The latest version

【C++ 程序】 TVJ Complex Calculator (v 2.2) 复数计算器


  • The latest version
  • 简介
  • 应用程序下载
  • Help
    • What is new in v 2.1
    • Simple test
    • 输入要求
  • 程序
    • Main.cpp
    • Complex.h
    • Complex.cpp
    • Calculator.h
    • Calculator.cpp
    • Cursor.h
    • Cursor.cpp
  • 分析
  • 复数类(Complex Class)其他应用
  • See also


这是一个用 Visual C++ 做的控制台界面复数计算器程序,支持多种复数有关运算以及混合运算。





What is new in v 2.1

  • add the calculator function
  • solve bugs

Simple test

  • (此功能可以跳过)

  • 输入复数一行两个实数,分别代表实部和虚部。(以回车结束)

  • 输入实数一行一个数。(以回车结束)

  • 如果输入错误则会有错误提示,要求重新输入。

  • simple test 结束后自动进入计算器模式。

  • 示例:



  • + 加法(双目)/正号(单目,仅限于式子开头和括号内的开头)
  • - 减法(双目)/负号(单目,仅限于式子开头和括号内的开头)
  • * 乘号(双目)
  • / 除号(双目)
  • ^ 乘方(双目)(此处仅支持次数为实数,若系数为复数,则虚部被忽略)
  • () 括号
  • [] 取模
  • <> 取共轭复数


  • 输入各字符间可以有空格
  • 输入支持括号之间的乘号省略
  • 输入以回车结束



  • 数学错误:除数不能为0!

  • 语法错误(没有配对的括号)

  • 不是英文字符(下图为输入了中文括号)

  • 语法错误

  • 语法错误(未定义的符号)

  • 输入错误数据


  • 指数的虚部被忽略。



/** Project: Complex* File: Main.cpp* -----------------** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/12/01* - modify according to calculator.cpp* @version 2020/11/29* - add the header Curcor.h* @version 2020/11/28* - modify the input section* @version 2020/11/27* - modify the input section* @version 2020/11/26* - initial version*/#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include "Complex.h"
#include "Calculator.h"
#include "Cursor.h"
using namespace std;Complex zero(0, 0);// set the colour green
void set_green()
}// set the colour yellow
void set_yellow()
}// set the colour white
void set_white()
}void init()
{cursor("hide");set_green();cout << "TVJ Complex Calculator(v 2.1)\n=============================\n" << endl;MessageBox(NULL, L"This is TVJ Complex Calculator (v 2.1)\nDesigned by\nTeddy van Jerry,\nStudent 1,\nStudent 2,\nStudent 3\n2020.12",L"Information", MB_ICONINFORMATION);int choice_help = MessageBox(NULL, L"Want to see HELP?", L"TVJ Complex Calculator", MB_YESNO | MB_ICONINFORMATION);if (choice_help == IDYES){// go to my CSDN blogShellExecute(NULL, L"open", L"explorer.exe", L"", NULL, SW_SHOW);}
}void simple_test()
{Complex a, b;double n;cursor("show");/*** Input* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/
re_input1:set_yellow();cout << "Please input complex number a: ";set_white();cin >> a;if ( // if it is illegal input{error(L"Illegal input!");cin.clear();cin.ignore(1, '\n');goto re_input1; // try again}re_input2:set_yellow();cin.ignore(100, '\n');cout << "Please input complex number b: ";set_white();cin >> b;if ( // if it is illegal input{error(L"Illegal input!");cin.clear();cin.ignore(1, '\n');goto re_input2; // try again}re_input3:set_yellow();cin.ignore(100, '\n');cout << "Please input a real number: ";set_white();cin >> n;if ( // if it is illegal input{error(L"Illegal input!");cin.clear();cin.ignore(1, '\n');goto re_input3; // try again}cursor("hide"); // hide the cursor/*** Test* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/cout << "\nThe real part of (" << a << ") is " << a.getReal() << endl;cout << "The real part of (" << b << ") is " << b.getReal() << endl;cout << "The imaginary part of (" << a << ") is " << a.getImaginary() << endl;cout << "The imaginary part of (" << b << ") is " << b.getImaginary() << endl;cout << "The conjugate of (" << a << ") is " << a.conjugate() << endl;cout << "The conjugate of (" << b << ") is " << b.conjugate() << endl;cout << "The modulus of (" << a << ") is " << a.modulus() << endl;cout << "The modulus of (" << b << ") is " << b.modulus() << endl;cout << "-a = " << zero - a << endl;cout << "-b = " << zero - b << endl;cout << "(" << a << ")^" << n << " = " << (a ^ n) << endl;cout << "(" << b << ")^" << n << " = " << (b ^ n) << endl;cout << "a + b = " << a + b << endl;cout << "a - b = " << a - b << endl;cout << "a * b = " << a * b << endl;cout << "a / b = " << a / b << endl;
}int main(int argv, int** argc)
{init();// give the choiceint choice = MessageBox(NULL, L"Want to have a simple test first?", L"Information", MB_ICONINFORMATION | MB_YESNO);if (choice == IDYES) // if choose yes{simple_test();cout << endl;cin.ignore(100, '\n');}complex_calculator(); // the calculator modereturn 0;


