Tired of Windows Live Messenger bloat and wishing that there was a simpler and cleaner replacement that would let you use your live.com and hotmail.com accounts? Look no further, now you can have all that messenger goodness with Emesene!

厌倦了Windows Live Messenger膨胀,并希望有一个更简单,更清洁的替代方法,让您使用live.com和hotmail.com帐户? 别无所求,现在您可以使用Emesene拥有所有的使者优势!

Installation & Initial Startup


The nice thing about Emesene is that it is an open source messenger that works on Windows and Linux (cross-platform is always a good thing!).

Emesene的好处是它是一个可在Windows和Linux上运行的开源Messenger(跨平台始终是一件好事! )。

One point of interest during the install is that Emesene states that it will require 51.4 MB of disk space…but this messenger is more than worth it!

在安装过程中,有一个有趣的地方是Emesene指出它将需要51.4 MB的磁盘空间……但是这个Messenger绝对值得!

Once you have finished the installation process and started Emesene for the first time, you will see the initial login window. To login you will need to enter your full live.com or hotmail.com address (i.e. user-name@live.com). You can select to have Emesene “Remember me”, “Remember password”, and “Auto-Login”. As with other messengers, you may also select your Status before fully logging in.

一旦完成安装过程并首次启动Emesene,您将看到初始登录窗口。 要登录,您需要输入完整的live.com或hotmail.com地址(即user-name@live.com)。 您可以选择让Emesene“记住我”,“记住密码”和“自动登录”。 与其他Messenger一样,您也可以在完全登录之前选择状态。

Pre & Post Login Menus


Here is a quick look at the pre-login menus…not too much that you can access at the moment.


Once you do get logged in though, you will have access to the following menus.


Plugins Manager


You may access the Plugins Manager through the Options Menu. To add plugins, select the ones that you are interested in and then click “Load New Plugins”. Notice that a brief description is provided for each plugin selected directly beneath the selection area (very nice!).

您可以通过“选项”菜单访问“插件管理器”。 要添加插件,请选择您感兴趣的插件,然后单击“加载新插件”。 请注意,为直接在选择区域下方选择的每个插件提供了简短描述(非常好! )。



The Preferences Window has three tabs to choose from. Here you can see the first one for General Preferences. You can make adjustments for File Transfers, Desktop Settings, and Connection Settings. Notice that one of the Desktop Settings will require a restart if selected.

首选项窗口有三个选项卡可供选择。 在这里,您可以看到“通用首选项”的第一个。 您可以调整文件传输,桌面设置和连接设置。 请注意,如果选择了“桌面设置”之一,则需要重新启动。

In the Appearance Tab you can make adjustments for Icon Size, Themes, Smiles, Text Formatting & Layout in Conversations, and Color Schemes. If you need to, you also have the option to “Revert” to the original default setup (wonderful!).

在外观选项卡中,您可以调整图标大小,主题,微笑,对话中的文本格式和布局以及配色方案。 如果需要,您还可以选择“还原”为原始默认设置(妙极了! )。

In the Interface Tab, you can make adjustments regarding Tabs in the Conversation Windows, Displaying of Avatars, and the areas that will display in the Main & Conversation Windows. To make changes in the Main & Conversation Windows, click on any of the “Blue Areas”…this performs the same action as “Select” and “Deselect”. This makes it extremely easy to adjust the layout and display for Emesene’s Windows!

在“界面”选项卡中,可以对“对话”窗口中的“选项卡”,“头像显示”以及将在“主对话”中显示的区域进行调整。 要在“主要和对话”窗口中进行更改,请单击“蓝色区域”中的任何一个……这与“选择”和“取消选择”执行相同的操作。 这使得调整Emesene Windows的布局和显示变得非常容易!

Ready To Go


Here you can see Emesene open and ready to go. Notice that in the upper right corner there is a small mail counter. This does a wonderful job of displaying the amount of new e-mails that you have and quickly adjusts to reflect any changes in that number (i.e. you have read some or all of them).

在这里,您可以看到Emesene打开并准备开始。 请注意,在右上角有一个小型邮件柜台。 这样可以很好地显示您拥有的新电子邮件的数量,并Swift进行调整以反映该数量的任何变化(即您已阅读了部分或全部电子邮件)。

There is a very nice Right Click Menu available as well.


The Message Window has a very nice layout with a Formatting Icon Bar available. Notice that you may also add new people to the conversation (Blue Plus Sign) and control file transfers (Green Arrow Symbol) from here as well.

消息窗口的布局非常漂亮,并带有格式图标栏。 请注意,您也可以从此处向对话中添加新人员(蓝色加号),并控制文件传输(绿色箭头符号)。



If you are looking for a very nice, uncomplicated, and “lite on system resources” replacement for Windows Live Messenger, then Emesene is definitely worth taking a close look at.

如果您正在寻找Windows Live Messenger的非常好用,简单且“精简的系统资源”替代品,那么Emesene绝对值得仔细研究。



Download Emesene (version 1.0.2) – SourceForge

下载Emesene(版本1.0.2)– SourceForge

Emesene Homepage


Learn More About Emesene – Emesene Wiki

了解有关Emesene的更多信息– Emesene Wiki

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/howto/2933/replace-windows-live-messenger-with-emesene/

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