When you’ve got a PC completely infected with viruses, sometimes it’s best to reboot into a rescue disc and run a full virus scan from there. Here’s how to use the Avira Rescue CD to clean an infected PC.

当您的PC完全感染了病毒时,有时最好重新启动进入应急光盘并从那里运行完整的病毒扫描。 这是使用Avira Rescue CD清洁被感染PC的方法。

We’ve previously covered how to clean an infected PC using the BitDefender or Kaspersky rescue disks, and loads of readers have written in saying thanks, and reporting that they were able to clean their PC easily. Be sure and check out our previous articles on the subject:

先前我们已经介绍了如何使用BitDefender或Kaspersky应急磁盘清洁受感染的PC,并且大量读者在致谢中写道,并表示他们能够轻松清洁PC。 请确保并查看我们以前关于该主题的文章:

  • How to Use the BitDefender Rescue CD to Clean Your Infected PC


  • How to Use the Kaspersky Rescue Disk to Clean Your Infected PC


Otherwise, keep reading for how it all works with Avira, a well-respected anti-virus solution.


将映像下载并刻录到光盘 (Download and Burn the Image to a Disc)

The first thing you’ll need to do is head over to the Avira site and download the latest version of their rescue CD—there are .exe and .ISO versions of the rescue CD available.


If you download the .exe version of the Rescue CD, you can actually use it to directly burn the image to a disk without any other software required. Just download, open it up, and then stick a disc into the drive.

如果您下载Rescue CD的.exe版本,则实际上可以使用它直接将映像刻录到磁盘上,而无需任何其他软件。 只需下载,打开它,然后将光盘插入驱动器即可。

If you have any problems with the integrated burning application, you can download the ISO instead and then use an application to burn that ISO image file to an optical disc—we prefer using ImgBurn, but there’s plenty of ways to burn an ISO to a disc.

如果集成刻录应用程序有任何问题,可以下载ISO,然后使用应用程序将该ISO映像文件刻录到光盘上-我们更喜欢使用ImgBurn ,但是有很多方法可以将ISO刻录到光盘上。

使用Avira Rescue CD清洁感染的PC (Using the Avira Rescue CD to Clean an Infected PC)

Once you’ve rebooted and put the CD in the drive, you’ll see a menu that lets you boot from the rescue system, or boot from the drive. If you don’t select anything, it’ll automatically boot into the rescue CD.

重新引导并将CD放入驱动器后,您将看到一个菜单,可让您从应急系统引导或从驱动器引导。 如果您没有选择任何内容,它将自动启动到应急CD中。

The first thing you’ll want to do is switch to the Update tab, and then choose Yes to apply the latest updates.


Now switch back over to the Virus scanner tab and click the Start Scanner button—it’ll take a long time, but it should clean up your PC.


It’s as simple as that. Enjoy your virus-free PC.

就这么简单。 享受无病毒的PC。

Download the Avira Rescue System


Download ImgBurn from Ninite


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/38889/how-to-use-the-avira-rescue-cd-to-clean-your-infected-pc/

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