/** Project: Complex* File: Complex.h* -----------------** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/12/10* - modify some parameters into const reference* @version 2020/11/29* - add the convertion function(operator double())* @version 2020/11/27* - add function +=, -=, *=, /=, ^=* - add function error* - add function divide and power* - add function minus and multiply* - add function conjugate and modulus* @version 2020/11/26* - initial version*/#pragma once
#define _COMPLEX_
#include <iostream>
#include <cmath>
#include <Windows.h>extern double Inf; // declarevoid error(LPCWSTR error_info); // declareclass Complex {// friendship declaration/*** input* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/friend std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Complex& a);/*** output* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Complex& a);public:/*** Constructor list* used to initialize members Real and Inaginary* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex(double a = 0, double b = 0) :Real(a), Imaginary(b) {}// function prototype(declaration)/*** Add function* used to add two Complex numbers* return the sum of the two numbers* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex add(const Complex& a);/*** Minus function* used to minus two Complex numbers* return the difference of the two numbers* @ written by Student 2*/Complex minus(const Complex& a);/*** Multiply function* used to multiply two Complex numbers* return the difference of the two numbers* @ written by Student 2*/Complex multiply(const Complex& a);/*** Divide function* used to divide two Complex numbers* return the product of the two numbers* @ written by Student 3*/Complex divide(const Complex& a);/*** Power function* used to power one Complex number* return the power of it* @ written by Student 3*/Complex power(const int& n);/*** Power function(double)* used to power one Complex number* return the power of it* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex power(const double& n);/*** Conjugate function* return the conjugate of a Complex number* @ written by Student 1*/Complex conjugate();/*** Modulus function* return the modulus of a Complex number* @ written by Student 1*/Complex modulus();/*** GetReal function* return the real part of a Complex number* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/double getReal();/*** GetImaginary function* return the imaginary part of a Complex number* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/double getImaginary();/*** add* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator+(const Complex& a);/*** minus* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator-(const Complex& a);/*** multiply* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator*(const Complex& a);/*** divide* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator/(const Complex& a);/*** add* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator+=(const Complex& a);/*** minus* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator-=(const Complex& a);/*** multiply* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator*=(const Complex& a);/*** divide* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator/=(const Complex& a);/*** power* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator^(const double& n);/*** power* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator^=(const double& n);/*** power* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator^(const Complex& n);/*** power* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/Complex operator^=(const Complex& n);/*** isequal* return true if equal* return false if unequal* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/bool operator==(const Complex& a);/*** !isequal* return true if unequal* return false if equal* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/bool operator!=(const Complex& a);/*** Convertion* return the real part of the complex* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/operator double();private:/*** Private members* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/double Real;double Imaginary;
};/*** Input operator* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/
std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Complex& a);/*** Output operator* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/
std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Complex& a);/*** Error information* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/
void error(LPCWSTR error_info);/*** Warning information* @ written by Teddy van Jerry*/
void warning(LPCWSTR warning_info);


