
by Sihui Huang


晋升为工程师的最快方法 (The Fastest Way to Get Promoted as an Engineer)

We all want to live up to our potential, grow in our career, and do the best work of our lives. Getting promoted at work not only proves that we have advanced our skills but also shows that the hard work we put in is being recognized and appreciated.

我们所有人都希望发挥自己的潜能,发展自己的事业,并尽自己最大的努力。 在工作中得到晋升不仅证明我们已经提高了技能,而且还表明我们所付出的努力得到了认可和赞赏。

As I was going through my bi-annual performance review with my manager, I learned that I missed that one thing that could have helped me grow faster and would’ve led to a promotion.


The fastest way to get promoted at work — act as if you have already been promoted. If you want to be promoted to be a level 6 engineer, start to think and act like a level 6 engineer. If you want to become a tech lead, start to think and act like as if you are already a tech lead.

在工作中获得晋升的最快方法-就像已经晋升一样。 如果您想晋升为6级工程师,请开始思考并像6级工程师一样行动。 如果您想成为技术主管,请开始思考并采取行动,就好像您已经是技术主管一样。

Observe the types of work engineers at the next level do that are different than yours, and start looking for opportunities to take on those types of activities. Ask your manager about the expectations for the next level, and start to work on meeting those expectations. You can even work out a reasonable target date for your promotion with your manager and plan backward from that date.

观察下一级别与您不同的工作工程师的类型,并开始寻找机会从事这些类型的活动。 向您的经理询问对下一个级别的期望,并开始努力实现这些期望。 您甚至可以与经理一起为升级制定合理的目标日期,并从该日期开始进行计划。

我从经验中学到的 (What I’ve learned from experience)

Here is my story. In the past six months, my responsibilities at work grew a lot and my role changed gradually. Before, I was a pure individual contributor. My main focus at work was to read, write and talk about code. In the last six months, I acquired new responsibilities, such as leading projects, facilitating technical discussions, leading cross-team collaborations, and onboarding new team members.

这是我的故事。 在过去的六个月中,我的工作职责增加了很多,并且我的角色逐渐发生了变化。 以前,我是一个纯粹的个人贡献者。 我主要的工作重点是阅读,编写和谈论代码。 在过去的六个月中,我承担了新的职责,例如领导项目,促进技术讨论,领导跨团队合作以及加入新的团队成员。

While these new responsibilities provided a tremendous amount of growth opportunities, I was one step behind in recognizing the changes in my role and the new exceptions from my team.


For example, one piece of feedback I received was that while facilitating technical discussions, I should make sure we stay on topic and not get lost in details. My first reaction when I heard the feedback was that I didn’t even realize I was the facilitator for the discussion. I thought I was just a participant providing technical expertise.

例如,我收到的一份反馈是,在促进技术讨论的同时,我应该确保我们专注于主题,而不会迷失细节。 当我听到反馈时,我的第一React是我什至没有意识到自己是讨论的推动者。 我以为我只是提供技术专业知识的参与者。

Another bit of feedback I got was to focus more on the big picture and overall timeline of a project instead of only the part that was right in front of me. The feedback makes sense. After all, a major responsibility for a tech lead is to monitor projects’ progress and communicate them in a timely manner to external stakeholders. But in my mind, I was still thinking of myself as an individual contributor. Even though I knew I was leading the project, I was late to recognize all these new expectations and responsibilities.

我得到的另一点反馈是,更多地关注项目的总体情况和总体时间表,而不是仅仅关注我眼前的部分。 反馈是有意义的。 毕竟,技术负责人的主要责任是监视项目的进度,并及时将其传达给外部利益相关者。 但是在我看来,我仍然认为自己是个人贡献者。 即使我知道我正在领导该项目,但我迟到了所有这些新的期望和责任。

In other words, I was acting like an engineer at my current level, instead of a tech lead, the next level I wanted to grow into.

换句话说, 我在目前的水平上表现得像工程师一样,而不是我想要发展的下一级别的技术负责人。

This way of thinking — acting like you are one step ahead of yourself, or “fake it till you make it”, is applicable to many other things besides getting promotions. Many self-taught developers tell me they aren’t sure if they have learned enough to be a professional developer. My answer is always to act like you are ready and apply for jobs — that’s the only way to find out.

这种思考方式-像您一样领先一步,或“虚假直到成功”,除了获得晋升外,还适用于许多其他事情。 许多自学成才的开发人员告诉我,他们不确定他们是否学到足够的专业知识。 我的答案始终是表现得像您准备就绪并申请工作一样—这是找出答案的唯一方法。

This is a simple but powerful mental shift. I will start applying it at work and post updates on my personal blog (not Medium) reporting how it goes. Subscribe to follow along. I hope to see you next week in your inbox :)

这是一个简单而强大的思维转变。 我将开始在工作中应用它,并在我的个人博客 (不是中)上发布更新,报告其进展情况。 订阅跟随。 我希望下周在收件箱中见:)

My career plan for the year is to grow into a tech lead. I’m excited about all the learnings ahead and would love to share this journey with you in a brutally honest fashion. I will be sharing my weekly learnings on my personal blog (not Medium).

我这一年的职业计划是成长为技术领先者。 我对未来的所有学习感到兴奋,并希望以残酷诚实的方式与您分享这一旅程。 我将在我的个人博客 (不是Medium)上分享我的每周学习情况

In the next few months, I will focus on growing in the following areas, so you can expect to see learnings related to them:


  • focusing on the big picture of the project instead of near-term implementation details;着眼于项目的整体情况,而不是近期的实施细节;
  • balancing my efforts between leading projects and coding;在领导项目和编码之间平衡我的努力;
  • work-life balance for long-term productivity;工作与生活之间的平衡,以实现长期生产力;
  • the human side of software development: making sure everyone riding with me enjoys the ride and feels fulfilled and inspired.软件开发的人性化一面:确保与我一起骑行的每个人都喜欢骑行,并感到充实和启发。

PS: My coworker, Noa, also has a great piece of advice on this subject: “If you’re interested in a career transition, tell people about it.” Let your manager know, so they can look for opportunities for you. Let your peers know, so they can provide constructive feedback.

PS:我的同事Noa在这个问题上也有很多建议 :“如果您对职业过渡感兴趣,请告诉人们。” 让您的经理知道,以便他们可以为您寻找机会。 让您的同龄人知道,以便他们提供建设性的反馈。

Originally published at on January 16, 2019.

最初于2019年1月16日发布在 。




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