科目编号:0463 座位号:
英语语音笔试题 (开卷)

根据读音规则为下列单词注音 (10分)

  1. Saturday 2. notify

  2. demand 4. country

5. answer 6. police

  1. pronounce 8. magazine

  2. popular 10. special

二、下列每组词中,有一词的划线部分发音与所给单词的划线部分的读音相同,找出这个词, 将答案写在括号中。(10分)
 ( )1.   refer
         a. permit         b. mercy     c. prisoner        d. answer
( )2. pleasure
a.possession b. television c.anxious d. precious
( )3. rush
a. dull b. butcher c. sugar d. push
( )4. arrive
a. challenge b. imagination c. aloud d. alphabet
( )5. done
a. gone b. none c. bone d. phone
( )6. northern
a. wealth b. throw c. strength d. thus
( )7. early
a. there b. care c. fair d. were
( )8. wealth
a. wreck b. sword c. warship d. answer
( ) 9. whole
a. where b. which c. what d. whom
( )10. erect
a. enough b. desk c. letter d. egg
三、找出各组单词中重读音节不同于其它三个的单词, 将答案写在括号中。 (5分)
( )1. a. single b. medal c. whisper d. pretend
( )2. a. elect b. accept c. lawyer d. regard
( )3. a. correct b. arrive c. soldier d. perhaps
( )4. a. pleasure b. express c. problem d. structure
( )5. a. inspire b. within c. excite d. million

四、给下列句子标上示调重音符号 (5分)

  1. He managed this matter secretly.

2… Her first lesson impressed me deeply.

  1. Whom are you looking for?

4.Do you prefer to stay at home?

  1. I wasn’t in a hurry, so I’d like to have a rest…

五、判断下列句子的正误, 将答案写在括号中。 (20分)
( )1. 双元音的第一个音比第二个更长些,但稍弱。
( )2. 英语破擦音的发音过程可以分为3个阶段,即送气,振动声带,让气流从缝隙中
( )3. 按发音方法分类,英语辅音可分为9类。
( )4. 元音在浊辅音前和在清辅音前的长度没有区别。
( )5. 音变现象中的强式一般出现在重读音节,弱式也可能出现在重读音节。
( )6. 特殊爆破有不完全爆破、鼻腔爆破和舌侧爆破,发音时都有成阻、持阻和除阻的过程。
( )7.〔r〕兼有元音和辅音的某些特点。发音方法接近元音,但起的作用是辅音。
( )8. 一个节奏群中重读音节越多,速度越快。
( )9. 在弱式中元音或辅音都可能消失。
( )10. 英语中最常用的语调为升调和降升调。

目编号:0463 座位号:
朗读下列单词和短语 (15分)
spot-sport leave-leaf note-nod glass-class
life-laugh slide-slip board-got duck-dark
file-fail might-mate chase-chess main-mean
sir-fur load-loud oath-earth choke-chalk
down town boil the oil take it away read aloud
II. 朗读下列短语和句子, 注意特殊爆破, 连读, 弱读和节奏 (15分)
l. quite late great mass gold medal
ink bottle a bad dream
2. I’ve sent you a box of chocolate. Jack isn’t as bad as I thought.
3. I’ve heard of it before He’s eager to be noticed by her.
III. 用正确的语音语调朗读短文 ( 20分 )
Once a wise man was crossing a certain mighty river. He wished to amuse himself and began to talk to the boatman.
" Do you know mathematics? " he asked. " No, sir " replied the boatman.
" Then you have lost one quarter of your life, " said the wise man.
" Do you know history? " " No, sir," answered the boatman.
" Then you have lost half of your life " said the wise man.
" Do you know philosophy? " said the wise man. " I don’t know that either, " said the boatman.
" Then you have lost three quarters of your life." Just then a sudden gust of wind o verturned the boat.
" Do you know how to swim? " asked the boatman. " No, " replied the wise man.
" Well then, " replied the boatman, "you have lost your whole life.
朗读下列单词和短语 (15分)
deed—did sleep-slip duck–dock gut-got
fail—fell took—tool chase-chess main—mean
cuff—calf pull—pool oath—earth choke—chalk
foe-fur load—loud bared-bird stairs—stirs
a poor tourist the curious jury make the way try another strike
II. 朗读下列短语和句子, 注意特殊爆破, 连读, 弱读和节奏 (15分)
1. good tale gold medal ink bottle a bad dream
2. Go straight ahead along the road. He arrived at eight exactly.
3. It doesn’t make me sad. I can’t forget the accident.
III. 用正确的语音语调朗读短文 ( 20分 )
The Rich and the Learned
A rich man, it is said, once asked a learned man why it was that men of science were so often to be seen at the doors of the rich, though rich men were very rarely seen at the doors of the learned.
“It is,” replied the scholar, “because the man of science knows the value of riches, and the rich man does not always know the value of science.”

朗读下列单词和短语 (15分)
leave—live duck—dark rub—rob not—naught
duck–dock gut-got file—fail might-mate
chase-chess main—mean bared-bird stairs—stirs
a poor tourist the curious jury boil the oil make the way

II. 朗读下列短语和句子,注意特殊爆破, 连读, 弱读和节奏 (15分)
l. gold medal quite late red dot a bad dream
2. The place has changed. Jack isn’t as bad as I thought.
3. I’ve heard of it before He’s eager to be noticed by her.
III. 用正确的语音语调朗读短文 ( 20分 )
“ I can’t understand it,” said Mr. Williams。 “ Oh,what can’t you understand?” said his friend. “ Well,” said Williams, “ just look at this suit I’m wearing. The wool was grown in , the cloth was woven in . The buttons were made in . The suit was made in . And I bought it in .” “ What’s so remarkable about that?” asked his friend. “ Isn’t it wonderful,” said Williams, taking no notice of the interruption, “that so many people can make a living out of something I haven’t paid for?”

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