/** Project: Complex* File: Complex.cpp* -----------------* This file implements the Complex.h interface.** @author Teddy van Jerry, Student 1, Student 2, Student 3** @version 2020/12/10* - modify some parameters into const reference* @version 2020/11/29* - add the convertion function(operator double())* @version 2020/11/27* - add function +=, -=, *=, /=, ^=* - add function error* - add function divide and power* - add function minus and multiply* - add function conjugate and modulus* @version 2020/11/26* - initial version*/#include "Complex.h"double Inf = 0.0 / 0; // define Inf (infinite)Complex Complex::add(const Complex& a)
{// *this refers to the initial Complex number// (*this).func() equals to this->func()// (*this).member equals to this->memberdouble new_Real = this->Real + a.Real;double new_Imaginary = this->Imaginary + a.Imaginary;Complex result(new_Real, new_Imaginary);return result;
}Complex Complex::minus(const Complex& a)
{double new_Real = this->Real - a.Real;double new_Imaginary = this->Imaginary - a.Imaginary;Complex result(new_Real, new_Imaginary);return result;
}Complex Complex::multiply(const Complex& a)
{double new_Real = this->Real * a.Real - this->Imaginary * a.Imaginary;double new_Imaginary = this->Real * a.Imaginary + a.Real * this->Imaginary;Complex result(new_Real, new_Imaginary);return result;
}Complex Complex::divide(const Complex& a)
{double A = this->Real;double B = this->Imaginary;double C = a.Real;double D = a.Imaginary;if (C == 0 && D == 0){error(L"The denominator can't be zero!");Complex result(Inf, Inf);return result;}else{double new_Real = (A * C + B * D) / (C * C + D * D);double new_Imaginary = (C * B - A * D) / (C * C + D * D);Complex result(new_Real, new_Imaginary);return result;}
}Complex Complex::power(const int& n)
{if (!n) // if(n == 0){Complex result(1, 0);return result;}else{int N = n;bool f = true;if (n < 0){N = -N;f = false;}Complex result(this->Real, this->Imaginary);for (int i = 0; i < N - 1; i++){result *= *this;}Complex e(1, 0);if (f == false){result = e / result;}return result;}
}Complex Complex::power(const double& n)
{if (fabs(n - round(n)) < 1E-10) // if it is almost an integer{return power(static_cast<int>(round(n)));}else{// De Moivre's formuladouble argz = n * atan2(this->Imaginary, this->Real);double r = pow(this->modulus().Real, n);Complex result(r * cos(argz), r * sin(argz));return result;}
}Complex Complex::conjugate()
{double new_Real = this->Real;double new_Imaginary = -this->Imaginary;Complex result(new_Real, new_Imaginary);return result;
}Complex Complex::modulus()
{double mod = sqrt(pow(this->Real, 2) + pow(this->Imaginary, 2));Complex result(mod, 0);return result;
}double Complex::getReal()
{return this->Real;
}double Complex::getImaginary()
{return this->Imaginary;
}Complex Complex::operator+(const Complex& a)
{return this->add(a);
}Complex Complex::operator-(const Complex& a)
{return this->minus(a);
}Complex Complex::operator*(const Complex& a)
{return this->multiply(a);
}Complex Complex::operator/(const Complex& a)
{return this->divide(a);
}Complex Complex::operator+=(const Complex& a)
{*this = this->add(a);return *this;
}Complex Complex::operator-=(const Complex& a)
{*this = this->minus(a);return *this;
}Complex Complex::operator*=(const Complex& a)
{*this = this->multiply(a);return *this;
}Complex Complex::operator/=(const Complex& a)
{*this = this->divide(a);return *this;
}Complex Complex::operator^(const double& n)
{return this->power(n);
}Complex Complex::operator^=(const double& n)
{*this = this->power(n);return *this;
}Complex Complex::operator^(const Complex& n)
{return this->power(n.Real);
}Complex Complex::operator^=(const Complex& n)
{*this = this->power(n.Real);return *this;
}bool Complex::operator==(const Complex& a)
{if (this->Real == a.Real && this->Imaginary == a.Imaginary)return true;else return false;
}bool Complex::operator!=(const Complex& a)
{if (*this == a) return false;else return true;
}Complex::operator double()
{return Real;
}std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& input, Complex& a)
{input >> a.Real >> a.Imaginary;return input;
}std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& output, const Complex& a)
{if (a.Real != Inf) // if a.Real is not infinite(∞){double accuracy = 1E-16;if (fabs(a.Real) > accuracy){output << a.Real;if (a.Imaginary > accuracy){if (fabs(a.Imaginary - 1) < accuracy){output << " + i";}else{output << " + " << a.Imaginary << "i";}}else if (a.Imaginary < -accuracy){if (fabs(-a.Imaginary - 1) < accuracy){output << " - i";}else{output << " - " << -a.Imaginary << "i";}}}else{if (fabs(a.Imaginary + 1) < accuracy){output << "-i";}else if (fabs(a.Imaginary) < accuracy){output << 0;}else if (fabs(a.Imaginary - 1) < accuracy){output << "i";}else{output << a.Imaginary << "i";}}}return output;
}void error(LPCWSTR error_info)
{MessageBox(NULL, error_info, L"Error", MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
}void warning(LPCWSTR warning_info)
{MessageBox(NULL, warning_info, L"Warning", MB_ICONWARNING | MB_OK);


