1、Which of the following words does NOT have a suffix? (   )





2、Which of the following statements is NOT true? (  )

A.English is more closely related to German than French.

B.Scandinavian languages refer to Icelandic, Norwegian, Danish and Swedish.

C.Old English vocabulary was in essence Germanic with a small quantity of words borrowed from Latin and Scandinavian.

D.Middle English absorbed a tremendous number of foreign words but with little change in word endings.

3、 The lion’s share cannot be turned into the share of the lion, which indicate(   )?

A.the constituents of idioms cannot be replaced

B.the word order cannot be inverted or changed

C.the various words that make up the idioms have lost their individual identity

D.the constituents of an idiom cannot be deleted or added to, not even an article

4、The group of words which has the same grammatical meaning is “(   )”.

A.forget, forgets, forgot

B.tables, men, people

C.sit, sitting, sat

D.fast, quick, quickly

5、 The (   )of an expression is its place in a system pf semantic relationship with other expressions in the language.





6、Some words in the basic word stock are said to be stable because they(   )

A.are complex words

B.are technical words

C.refer to the commonest things in life

D.denote the most important concepts

7、Extension can be illustrated by the following example(   )

A.butcher→one who kills goats


C.companion→one who shares bread

D.allergic→too sensitive to medicine

8、There are such new words as soy milk, talk shows, and telequiz in Modern English. Thesewords show(   )

A.the invasion of foreign countries

B.social, economic and political changes

C.the influence of other cultures and languages

D.the rapid development of modern science and technology

9、The word “sandwich” now denotes a popular fast food.It originates from John Montague, Fourth Earl of Sandwich in 18th century. This example shows one of the sources of English vocabulary is(   )


B.proper nouns



10、The fact that the whole vocabulary can be divided up into fields can be exemplified by (   )

A.Roget 's Thesaurus

B.Concise Oxford Dictionary

C.New Webster's Dictionary

D.Cobuild Dictionary






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