
kube-proxy当前支持三种方式实现负载均衡,分别是: userspace, iptables, IPVS. 但前两者随着Service的数量增长,存在性能的瓶颈,在生产环境是不能接受的。所以本篇文章主要对IPVS模式进行源码分析。


kube-proxy 整体逻辑结构

这张时序图描述了kube-proxy的整体逻辑结构,由于kub-proxy组件和其它的kube-* 组件一样都是使用pflag和cobra库去构建命令行应用程序。所以先简单介绍下该包的基本使用方式:

func main() { command := &cobra.Command{ Use:   "echo [string to echo]",   Short: "Echo anything to the screen", Long: `echo is for echoing anything back.Echo works a lot like print, except it has a child command.`,    Args: cobra.MinimumNArgs(1),    Run: func(cmd *cobra.Command, args []string) {  fmt.Println("Print: " + strings.Join(args, " "))   },  }   command.Execute()



// Run runs the specified ProxyServer.
func (o *Options) Run() error { defer close(o.errCh)    //....  proxyServer, err := NewProxyServer(o)  if err != nil {    return err  }   if o.CleanupAndExit {   return proxyServer.CleanupAndExit() }   o.proxyServer = proxyServer    return o.runLoop()



type ProxyServer struct {   Client                 clientset.Interface  EventClient            v1core.EventsGetter  IptInterface           utiliptables.Interface   IpvsInterface          utilipvs.Interface   IpsetInterface         utilipset.Interface  execer                 exec.Interface   Proxier                proxy.ProxyProvider  Broadcaster            record.EventBroadcaster  Recorder               record.EventRecorder ConntrackConfiguration kubeproxyconfig.KubeProxyConntrackConfiguration  Conntracker            Conntracker // if nil, ignored   ProxyMode              string   NodeRef                *v1.ObjectReference  CleanupIPVS            bool MetricsBindAddress     string   EnableProfiling        bool OOMScoreAdj            *int32   ConfigSyncPeriod       time.Duration    HealthzServer          *healthcheck.HealthzServer

在ProxyServer结构中包含了与kube-apiserver通信的Client、操作Iptables的IptInterface、操作IPVS的IpvsInterface、操作IpSet的IpsetInterface,以及通过ProxyMode参数获取基于userspace, iptables, ipvs三种方式中的哪种使用的Proxier。

接下来重点介绍基于ipvs模式实现的Proxier, 在ipvs模式下Proxier结构的定义:

type Proxier struct {    endpointsChanges *proxy.EndpointChangeTracker   serviceChanges   *proxy.ServiceChangeTracker    //...   serviceMap   proxy.ServiceMap   endpointsMap proxy.EndpointsMap portsMap     map[utilproxy.LocalPort]utilproxy.Closeable    //...   syncRunner      *async.BoundedFrequencyRunner // governs calls to syncProxyRules    //...   iptables       utiliptables.Interface   ipvs           utilipvs.Interface   ipset          utilipset.Interface  exec           utilexec.Interface   //...   ipvsScheduler  string



type BoundedFrequencyRunner struct { name        string        // the name of this instance  minInterval time.Duration // the min time between runs, modulo bursts   maxInterval time.Duration // the max time between runs  run chan struct{} // try an async run   mu      sync.Mutex  // guards runs of fn and all mutations  fn      func()      // function to run  lastRun time.Time   // time of last run timer   timer       // timer for deferred runs  limiter rateLimiter // rate limiter for on-demand runs

