The Instant Search box in Outlook 2007 is a huge improvement over previous versions of Outlook, but remembering all the search operators can be a little difficult, so here’s a quick one that I use all the time.

与以前的Outlook版本相比,Outlook 2007中的“即时搜索”框是一个巨大的改进,但是记住所有搜索运算符可能会有些困难,因此,这是我一直使用的快速搜索框。

To find emails containing attachments, use the following operator in your search:




You can also combine search operators… for instance, if I wanted to find all emails I’d sent to myself with attachments, I’d use the following:


from:geek hasattachments:true


And there’s my document… here’s the search operators that I use on a daily basis:


from:geek Finds all messages from “geek”
to:geek Finds all messages sent to “geek” (this weeds out messages I’m only cc’d on)
hasattachments:true Finds all messages with attachments
read:no Finds all unread messages
来自:怪胎 查找来自“怪胎”的所有消息
至:极客 查找发送给“极客”的所有消息(这清除了我仅抄送的消息)
hasattachments:true 查找所有带有附件的邮件
阅读:没有 查找所有未读消息


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