/** Project: Complex* File: Calculator.h* -----------------** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/12/01* - solve bugs* @version 2020/11/29* - initial version*/#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <sstream>
#include <vector>
#include <string>
#include "Complex.h"
#include "Cursor.h"/*** Class Part* store its content, type and value* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
class Part {public:// constructor listPart(std::string str = "undefined", std::string n = "undefined", Complex Value = 0) :content(str), type(n), value(Value) {}// the content of the part (including the string form of numbers)std::string content;// the type of the part (number/operator/i/Lbracket/Rbracket/complex)std::string type;// the value of the part (used as the element after calculating)// only valid when the type of Part is "complex"Complex value;
};// declare
void set_green();
void set_yellow();
void set_white();/*** Calculate the priority of each operator* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
int priority(char ch);/*** insert one element(new_w) into a vector(W) at a certain(n) place* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
template<typename T>
void insert(std::vector<T>& W, T new_w, int n);/*** delete elements in a vector(W) from n1 to n2* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
template<typename T>
void shrink(std::vector<T>& W, int n1, int n2);/*** Calculate the result of a postfix expression* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
int to_result(std::vector<Complex>& Number, std::vector<char>& Operator);/*** Change the infix expression to postfix expression* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
int to_postfix(std::vector<Part>& Parts, int i_beg, int i_end);/*** Input* read from a getline* convert into a vector of Part* return the state (error or not)* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
int input_complex(std::string line, std::vector<Part>& All_Parts);/*** to filter brackets out* return the state (error or not)* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
int filter_bracket(std::vector<Part>& Parts, int i_beg, int i_end);/*** Caluculator Function* read a string from cin* print the output of the expression* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
void complex_calculator();


