
Spotify is arguably the best streaming music service available online. Spotify is available under Windows and Mac. However, by using Wine you can install Spotify to run on Ubuntu as well.

Spotify可以说是在线上最好的流音乐服务。 在Windows和Mac下都可以使用Spotify。 但是,通过使用Wine,您也可以安装Spotify在Ubuntu上运行。

Note: Spotify is not available in all countries or the United States. Here we look at installing Spotify on Ubuntu 9.10 using Wine 1.2.

注意:Spotify不适用于所有国家或美国。 在这里,我们看一下使用Wine 1.2在Ubuntu 9.10上安装Spotify。

To begin with we’ll need to install Wine on Ubuntu. If you already have Wine you can easily skip this step. To install Wine on Ubuntu 9.10 first open synaptic package manager by going to System \ Administration \ Synaptic Package Manager.

首先,我们需要在Ubuntu上安装Wine。 如果您已经有了Wine,则可以轻松跳过此步骤。 要在Ubuntu 9.10上安装Wine,请先打开System \ Administration \ Synaptic Package Manager,打开Synaptic软件包管理器

You’ll be prompted for your password. Enter your admin password and this will open Synaptic Package Manager.

系统将提示您输入密码。 输入您的管理员密码,这将打开Synaptic Package Manager。

Select the package wine 1.2 and click apply. This will install Wine on your Ubuntu and it’s available under Applications \ Wine.

选择package wine 1.2,然后单击Apply。 这将在您的Ubuntu上安装Wine,并且可以在Applications \ Wine下找到

Now that you have Wine installed. All you need to do is download the Windows version of Spotify and install it over your Wine. To do so download Spotify (windows version). Once downloaded, navigate to the download folder and right-click the Spotify installer and click Open with Wine Windows Program Loader.

现在您已经安装了Wine。 您所需要做的就是下载Windows版本的Spotify并将其安装在Wine上。 为此,请下载Spotify (Windows版本)。 下载完成后,导航至下载文件夹,然后右键单击Spotify安装程序,然后单击“ 使用Wine Windows程序加载程序打开”

This will install Spotify on your Ubuntu machine.


Now you can enjoy Spotify on your Ubuntu machine if you live outside of the US. Also, make sure and check out our review of Spotify.

现在,如果您居住在美国以外的地方,则可以在Ubuntu计算机上使用Spotify。 另外,请确保并查看我们对Spotify的评论 。



Download Spotify




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