Configuration injection token创建的factory方法:

factory方法返回的值是{}, inject(DefaultConfig)和inject(RootConfig)三者的深度merge.

而DefaultConfig和ConfigChunk又是另外两个新的injection token:



import { CommonModule } from '@angular/common';
import { HttpClientModule } from '@angular/common/http';
import { NgModule } from '@angular/core';
import { EffectsModule } from '@ngrx/effects';
import { StoreModule } from '@ngrx/store';
import { StateConfig, StorageSyncType } from '../../state/config/state-config';
import { StateModule } from '../../state/state.module';
import { ASM_FEATURE } from './asm-state';
import { effects } from './effects/index';
import { metaReducers, reducerProvider, reducerToken } from './reducers/index';
import { provideDefaultConfigFactory } from '../../config/config-providers';export function asmStoreConfigFactory(): StateConfig {const config: StateConfig = {state: {storageSync: {keys: {'asm.asmUi': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.access_token': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.token_type': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.expires_in': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.expiration_time':StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.scope': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,'asm.csagentToken.value.userId': StorageSyncType.LOCAL_STORAGE,},},},};return config;
@NgModule({imports: [CommonModule,HttpClientModule,StateModule,StoreModule.forFeature(ASM_FEATURE, reducerToken, { metaReducers }),EffectsModule.forFeature(effects),],providers: [provideDefaultConfigFactory(asmStoreConfigFactory),reducerProvider,],
export class AsmStoreModule {}


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