Gunicorn “Green Unicorn”是用于UNIX的Python WSGI HTTP服务器。从Ruby的Unicorn项目移植而来的fork-worker模型。Gunicorn服务器与各种web框架广泛兼容,实现简单,服务器资源少,速度相当快。


  • 原生支持WSGI、Django和Paster
  • 自动工作进程管理
  • 简单的Python配置
  • 多个工作机配置
  • 用于扩展性的各种服务器hooks
  • 兼容Python 3.x>=3.5




pip install gunicorn


$ gunicorn [OPTIONS] [WSGI_APP]语法
WSGI_APP: {module_import}:{app_variable}


# 等价于 'from hello import app'
$ gunicorn -w 4 'hello:app'# 等价于 'from hello import create_app; create_app()'
$ gunicorn -w 4 'hello:create_app()'


  -h, --help            show this help message and exit-v, --version         show program's version number and exit-c CONFIG, --config CONFIGThe Gunicorn config file. [./]-b ADDRESS, --bind ADDRESSThe socket to bind. [['']]--backlog INT         The maximum number of pending connections. [2048]-w INT, --workers INTThe number of worker processes for handling requests.[1]-k STRING, --worker-class STRINGThe type of workers to use. [sync]--threads INT         The number of worker threads for handling requests.[1]--worker-connections INTThe maximum number of simultaneous clients. [1000]--max-requests INT    The maximum number of requests a worker will processbefore restarting. [0]--max-requests-jitter INTThe maximum jitter to add to the *max_requests*setting. [0]-t INT, --timeout INTWorkers silent for more than this many seconds arekilled and restarted. [30]--graceful-timeout INTTimeout for graceful workers restart. [30]--keep-alive INT      The number of seconds to wait for requests on a Keep-Alive connection. [2]--limit-request-line INTThe maximum size of HTTP request line in bytes. [4094]--limit-request-fields INTLimit the number of HTTP headers fields in a request.[100]--limit-request-field_size INTLimit the allowed size of an HTTP request headerfield. [8190]--reload              Restart workers when code changes. [False]--reload-engine STRINGThe implementation that should be used to power:ref:`reload`. [auto]--reload-extra-file FILESExtends :ref:`reload` option to also watch and reloadon additional files [[]]--spew                Install a trace function that spews every lineexecuted by the server. [False]--check-config        Check the configuration and exit. The exit status is 0if the [False]--print-config        Print the configuration settings as fully resolved.Implies :ref:`check-config`. [False]--preload             Load application code before the worker processes areforked. [False]--no-sendfile         Disables the use of ``sendfile()``. [None]--reuse-port          Set the ``SO_REUSEPORT`` flag on the listening socket.[False]--chdir CHDIR         Change directory to specified directory before loadingapps. [/Users/hina/Desktop/domain-admin-test]-D, --daemon          Daemonize the Gunicorn process. [False]-e ENV, --env ENV     Set environment variables in the executionenvironment. [[]]-p FILE, --pid FILE   A filename to use for the PID file. [None]--worker-tmp-dir DIR  A directory to use for the worker heartbeat temporaryfile. [None]-u USER, --user USER  Switch worker processes to run as this user. [501]-g GROUP, --group GROUPSwitch worker process to run as this group. [20]-m INT, --umask INT   A bit mask for the file mode on files written byGunicorn. [0]--initgroups          If true, set the worker process's group access listwith all of the [False]--forwarded-allow-ips STRINGFront-end's IPs from which allowed to handle setsecure headers. []--access-logfile FILEThe Access log file to write to. [None]--disable-redirect-access-to-syslogDisable redirect access logs to syslog. [False]--access-logformat STRINGThe access log format. [%(h)s %(l)s %(u)s %(t)s"%(r)s" %(s)s %(b)s "%(f)s" "%(a)s"]--error-logfile FILE, --log-file FILEThe Error log file to write to. [-]--log-level LEVEL     The granularity of Error log outputs. [info]--capture-output      Redirect stdout/stderr to specified file in:ref:`errorlog`. [False]--logger-class STRINGThe logger you want to use to log events in Gunicorn.[gunicorn.glogging.Logger]--log-config FILE     The log config file to use. [None]--log-syslog-to SYSLOG_ADDRAddress to send syslog messages.[unix:///var/run/syslog]--log-syslog          Send *Gunicorn* logs to syslog. [False]--log-syslog-prefix SYSLOG_PREFIXMakes Gunicorn use the parameter as program-name inthe syslog entries. [None]--log-syslog-facility SYSLOG_FACILITYSyslog facility name [user]-R, --enable-stdio-inheritanceEnable stdio inheritance. [False]--statsd-host STATSD_ADDR``host:port`` of the statsd server to log to. [None]--dogstatsd-tags DOGSTATSD_TAGSA comma-delimited list of datadog statsd (dogstatsd)tags to append to []--statsd-prefix STATSD_PREFIXPrefix to use when emitting statsd metrics (a trailing``.`` is added, []-n STRING, --name STRINGA base to use with setproctitle for process naming.[None]--pythonpath STRING   A comma-separated list of directories to add to thePython path. [None]--paste STRING, --paster STRINGLoad a PasteDeploy config file. The argument maycontain a ``#`` [None]--proxy-protocol      Enable detect PROXY protocol (PROXY mode). [False]--proxy-allow-from PROXY_ALLOW_IPSFront-end's IPs from which allowed accept proxyrequests (comma separate). []--keyfile FILE        SSL key file [None]--certfile FILE       SSL certificate file [None]--ssl-version SSL_VERSIONSSL version to use. [_SSLMethod.PROTOCOL_TLS]--cert-reqs CERT_REQSWhether client certificate is required (see stdlib sslmodule's) [VerifyMode.CERT_NONE]--ca-certs FILE       CA certificates file [None]--suppress-ragged-eofsSuppress ragged EOFs (see stdlib ssl module's) [True]--do-handshake-on-connectWhether to perform SSL handshake on socket connect(see stdlib ssl module's) [False]--ciphers CIPHERS     SSL Cipher suite to use, in the format of an OpenSSLcipher list. [None]--paste-global CONF   Set a PasteDeploy global config variable in``key=value`` form. [[]]--strip-header-spacesStrip spaces present between the header name and thethe ``:``. [False]


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