linux rescue

So far in our series we’ve covered how to reset your Windows password with the Ultimate Boot CD, but if you are a little more technical you might want to simply use the excellent System Rescue CD, which is based on Linux.

到目前为止,在我们的系列文章中,我们已经介绍了如何使用Ultimate Boot CD重置Windows密码 ,但是,如果您有更多的技术知识,则可能只想使用基于Linux的出色的System Rescue CD。

Note that if you are using standard Windows encryption for your files, resetting the password will permanently disable access to those files. In that case you should crack the password, which is something we’ll cover in an upcoming article.

请注意,如果您对文件使用标准Windows加密,则重置密码将永久禁用对这些文件的访问。 在这种情况下,您应该破解密码,这将在以后的文章中介绍。

If you are an Ubuntu user and forgot your password, we’ve covered how to do that as well, either the easy way with the grub menu or alternately with the live cd.

如果您是Ubuntu用户,并且忘记了密码,我们还将介绍如何执行此操作,或者通过grub菜单的简单方法或通过live cd进行操作 。

创建系统救援CD (Creating the System Rescue CD)

Before you can do anything else, you’ll need to download a copy of the System Rescue CD and burn the ISO image to disc. For this task, I prefer the simple ImgBurn utility, but you are free to use whatever burning application you prefer instead.

在执行其他任何操作之前,您需要下载System Rescue CD的副本并将ISO映像刻录到光盘。 对于此任务,我更喜欢简单的ImgBurn实用程序,但是您可以自由使用自己喜欢的任何刻录应用程序。

If you are using ImgBurn, click the Write image file to disc button…


Click the File button near Source and then pick the ISO file, then click the Burn button near the bottom. That’s about all there is to it.

单击源附近的文件按钮,然后选择ISO文件,然后单击底部附近的刻录按钮。 这就是全部。

Download the System Rescue CD from

从sysresccd.org下载System Rescue CD

重设密码 (Resetting Your Password)

Now that you have your boot CD, you’ll want to boot from it, which will take you to this very informative prompt, with some basic instructions on how to use the CD.


The first thing we’ll want to do is mount the hard drive, using this command. (Note that you might not need to use the –o force argument, it’s only really for when the system didn’t shut down correctly)

我们要做的第一件事就是使用此命令挂载硬盘。 (请注意,您可能不需要使用–o force参数,这仅适用于系统未正确关闭的情况)

ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows –o force

ntfs-3g / dev / sda1 / mnt / windows –o强制

You can use the df –m command to verify that the drive has been mounted and that it’s the right drive. Note that it’s mounted on /mnt/windows at this point.

您可以使用df –m命令来验证该驱动器已安装并且是正确的驱动器。 请注意,此时已将其安装在/ mnt / windows上。

Now you’ll want to change directory into the Windows/System32/config directory inside of your windows installation. For mine, the full path was something like this, but it might be different on yours:

现在,您需要将目录更改为Windows安装中的Windows / System32 / config目录。 对于我来说,完整的路径是这样的,但是您的路径可能有所不同:

cd /mnt/windows/Windows/System32/config

cd / mnt / windows / Windows / System32 / config

Once you are in that directory, you should see that there is a SAM file, which is where we’ll want to change the passwords.


To change the password we’ll use the chntpw command, and it’s most useful to use the –l argument first to list out all the usernames in the file.


chntpw –l SAM

chntpw –l SAM

Now you can add the –u argument with your username, which will end up being something like this command, except you’ll want to replace geek with your username:


chntpw –u geek SAM

chntpw –u geek SAM

This will present you with a wizard type screen:


I’m going to assume that you want to set a new password, so just type “2” at the prompt, add in your password, and remember to use the “y” key when prompted to save.

我将假设您要设置一个新密码,因此只需在提示符下键入“ 2”,添加密码,并在提示保存时记住使用“ y”键即可。

At this point your password has been changed, so you can issue the reboot command to restart the computer (should take the disc out of the drive)


And now you should be able to login with the new password:


Note that I tested this technique on both XP, Vista and Windows 7 with good results.

请注意,我在XP,Vista和Windows 7上都测试了此技术,并取得了良好的效果。

Download ImgBurn from Ninite



linux rescue

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