







struct kmem_cache {
/* 1) per-cpu data, touched during every alloc/free */struct array_cache *array[NR_CPUS];
/* 2) Cache tunables. Protected by cache_chain_mutex */unsigned int batchcount;unsigned int limit;unsigned int shared;unsigned int buffer_size;u32 reciprocal_buffer_size;
/* 3) touched by every alloc & free from the backend */unsigned int flags;      /* constant flags */unsigned int num;       /* # of objs per slab *//* 4) cache_grow/shrink *//* order of pgs per slab (2^n) */unsigned int gfporder;/* force GFP flags, e.g. GFP_DMA */gfp_t gfpflags;size_t colour;           /* cache colouring range */unsigned int colour_off; /* colour offset */struct kmem_cache *slabp_cache;unsigned int slab_size;unsigned int dflags;       /* dynamic flags *//* constructor func */void (*ctor)(void *obj);/* 5) cache creation/removal */const char *name;struct list_head next;/* 6) statistics */
#ifdef CONFIG_DEBUG_SLABunsigned long num_active;unsigned long num_allocations;unsigned long high_mark;unsigned long grown;unsigned long reaped;unsigned long errors;unsigned long max_freeable;unsigned long node_allocs;unsigned long node_frees;unsigned long node_overflow;atomic_t allochit;atomic_t allocmiss;atomic_t freehit;atomic_t freemiss;/** If debugging is enabled, then the allocator can add additional* fields and/or padding to every object. buffer_size contains the total* object size including these internal fields, the following two* variables contain the offset to the user object and its size.*/int obj_offset;int obj_size;
#endif /* CONFIG_DEBUG_SLAB *//** We put nodelists[] at the end of kmem_cache, because we want to size* this array to nr_node_ids slots instead of MAX_NUMNODES* (see kmem_cache_init())* We still use [MAX_NUMNODES] and not [1] or [0] because cache_cache* is statically defined, so we reserve the max number of nodes.*/struct kmem_list3 *nodelists[MAX_NUMNODES];/** Do not add fields after nodelists[]*/

当中struct kmem_list3结构体链接slab,共享快速缓存。其定义例如以下:

/** The slab lists for all objects.*/
struct kmem_list3 {struct list_head slabs_partial;  /* partial list first, better asm code */struct list_head slabs_full;struct list_head slabs_free;unsigned long free_objects;unsigned int free_limit;unsigned int colour_next;   /* Per-node cache coloring */spinlock_t list_lock;struct array_cache *shared;   /* shared per node */struct array_cache **alien;    /* on other nodes */unsigned long next_reap;    /* updated without locking */int free_touched;      /* updated without locking */

该结构包括三个链表:slabs_partial、slabs_full、slabs_free,这些链表包括缓冲区全部slab。slab描写叙述符struct slab用于描写叙述每一个slab:

/** struct slab** Manages the objs in a slab. Placed either at the beginning of mem allocated* for a slab, or allocated from an general cache.* Slabs are chained into three list: fully used, partial, fully free slabs.*/
struct slab {struct list_head list;unsigned long colouroff;void *s_mem;     /* including colour offset */unsigned int inuse;    /* num of objs active in slab */kmem_bufctl_t free;unsigned short nodeid;


struct kmem_cache *kmem_cache_create (const char *name, size_t size, size_t align, unsigned long flags, void (*ctor)(void *)); 


<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">void kmem_cache_destroy(struct kmem_cache *cachep);</span>



/*** kmem_cache_alloc - Allocate an object* @cachep: The cache to allocate from.* @flags: See kmalloc().** Allocate an object from this cache.  The flags are only relevant* if the cache has no available objects.*/
void *kmem_cache_alloc(struct kmem_cache *cachep, gfp_t flags)
{void *ret = __cache_alloc(cachep, flags, __builtin_return_address(0));trace_kmem_cache_alloc(_RET_IP_, ret,obj_size(cachep), cachep->buffer_size, flags);return ret;



<span style="font-family:Microsoft YaHei;">static void *kmem_getpages(struct kmem_cache *cachep, gfp_t flags, int nodeid);</span>


/*** kmem_cache_free - Deallocate an object* @cachep: The cache the allocation was from.* @objp: The previously allocated object.** Free an object which was previously allocated from this* cache.*/
void kmem_cache_free(struct kmem_cache *cachep, void *objp)
{unsigned long flags;local_irq_save(flags);debug_check_no_locks_freed(objp, obj_size(cachep));if (!(cachep->flags & SLAB_DEBUG_OBJECTS))debug_check_no_obj_freed(objp, obj_size(cachep));__cache_free(cachep, objp);local_irq_restore(flags);trace_kmem_cache_free(_RET_IP_, objp);



static __always_inline void *kmalloc(size_t size, gfp_t flags)
{struct kmem_cache *cachep;void *ret;if (__builtin_constant_p(size)) {int i = 0;if (!size)return ZERO_SIZE_PTR;#define CACHE(x) \if (size <= x) \goto found; \else \i++;
#include <linux/kmalloc_sizes.h>
#undef CACHEreturn NULL;
#ifdef CONFIG_ZONE_DMAif (flags & GFP_DMA)cachep = malloc_sizes[i].cs_dmacachep;else
#endifcachep = malloc_sizes[i].cs_cachep;ret = kmem_cache_alloc_notrace(cachep, flags);trace_kmalloc(_THIS_IP_, ret,size, slab_buffer_size(cachep), flags);return ret;}return __kmalloc(size, flags);


/*** kfree - free previously allocated memory* @objp: pointer returned by kmalloc.** If @objp is NULL, no operation is performed.** Don't free memory not originally allocated by kmalloc()* or you will run into trouble.*/
void kfree(const void *objp)
{struct kmem_cache *c;unsigned long flags;trace_kfree(_RET_IP_, objp);if (unlikely(ZERO_OR_NULL_PTR(objp)))return;local_irq_save(flags);kfree_debugcheck(objp);c = virt_to_cache(objp);debug_check_no_locks_freed(objp, obj_size(c));debug_check_no_obj_freed(objp, obj_size(c));__cache_free(c, (void *)objp);local_irq_restore(flags);





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