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#include "malloc.h"

char * changeOrder(char *s);

struct Node


char *data;

struct Node * link;


struct Node * top1 = NULL;

struct Node * top2 = NULL;

void Push1(char *s)


struct Node * temp = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

temp->data = s;

temp->link = top1;

top1 = temp;


char * Pop1()


struct Node * temp;

if (top1 == NULL) return "No element found!";

temp = top1;

char *s = top1->data;

top1 = top1->link;


return s;


void Push2(char *s)


struct Node * temp = (struct Node*) malloc(sizeof(struct Node));

temp->data = s;

temp->link = top2;

top2 = temp;


char * Pop2()


struct Node * temp;

if (top2 == NULL) return "No element found!";

temp = top2;

char *s = top2->data;

top2 = top2->link;


return s;


//If a command has more than 50 character, or doesn't have ';'

//return 0. Else return 1.

int isLegal(char *s)


int smallNumber = 20;

if (strlen(s) < smallNumber) smallNumber = strlen(s);

for (int i = 0; i < smallNumber; i++)


if (s[i] == ';')

return 1;


return 0;


//Read one command form user input.

char *readCommand(char *s, int position)


if (isLegal(s) == 0)


return "Cannot find ';' in your command or the length"

" of your command is too long, try again!";


static char command[20];

int num = 0;

while (s[position] != ';')


command[num++] = s[position++];


command[num++] = ';';

return command;


char * changeOrder(char *s)


static char container[100];

int num = 0;

while (num < strlen(s))


if (s[num] == '(')





else if (s[num] == ')')


while (true)


if (Pop1() == "(") break;



while (top2 != NULL)


strcat_s(container, Pop2());





char *t = readCommand(s, num);



num += strlen(t);



while (top1 != NULL)


char *t = Pop1();



while (top2 != NULL)


strcat_s(container, Pop2());


return container;


int main()


static char buf[] = { "command1;command2;command3;" };


return 0;



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