相同。

In most fonts, there is a difference between the opening and closing quotation marks. See how, “when I quote this text,” the quotation marks are angled. It’s the same with the apostrophe in “it’s.” Also, if you enter two hyphens in a row with no space (- -) on iOS, they get converted to an actual em dash (—). Smart punctuation makes text look, well, smarter.

在大多数字体中,左引号和右引号之间存在差异。 请参阅“当我引用此文本时”如何将引号倾斜。 “是”中的撇号是相同的。 另外,如果在iOS上连续输入两个连字符,且两个连字符之间没有空格(--),则它们会转换为实际的连字符(-)。 智能标点符号使文本看起来更好,更智能。

So, why might you want to turn it off?


Well, unfortunately, most computer engineers don’t really care how the text in their code files looks. And since it was computer engineers who built the underlying structures of the web and the character encoding that makes everything work, smart punctuation doesn’t always play nice with things like URLs. Smart punctuation also doesn’t always work well in situations where you’re limited to a certain number of characters like SMS messages.

好吧,不幸的是,大多数计算机工程师并不真正在意代码文件中的文本外观。 而且由于是由计算机工程师构建了Web的底层结构以及使所有功能正常工作的字符编码 ,因此智能标点符号并不总是可以很好地与URL之类的功能配合使用。 在限于一定数量的字符(如SMS消息)的情况下,智能标点符号也不总是能很好地工作。

The worst example I’ve ever run into was at an old website for which I used to write. For some ungodly reason, they used two hyphens in their URL structure for every article. Any time I tried to copy and paste one of their URLs into an email or message to send a friend, the two hyphens would get converted to an em dash and the URL would break.

我遇到过的最糟糕的例子是我曾经写过的一个旧网站。 由于某些不可思议的原因,他们在每篇文章的URL结构中都使用了两个连字符。 每当我尝试将其中一个URL复制并粘贴到电子邮件或消息中以发送朋友时,这两个连字符将被转换为破折号,并且URL会中断。

If you’re regularly doing things like copying idiotic URLs with two consecutive hyphens or sending blocks of code through messaging apps (another situation where I’ve run into problems), then it might make your life easier to just turn smart punctuation off. The text won’t look as good, but realistically, most people won’t notice.

如果您经常执行诸如使用两个连续的连字符复制愚蠢的URL或通过消息传递应用程序发送代码块的操作(这是我遇到问题的另一种情况),那么关闭智能标点功能可能会使您的生活更轻松。 文字看起来不太好,但实际上,大多数人不会注意到。

To turn smart punctuation off, all you have to do is go to Settings > General > Keyboard, and then turn off the “Smart Punctuation” toggle.


That’s it! Now, your ugly text messages at least won’t break code or URLs.

而已! 现在,您的丑陋短信至少不会破坏代码或URL。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/344310/how-to-turn-off-smart-punctuation-on-your-iphone-and-ipad/



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