#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

typedef struct Node
  int value;
  struct Node *pre,*next;//前驱指针和后继指针

typedef struct List
  Link head,tail;
  int length;

LinkList NewList(void)
  LinkList list;
  list=new List;
  return list;

int ListLength(List list)
  return list.length;

bool IsListEmpty(List list)
    return true;
  return false;

void ClearList(LinkList list)
  Link p,q;

void DestroyList(LinkList list)

void InsertElemToList(LinkList list,int pos,int elem)
  Link p;
  p=new Node;
  if(pos<1 || pos>ListLength(*list)+1)
    cout<<"The position is invalidate."<<endl;
    else if(pos==ListLength(*list)+1)
      Link q=list->head;
      for(int i=1;i<pos-1;++i)

void DeleteElemFromList(LinkList list,int pos,int &elem)
    cout<<"The list is empty,you can't delete element."<<endl;
    if(pos<1 || pos>ListLength(*list))
      cout<<"The position is invalidate."<<endl;
          Link p=list->head;
          Link p=list->head;
      else if(pos==ListLength(*list))
        Link q=list->tail;
        Link p=list->head;
        for(int i=1;i<pos;++i)

bool PreElem(List list,int pos,int &elem)
{//判断 pos位置的结点有无前驱,若有则将其值存入elem
  if(pos<1 || pos>ListLength(list))
    cout<<"The position is invalidate."<<endl;
    return false;
      cout<<"This position doesn't have a pre_element."<<endl;
      return false;
      Link p=list.head;
      for(int i=1;i<pos;++i)
      return true;

bool NextElem(List list,int pos,int &elem)
  if(pos<1 || pos>ListLength(list))
    cout<<"The position is invalidate."<<endl;
    return false;
      cout<<"This position doesn't have a next_element."<<endl;
      return false;
      Link p=list.head;
      for(int i=1;i<pos;++i)
      return true;

bool CurrentElem(List list,int pos,int &elem)
  if(pos<1 || pos>ListLength(list))
    cout<<"The position is invalidate."<<endl;
    return false;
    Link p=list.head;
    for(int i=1;i<pos;++i)
    return true;

bool GetHead(List list,int &elem)
    cout<<"The list is empty."<<endl;
    return false;
    return true;

bool GetTail(List list,int &elem)
    cout<<"The list is empty."<<endl;
    return false;
    return true;
void VisitElemFromList(List list)
  Link p=list.head;
      cout<<p->value<<' ';

#include "stdafx.h"
#include <conio.h>
#include "double_direction_list.h"

int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
  LinkList list;
    cout<<"The list is empty."<<endl;
  cout<<"The length of the list is:"<<ListLength(*list)<<endl;
  int elem;
  int e;
    cout<<"The head_elem of the list is:"<<e<<endl;
    cout<<"The tail_elem of the list is:"<<e<<endl;
  cout<<"The length of the list is:"<<ListLength(*list)<<endl;
    cout<<"The head_elem of the list is:"<<e<<endl;
    cout<<"The tail_elem of the list is:"<<e<<endl;
  cout<<"The length of the list is:"<<ListLength(*list)<<endl;
  int temp;
    cout<<"The pre_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The pre_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The pre_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The nex_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The next_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The next_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The current_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
    cout<<"The current_element of this position is:"<<temp<<endl;
  return 0;



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