/** Project: Complex* File: Calculator.cpp* -----------------* This file implements the Calculator.h interface.** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/12/01* - solve bugs* @version 2020/11/29* - initial version*/#include "Calculator.h"template<typename T>
void insert(std::vector<T>& W, T new_w, int n)
{T empty_part;W.push_back(empty_part);for (int i = W.size() - 2; i >= n; i--){W[i + 1] = W[i];}W[n] = new_w;
}template<typename T>
void shrink(std::vector<T>& W, int n1, int n2)
{T empty_part;if (n1 > n2) return;for (int i = n1; i != W.size(); i++){W[i] = (i + n2 - n1 + 1 < W.size()) ? W[i + n2 - n1 + 1] : empty_part;}for (int i = n1; i <= n2; i++){W.pop_back();}
}int priority(char ch)
{switch (ch){case '+': case'-':return 1;case '*':case '/':case'\\':return 2;case '^':return 4;default:return -1; // indicate error}
}int to_result(std::vector<Complex>& Number, std::vector<char>& Operator)
{int error_index = 0; // 0 indeicates succeeded, -1 indicates failed// used for test// std::cout << Operator.size() << " " << Number.size() << std::endl;for (int i = Number.size() - 2, j = Operator.size() - 1; j >= 0; i--, j--){switch (Operator[Operator.size() - 1 - j]){case '+':Number[i] += Number[i + 1];break;case '-':Number[i] -= Number[i + 1];break;case '*':Number[i] *= Number[i + 1];break;case '/': case'\\':extern Complex zero;if (Number[i + 1] == zero){error(L"Mathematic error!\nThe denominator can't be zero!");return -1; // error}else{Number[i] /= Number[i + 1];}break;case '^':if (Number[i + 1].getImaginary() != 0){warning(L"The imaginary part of the exponent is omitted.");}Number[i] ^= Number[i + 1];break;default:std::cerr << "What's up? It is " << Number[i] << std::endl;error(L"Programme Bug"); // impossible by theoryreturn -1;}Number.pop_back();}Operator.clear();return 0;
}int to_postfix(std::vector<Part>& Parts, int i_beg, int i_end)
{std::vector<Complex> Number;std::vector<char> Operator;std::vector<char> temp_operator;int num_Operator = 0;for (int i = i_beg + 1; i < i_end - 1; i++){// considering that operator - and + can be an unary operatorif (i == i_beg + 1){if (Parts[i_beg + 1].type == "operator"){if (Parts[i_beg + 1].content == "-" || Parts[i_beg + 1].content == "+"){Number.push_back(0);Operator.push_back(Parts[i_beg + 1].content[0]);num_Operator++;continue;}else // if not - or + but in the front, error{error(L"Grammatical error!");return -1;}}}if (Parts[i].type == "complex"){Number.push_back(Parts[i].value);continue;}if (Parts[i].type == "number"){std::istringstream is(Parts[i].content);double number;is >> number; // now the string number has been converted into doubleif ({error(L"Illegal input of number!");return -1;}Number.push_back(number);}else if (Parts[i].type == "i"){if (Parts[i + 1].content == "^"){if (num_Operator == Number.size()) // i.e. +i, -i{Number.push_back(1);}while (!temp_operator.empty() && priority('*') <= priority(*--temp_operator.end())){Operator.push_back(*--temp_operator.end());temp_operator.pop_back();}temp_operator.push_back('*');num_Operator++;Complex temp_i(0, 1);Number.push_back(temp_i);while (!temp_operator.empty() && priority('^') <= priority(*--temp_operator.end())){Operator.push_back(*--temp_operator.end());temp_operator.pop_back();}temp_operator.push_back('^');num_Operator++;++i;}else{if (num_Operator == Number.size()) // i.e. +i or -i{Complex result(0, 1);Number.push_back(result);}else{double temp = *--Number.end();Complex result(0, temp);Number.pop_back();Number.push_back(result);}}continue;}else if (temp_operator.empty()){switch (Parts[i].content[0]){case '+': case '-': case'*': case'/': case'\\': case'^':temp_operator.push_back(Parts[i].content[0]);num_Operator++;break;case ' ': case'\t': case'\r': case'\n':break;case ')': case '(':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched ()");return -1;case ']': case '[':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched []");return -1;case '>': case '<':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched <>");return -1;default:error(L"Grammatical error!\nUndefined operator!");// used for test// std::cout << "* /" << Parts[i].content[0] << std::endl;return -1;}}else{switch (Parts[i].content[0]){case '+': case '-': case'*': case'/': case'\\': case'^':while (!temp_operator.empty() && priority(Parts[i].content[0]) <= priority(*--temp_operator.end())){Operator.push_back(*--temp_operator.end());temp_operator.pop_back();}temp_operator.push_back(Parts[i].content[0]);num_Operator++;break;case ' ':case'\t':case'\r':case'\n':break;case ')': case '(':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched ()");return -1;case ']': case '[':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched []");return -1;case '>': case '<':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched <>");return -1;default:error(L"Grammatical error!\nUndefined operator!");// used for test// std::cout << "* /" << Parts[i].content[0] << std::endl;return -1;}}if ((Parts[i].type == "number" || Parts[i].type == "complex") && Number.size() < 1 + Operator.size()){error(L"Grammatical error!");return -1; // error}if (to_result(Number, Operator) == -1){return -1; // error}num_Operator = temp_operator.size();}for (int j = temp_operator.size() - 1; j >= 0; j--){Operator.push_back(temp_operator[j]);}if (Number.size() != 1 + Operator.size()){error(L"Grammatical error!");return -1; // error}if (to_result(Number, Operator)){return -1;}Complex final_result = Number[0];if (Parts[i_beg].content == "["){final_result = final_result.modulus();}else if (Parts[i_beg].content == "<"){final_result = final_result.conjugate();}// used for test// std::cout << "Final_result: " << final_result << std::endl;// the contents between two brackets have been calculated,// they will be replaced by a complex number.// First clear previous contents(shrink),// then insert the complex number in the type of Part.shrink(Parts, i_beg, i_end - 1);// used for test// std::cout << i_beg << " " << i_end << "/" << Parts.size() << std::endl;Part final_result_insert("", "complex", final_result);insert(Parts, final_result_insert, i_beg);return 0;
}int input_complex(std::string line, std::vector<Part>& All_Parts)
{Part first_one("(", "Lbracket"), last_one(")", "Rbracket");All_Parts.push_back(first_one);for (int i = 0; i < line.length(); i++){if (line[i] < 0 || line[i] > 255){error(L"Not legal English characters!");return -1;}if (isspace(line[i])) continue;std::string temp_number;while (i < line.length() && (isdigit(line[i]) || line[i] == '.')){temp_number += line[i++];if (i < line.length() && (line[i] < 0 || line[i] > 255)){error(L"Not legal English characters!");return -1;}}if (temp_number != ""){Part this_number(temp_number, "number");All_Parts.push_back(this_number);temp_number = ""; // recoveri--;continue;}else{std::string empty_str_here;switch (line[i]){case 'i': case'I':{Part this_i("i", "i");All_Parts.push_back(this_i);break;}case '+': case '-': case '*': case '/': case '\\': case '^':{Part this_operator(empty_str_here + line[i], "operator");All_Parts.push_back(this_operator);break;}case '(': case '[': case '<':{Part this_bracket(empty_str_here + line[i], "Lbracket");All_Parts.push_back(this_bracket);break;}case ')': case ']': case '>':{Part this_bracket(empty_str_here + line[i], "Rbracket");All_Parts.push_back(this_bracket);break;}default:error(L"Grammatical error!\nUndefined operator!");return -1; // error}}}All_Parts.push_back(last_one);for (int i = All_Parts.size() - 2; i >= 0; i--){// e.g. in case )(, add * between themif (All_Parts[i].type == "Rbracket" && All_Parts[i + 1].type == "Lbracket"){Part default_multiply("*", "operator");insert(All_Parts, default_multiply, i + 1);}}return 0;
}int filter_bracket(std::vector<Part>& Parts, int i_beg, int i_end)
{int error_index = 0; // 0 indicates succeeded, -1 indicates failedfor (int i = i_end - 2; i > i_beg; i--){if (Parts[i].type == "Rbracket"){std::string match_bracket = (Parts[i].content == ")") ? "(" : (Parts[i].content == "]") ? "[" : "<";// the difference between right brackets and left brackets// if difference is zero, we find the match of the bracketint difference = 1;for (int j = i - 1; j > i_beg; j--){if (Parts[j].content == Parts[i].content){difference++;}else if (Parts[j].content == match_bracket){difference--;}if (difference == 0){error_index = filter_bracket(Parts, j, i + 1);return (error_index == 0) ? 0 : -1;}}if (difference != 0){switch (Parts[i].content[0]){case ')':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched ()");break;case ']':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched []");break;case '>':error(L"Grammatical error!\nMismatched <>");break;}return -1; // error}}}error_index = to_postfix(Parts, i_beg, i_end);return (error_index == 0) ? 0 : -1;
}void complex_calculator()
{set_green();std::cout << "This is the Calculator mode.\n" << std::endl;while (1){set_yellow();cursor("show");std::cout << ">>> ";set_white();std::string line;getline(std::cin, line); // get the whole linestd::vector<Part> All_Parts;int feedback_input = input_complex(line, All_Parts);if (feedback_input == -1) // if there is an error{std::cerr << std::endl;continue;}int feedback_to_filter = 0;while (All_Parts.size() != 1){feedback_to_filter = filter_bracket(All_Parts, 0, All_Parts.size());// std::cout << All_Parts.size() << std::endl;if (feedback_to_filter == -1)break;}if (feedback_to_filter == -1){std::cerr << std::endl;continue;}set_yellow();std::cout << "-> Ans: ";set_white();std::cout << All_Parts[0].value << std::endl;std::cout << std::endl;}