BoundedFrequencyRunner结构中的run会异步的去定期的执行任务fn,比如定期的执行proxier.syncProxyRules去创建或者更新VirtuaServer和RealServer并将VirtualServer的VIP绑定到dummy interface(kube-ipvs0)。


proxier.syncRunner = async.NewBoundedFrequencyRunner(    "sync-runner", proxier.syncProxyRules, minSyncPeriod, syncPeriod, burstSyncs)


minSyncPeriod: 规则最小的更新时间

syncPeriod: 规则最大更新时间

proxier.syncProxyRules: 同步规则的实现函数(也是kube-proxy基于ipvs同步规则的核心实现)







type ServiceConfig struct { listerSynced  cache.InformerSynced  eventHandlers []ServiceHandler


type ServiceHandler interface {    // OnServiceAdd is called whenever creation of new service object   // is observed. OnServiceAdd(service *v1.Service)   // OnServiceUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing   // service object is observed.  OnServiceUpdate(oldService, service *v1.Service)    // OnServiceDelete is called whenever deletion of an existing service   // object is observed.  OnServiceDelete(service *v1.Service)    // OnServiceSynced is called once all the initial even handlers were    // called and the state is fully propagated to local cache. OnServiceSynced()


func NewServiceConfig(serviceInformer coreinformers.ServiceInformer, resyncPeriod time.Duration) *ServiceConfig { result := &ServiceConfig{  listerSynced: serviceInformer.Informer().HasSynced, }   serviceInformer.Informer().AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod( cache.ResourceEventHandlerFuncs{    AddFunc:    result.handleAddService,    UpdateFunc: result.handleUpdateService, DeleteFunc: result.handleDeleteService, },  resyncPeriod,   )   return result

  • 首先通过执行serviceInformer.Informer().HasSynced来将kubernetes下的所有Service资源同步到缓存listerSynced中。

  • 其次为AddEventHandlerWithResyncPeriod添加针对Service对象,添加,更新,删除的事件触发函数。当Service有相应的触发动作,就会调用相应的函数:handleAddService、handleUpdateService和handleDeleteService。


func (c *ServiceConfig) handleAddService(obj interface{}) {   service, ok := obj.(*v1.Service)   if !ok {    utilruntime.HandleError(fmt.Errorf("unexpected object type: %v", obj))    return  }   for i := range c.eventHandlers {   klog.V(4).Info("Calling handler.OnServiceAdd")    c.eventHandlers[i].OnServiceAdd(service)    }



// OnServiceAdd is called whenever creation of new service object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceAdd(service *v1.Service) { proxier.OnServiceUpdate(nil, service)
}   // OnServiceUpdate is called whenever modification of an existing service object is observed.
func (proxier *Proxier) OnServiceUpdate(oldService, service *v1.Service) {  if proxier.serviceChanges.Update(oldService, service) && proxier.isInitialized() {  proxier.syncRunner.Run()    }


// ServiceChangeTracker carries state about uncommitted changes to an arbitrary number of
// Services, keyed by their namespace and name.
type ServiceChangeTracker struct {  // lock protects items. lock sync.Mutex // items maps a service to its serviceChange.   items map[types.NamespacedName]*serviceChange   // makeServiceInfo allows proxier to inject customized information when processing service. makeServiceInfo makeServicePortFunc // isIPv6Mode indicates if change tracker is under IPv6/IPv4 mode. Nil means not applicable.    isIPv6Mode *bool    recorder   record.EventRecorder


// serviceChange contains all changes to services that happened since proxy rules were synced.  For a single object,
// changes are accumulated, i.e. previous is state from before applying the changes,
// current is state after applying all of the changes.
type serviceChange struct { previous ServiceMap current  ServiceMap

到这里在回过头来看上面的基于IPVS实现的Proxier的整体流程就完全通了,ProxyServer.Run函数在启动时,通过kubernetes LIST/WATCH机制去实时的感知kubernetes集群Service资源的变化,然后不断的在更新Proxier结构中的ServiceChanges,然后将变化的Service保存在ServiceChanges结构中的ServiceMap中,给后续的async.BoundedFrequencyRunner去执行同步规则函数syncProxyRules来使用。


func (s *ProxyServer) birthCry() {  s.Recorder.Eventf(s.NodeRef, api.EventTypeNormal, "Starting", "Starting kube-proxy.")

