node oauth2验证

In my last article (How to set up and use passport OAuth Facebook Authentication (Section 1) | Node.js), we looked at another form of authentication called the OAuth authentication which involves sign in or signup using social media.

在我的上一篇文章( 如何设置和使用护照OAuth Facebook身份验证(第1节)| Node.js )中,我们介绍了另一种身份验证形式,称为OAuth身份验证,它涉及使用社交媒体登录或注册。

In this first section, we set up our Express app with some routes and our HTML form, installed passport-Facebook and configured the strategy.


In this section, we'll finally set up the authentication strategy it's self on the Facebook developers platform and tests our code.


In section 1, we created 2 files: app.js and index.html.

在第1节中 ,我们创建了2个文件: app.jsindex.html

Create a file app.js and type the following code,


const express = require('express');
const app = express();
app.get('/', (req, res) => res.sendFile('index.html', {root: __dirname
const port = process.env.PORT || 8080;
app.listen(port, () => console.log('App listening on port ' + port));
const passport = require('passport');
//success route
app.get('/success', (req, res) => res.send("You have successfully logged in"));
//error route
app.get('/error', (req, res) => res.send("error logging in"));
passport.serializeUser(function(user, cb) {cb(null, user);
passport.deserializeUser(function(obj, cb) {cb(null, obj);

<title>Node.js OAuth</title>
<a href=auth/facebook>Sign in with Facebook</a>

最后步骤 (Final Steps)

To authenticate with facebook, we need to set up some legal issues with the service provider (facebook).


Open and create an app where you'll add your node app authentication url and also, you'll be given an APP_ID and APP_SECRET.

打开https://developers.facebook.com并创建一个应用程序,您将在其中添加节点应用程序身份验证URL,并且还将获得一个APP_ID和APP_SECRET 。

Note: Most articles have not emphasized on the fact that APP ID and APP SECRET can also be called clientID and clientSecret respectively.

注意:大多数文章都没有强调APP ID和APP SECRET也可以分别称为clientID和clientSecret 。

Remember: Please your APP_ID and APP_SECRET should be confidential


As you can see, the site url should be same with url connected to our sign in with facebook link.

如您所见, 网站网址应与通过Facebook链接登录到我们的网址相同。

To get your app id and app secret, click on settings and then move to basics.

要获取您的应用ID和应用秘诀,请点击设置 ,然后转到基本

Now that we have successfully gotten our app id and secret, let's apply them to our code.


Open the app.js file and add the following code below,


const FacebookStrategy = require('passport-facebook').Strategy;
const FACEBOOK_APP_ID = 'your app id';
const FACEBOOK_APP_SECRET = 'your app secret';
passport.use(new FacebookStrategy({clientID: FACEBOOK_APP_ID,
callbackURL: "/auth/facebook/callback"
function(accessToken, refreshToken, profile, cb) {return cb(null, profile);
passport.authenticate('facebook', { scope: ['user_friends', 'manage_pages', 'user_photos'] }));
passport.authenticate('facebook', {failureRedirect: '/error'
function(req, res) {res.redirect('/success');

The code above proceeds to handle the authentication request putting into action the success and error routes depending on the results obtained from authentication.


The lines in the comment are used for permissions. The scope option asks the user permission to access certain important information like facebook pages, photos, friends and so on.

注释中的行用于权限。 范围选项要求用户访问某些重要信息,例如Facebook页面,照片,朋友等。

The code above can also be gotten from the passport js official website.

上面的代码也可以从passport js官方网站获得。

So if the user successfully logs in with his or her Facebook account, the web page will display ''you have successfully logged in''


Finally, let's run and see our output.


Open a terminal from your project folder and run the command.


    Node app.js

You can also visit the official website of passport to learn more @


Thanks for coding with me! See you @ the next article. Feel free to drop a comment or question.

感谢您与我编码! 下次见。 随意发表评论或问题。


node oauth2验证

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