在Linux平台上安装Oracle数据库时,会涉及到一个资源限制的问题,与之相关的是一个/etc/security/limits.conf文件。用Linux命令man limits.conf可获得关于这个文件的具体信息。

LIMITS.CONF(5)                 Linux-PAM Manual                 LIMITS.CONF(5)

       limits.conf - configuration file for the pam_limits module

       The pam_limits.so module applies ulimit limits, nice priority and
       number of simultaneous login sessions limit to user login sessions.
       This description of the configuration file syntax applies to the
       /etc/security/limits.conf file and *.conf files in the
       /etc/security/limits.d directory.

The syntax of the lines is as follows:

<domain> <type> <item> <value>

The fields listed above should be filled as follows:


·   a username

·   a groupname, with @group syntax. This should not be confused
               with netgroups.

·   the wildcard *, for default entry.

·   the wildcard %, for maxlogins limit only, can also be used with
               %group syntax. If the % wildcard is used alone it is identical
               to using * with maxsyslogins limit. With a group specified
               after % it limits the total number of logins of all users that
               are member of the group.

·   an uid range specified as <min_uid>:<max_uid>. If min_uid is
               omitted, the match is exact for the max_uid. If max_uid is

·   a gid range specified as @<min_gid>:<max_gid>. If min_gid is
               omitted, the match is exact for the max_gid. If max_gid is
               omitted, all gids greater than or equal min_gid match. For the
               exact match all groups including the user´s supplementary
               groups are examined. For the range matches only the user´s
               primary group is examined.

·   a gid specified as %:<gid> applicable to maxlogins limit only.
               It limits the total number of logins of all users that are
               member of the group with the specified gid.


               for enforcing hard resource limits. These limits are set by the
               superuser and enforced by the Kernel. The user cannot raise his
               requirement of system resources above such values.

               for enforcing soft resource limits. These limits are ones that
               the user can move up or down within the permitted range by any
               pre-existing hard limits. The values specified with this token
               can be thought of as default values, for normal system usage.

               for enforcing both soft and hard resource limits together.

Note, if you specify a type of ´-´ but neglect to supply the
               item and value fields then the module will never enforce any
               limits on the specified user/group etc. .


               limits the core file size (KB)

               maximum data size (KB)

               maximum filesize (KB)

               maximum locked-in-memory address space (KB)

               maximum number of open files

               maximum resident set size (KB) (Ignored in Linux 2.4.30 and

               maximum stack size (KB)

               maximum CPU time (minutes)

               maximum number of processes

               address space limit (KB)

               maximum number of logins for this user except for this with

               the priority to run user process with (negative values boost
               process priority)

               maximum locked files (Linux 2.4 and higher)

               maximum number of pending signals (Linux 2.6 and higher)

               maximum memory used by POSIX message queues (bytes) (Linux 2.6
               and higher)

               maximum nice priority allowed to raise to (Linux 2.6.12 and
               higher) values: [-20,19]

               maximum realtime priority allowed for non-privileged processes
               (Linux 2.6.12 and higher)

All items support the values -1, unlimited or infinity indicating no
       limit, except for priority and nice.

If a hard limit or soft limit of a resource is set to a valid value,
       but outside of the supported range of the local system, the system may
       reject the new limit or unexpected behavior may occur. If the control
       value required is used, the module will reject the login if a limit
       could not be set.

In general, individual limits have priority over group limits, so if
       you impose no limits for admin group, but one of the members in this
       group have a limits line, the user will have its limits set according
       to this line.

Also, please note that all limit settings are set per login. They are
       not global, nor are they permanent; existing only for the duration of
       the session.

In the limits configuration file, the ´#´ character introduces a
       comment - after which the rest of the line is ignored.

The pam_limits module does report configuration problems found in its
       configuration file and errors via syslog(3).

       These are some example lines which might be specified in

*                      soft        core              0
           *                      hard      nofile            512
           @student        hard      nproc            20
           @faculty         soft        nproc            20
           @faculty         hard       nproc           50
           ftp                   hard       nproc            0
           @student        -         maxlogins        4
           :123                hard       cpu             5000
           @500:            soft        cpu             10000
           600:700          hard      locks           10

       pam_limits was initially written by Cristian Gafton <gafton@redhat.com>



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