1 #coding= utf-8

2 importre3 importrequests4 importxlrd5

6 save_url = "http://tkkc.hfut.edu.cn/student/exam/manageExam.do?1479131327464&method=saveAnswer"

7 #index用于提示题目序号

8 index = 1

9 headers = {"User-Agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; WOW64; rv:51.0) Gecko/20100101 Firefox/41.0",10 "Host": "tkkc.hfut.edu.cn",11 "X-Requested-With": "XMLHttpRequest",12 }13

14 ses =requests.session()15 ID = input("请输入学号\n")16 Pwd = input("请输入密码\n")17 logInfo ={18 "logname": ID,19 "password": Pwd20 }21 login_url = "http://tkkc.hfut.edu.cn/login.do?"

22 res = ses.post(login_url, data=logInfo, headers=headers)23

24 #用于存放excel中question,answer键值对的字典

25 result =dict()26


28 #retries默认为2,表示尝试次数。以防某种原因,某次连接失败

29 def craw(url, retries=2):30 try:31 b = ses.post(url, headers=headers)32 b.encoding = 'utf-8'

33 d =b.text34 title = re.findall(r' (.*?)","', d, re.S)[0]35 returntitle36 exceptException as e:37 print(e)38 if retries >0:39 return craw(url, retries=retries - 1)40 else:41 print("get failed", index)42 return ''



45 #从字典中根据题目找到并返回答案

46 defanswer_func(t):47 return result.get(title, "Not Found")48


50 #将找到的答案提交给服务器

51 def submit(ans, id, id2, id3, id4, index, retries=2):52 dx = ["false", "false", "false", "false", "false"]53 try:54 if ans.find('A') != -1:55 dx[0] = "true"

56 if ans.find('B') != -1:57 dx[1] = "true"

58 if ans.find('C') != -1:59 dx[2] = "true"

60 if ans.find('D') != -1:61 dx[3] = "true"

62 if ans.find('E') != -1:63 dx[4] = "true"

64 if ans.find('正确') != -1:65 ans = "A"

66 if ans.find('错误') != -1:67 ans = "B"

68 data2 = {"examReplyId": id3,69 "examStudentExerciseId": id2,70 "exerciseId": id,71 "examId": id4,72 "DXanswer": ans,73 "PDanswer": ans,74 "DuoXanswerA": dx[0],75 "DuoXanswerB": dx[1],76 "DuoXanswerC": dx[2],77 "DuoXanswerD": dx[3],78 "DuoXanswerE": dx[4]}79 body = ses.post(save_url, data=data2, headers=headers)80 wb_data =body.text81 print(wb_data, index)82 exceptException as e:83 print(e)84 if retries >0:85 return submit(ans, id, id2, id3, id4, index, retries=retries - 1)86 else:87 print("get failed", index)88 return ''



91 #此变量用于判断用户是否要继续刷课

92 finished =093

94 while finished ==0:95 start_url = input("请输入测试页面URL\n")96

97 myfile = xlrd.open_workbook('exercise.xls')98 lenOfXls =len(myfile.sheets())99

100 #读取XLS中的题目和答案,存进字典(将这段程序放在这,是因为当用户有多门试题库时,刷完一门,切换到另一门时,不用关闭程序只需切换题库Excel即可)

101 for x inrange(0, lenOfXls):102 xls =myfile.sheets()[x]103 for i in range(1, xls.nrows):104 title =xls.cell(i, 0).value105 if x != 2:106 answer = xls.cell(i, 7).value107 else:108 answer = xls.cell(i, 2).value109 result[title] =answer110

111 body = ses.get(start_url, headers=headers)112 body.encoding = 'utf-8'

113 wb_data =body.text114 #print(wb_data)


116 urlId = re.findall(r'do\?(.*?)&method', start_url, re.S)[0]117

118 eval = re.findall(r'eval(.*?)]\);', wb_data, re.S)[0]119

120 examReplyId = re.findall(r'examReplyId=(.*?)&examId', wb_data, re.S)[0]121

122 examId = re.findall(r'', wb_data, re.S)[0]123

124 exerciseId = re.findall(r'exerciseId":(.*?),', eval, re.S)125

126 examSEId = re.findall(r'examStudentExerciseId":(.*?),', eval, re.S)127

128 examStudentExerciseId = re.findall(r'"examStudentExerciseId":(.*?),"exerciseId"',129 wb_data, re.S)[0]130

131 print(examStudentExerciseId)132 examStudentExerciseId =int(examStudentExerciseId)133

134 #id对应exerciseID,id2对应examStudetExerciseId

135 for id inexerciseId:136 next_url = r"http://tkkc.hfut.edu.cn/student/exam/manageExam.do?%s&method=getExerciseInfo&examReplyId=%s&exerciseId=%s&examStudentExerciseId=%d" %(137 urlId, examReplyId, id, examStudentExerciseId)138 title =craw(next_url)139 ans =answer_func(title)140 submit(ans, id, examStudentExerciseId, examReplyId, examId, index)141 #time.sleep(1)

142 index += 1

143 examStudentExerciseId = examStudentExerciseId + 1

144 #input函数获取到的为字符串,所以进行Type conversion

145 finished = int(input("继续请输入0,退出请输入1\n"))


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