/** Project: Complex* File: Cursor.h* -----------------** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/11/15* - initial version*/
#pragma once
#define _CURSOR_HS_
#include <Windows.h>
#include <string>/*** cursor("hide") will hide the cursor* cursor("show") will shou the cursor* @ written by Wuqiong Zhao*/
void cursor(std::string str);


/** Project: Complex* File: Cursor.cpp* -----------------* This file implements the Cursor.h interface.** @author Teddy van Jerry** @version 2020/11/15* - initial version*/#include "Cursor.h"void cursor(std::string str)
{HANDLE hOut = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);CONSOLE_CURSOR_INFO cci;for (auto& c : str)c = tolower(c);if (str == "hide"){// hide the cursorGetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);cci.bVisible = FALSE;SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);}else if (str == "show"){// show the cursorGetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);cci.bVisible = TRUE;SetConsoleCursorInfo(hOut, &cci);}


  • 复数类使用时应注意^符号优先级很低,比如加减法优先级都比它高(运算符重载无法改变其优先级)。
  • 另见我的博客 【C++ 程序】 TVJ Matrix Laboratory (v 1.1)
  • 另见我的博客 【笔记】 在 Visual C++ 中设置 exe 文件的图标。
  • 另见我的博客 【笔记】 在 Visual C++ 中设置 exe 文件的版本信息。
  • 另见我的博客 【笔记】 在 Visual C++ 中设置 MessageBox。
  • 另见我的博客 【笔记】 在 Visual C++ 中设置网页链接。

复数类(Complex Class)其他应用

【SEU程序设计课笔记】 17 - 2020/12/10 - Write C++ programs - 分形绘图

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED © 2020 Teddy van Jerry

See also

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