11.最终通过SyncLoop启动kube-proxy服务,并立刻执行syncProxyRules先来一遍同步再说.之后便会通过异步的方式定期的去同步IPVS, Iptables, Ipset的规则。

而syncProxyRules函数是kube-proxy实现的核心。主体逻辑是遍历ServiceMap并遍历ServiceMap下的endpointsMap及创建的Service类型(如: CLusterIP, Loadbalancer, NodePort)去分别创建相应的IPVS规则。


func (proxier *Proxier) syncProxyRules() {    //..... // Build IPVS rules for each service.   for svcName, svc := range proxier.serviceMap { //......    // Handle traffic that loops back to the originator with SNAT.  for _, e := range proxier.endpointsMap[svcName] {  //....  }   // Capture the clusterIP.   // ipset call   entry := &utilipset.Entry{ IP:       svcInfo.ClusterIP().String(), Port:     svcInfo.Port(),   Protocol: protocol, SetType:  utilipset.HashIPPort, }   // add service Cluster IP:Port to kubeServiceAccess ip set for the purpose of solving hairpin.  // proxier.kubeServiceAccessSet.activeEntries.Insert(entry.String())    if valid := proxier.ipsetList[kubeClusterIPSet].validateEntry(entry); !valid { klog.Errorf("%s", fmt.Sprintf(EntryInvalidErr, entry, proxier.ipsetList[kubeClusterIPSet].Name))  continue    }   proxier.ipsetList[kubeClusterIPSet].activeEntries.Insert(entry.String())    // ipvs call    serv := &utilipvs.VirtualServer{   Address:   svcInfo.ClusterIP(), Port:      uint16(svcInfo.Port()),  Protocol:  string(svcInfo.Protocol()),  Scheduler: proxier.ipvsScheduler,   }   // Set session affinity flag and timeout for IPVS service   if svcInfo.SessionAffinityType() == v1.ServiceAffinityClientIP {  serv.Flags |= utilipvs.FlagPersistent  serv.Timeout = uint32(svcInfo.StickyMaxAgeSeconds())   }   // We need to bind ClusterIP to dummy interface, so set `bindAddr` parameter to `true` in syncService() if err := proxier.syncService(svcNameString, serv, true); err == nil {   activeIPVSServices[serv.String()] = true   activeBindAddrs[serv.Address.String()] = true  // ExternalTrafficPolicy only works for NodePort and external LB traffic, does not affect ClusterIP // So we still need clusterIP rules in onlyNodeLocalEndpoints mode. if err := proxier.syncEndpoint(svcName, false, serv); err != nil {    klog.Errorf("Failed to sync endpoint for service: %v, err: %v", serv, err)    }   } else {    klog.Errorf("Failed to sync service: %v, err: %v", serv, err) }   // Capture externalIPs. for _, externalIP := range svcInfo.ExternalIPStrings() {   //....  }   // Capture load-balancer ingress.   for _, ingress := range svcInfo.LoadBalancerIPStrings() {  //..... }   if svcInfo.NodePort() != 0 {   //....  }   }   // sync ipset entries   for _, set := range proxier.ipsetList {    set.syncIPSetEntries()  }   // Tail call iptables rules for ipset, make sure only call iptables once    // in a single loop per ip set. proxier.writeIptablesRules()    // Sync iptables rules. // NOTE: NoFlushTables is used so we don't flush non-kubernetes chains in the table.   proxier.iptablesData.Reset()    proxier.iptablesData.Write(proxier.natChains.Bytes())   proxier.iptablesData.Write(proxier.natRules.Bytes())    proxier.iptablesData.Write(proxier.filterChains.Bytes())    proxier.iptablesData.Write(proxier.filterRules.Bytes()) }


kube-proxy的代码逻辑还是比较简洁的,整体的思想就是kube-proxy服务去watch kubernetes集群的Service和Endpoint对象,当这两个资源对象有状态变化时,会把它们保存在ServiceMap和EndPonintMap中,然后会通过async.BoundedFrequencyRunner去异步的执行syncProxyRules去下发规则。



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