
Sometimes apps can misbehave due to missing or corrupt files. Windows makes it easy to repair a program installation when this happens or even to uninstall the program from your system entirely if you’re no longer using it.

有时,应用程序可能会由于丢失或损坏的文件而无法正常运行。 使用Windows,可以很容易地修复程序安装,如果不再使用它,甚至可以从系统中完全卸载该程序。

修复程序 (Repairing a Program)

Repairing a program works by checking all the files in the program’s folder, replaces any that need fixing, and may even check/fix entries in the Registry. It runs through the program’s installation again but tries to preserve any settings you’ve made.

修复程序的方法是检查程序文件夹中的所有文件,替换所有需要修复的文件,甚至可以检查/修复注册表中的条目。 它会再次运行该程序,但会尝试保留您所做的所有设置。

使用控制面板 (Using the Control Panel)

Hit Start, type “control panel” into the search box, and then click the result.


In the control panel window, click on “Programs.”


Next, click on “Programs and Features.”


You should now see a list of all the desktop programs currently installed on your computer. Scroll through the list and select the program you want to repair. If this feature is available for that program (not all programs support it), you’ll see a “Repair” button near the top of the list. Click that button.

现在,您应该看到计算机上当前安装的所有桌面程序的列表。 滚动列表,然后选择要修复的程序。 如果该功能可用于该程序(并非所有程序都支持此功能),您将在列表顶部附近看到“修复”按钮。 单击该按钮。

One caveat of using this feature is you’ll need to have the installation package still on your computer for Windows to be able to begin repairing the program. If you’ve already deleted it, then you’re going to have to go to the website and re-download the installer.

使用此功能的一个警告是,您需要将安装包仍保留在计算机上,以便Windows能够开始修复程序。 如果您已经删除了它,那么您将不得不去网站并重新下载安装程序。

After clicking “Repair,” Windows should handle the rest and quietly repair the affected program. If you’re presented with anything further, follow the dialog boxes until it is complete.

单击“修复”后,Windows应处理其余部分并静默修复受影响的程序。 如果进一步显示任何内容,请按照对话框进行操作,直到完成。

使用设置应用 (Using the Settings App)

You can repair a program the same way using the Settings app. This option contains a complete list of applications, including both Windows apps and traditional desktop programs.

您可以使用“设置”应用程序以相同方式修复程序。 此选项包含应用程序的完整列表,包括Windows应用程序和传统桌面程序。

To get started, open up the Settings app by pressing Win+I, then click on “Apps.”

首先,按Win + I打开“设置”应用程序,然后单击“应用程序”。

By default, it should open “Apps and Features” but if it doesn’t, select it from the list on the left.


Next, from the list below click on an app that you want to repair, then click on “Modify.”


Alternatively, you can use the search bar to locate the program a lot faster than scrolling through the list.


Depending on the application, a setup wizard will open, make sure you have “Repair” selected, then click on “Next.”


Follow the remaining prompts, and when it finishes, the program will be reinstalled and repaired.


卸载程序 (Uninstalling a Program)

Uninstalling a program can be useful to free up much-needed space on your hard drive or whether a program isn’t functioning as it should after attempting to repair, uninstalling the application may be the best option. This works the same way as you would repair a program, but instead of selecting the Repair/Modify option, you’ll be using the Uninstall button.

卸载程序可能有助于释放硬盘上急需的空间,或者在尝试修复程序后程序是否无法正常运行,最好是卸载应用程序。 这与修复程序的工作方式相同,但是将使用“卸载”按钮,而不是选择“修复/修改”选项。

使用控制面板 (Using the Control Panel)

Just like for repairing a program, open up Control Panel > Programs > Programs and Features to see a list of all the programs installed on your computer.


Select the program you want to remove from your computer and then click the “Uninstall” button at the top of the list.


You might be asked if you are sure you want to uninstall this program. Click “Yes.”

可能会询问您是否确定要卸载此程序。 点击“是”。

使用设置应用 (Using the Settings App)

Start by heading to Settings > Apps > Programs and Features. Scroll through the list and select the app you want to uninstall. Click the “Uninstall” button next to the app and then click “Uninstall” again on the pop-up that appears.

首先前往设置>应用>程序和功能。 滚动列表,然后选择要卸载的应用程序。 单击应用程序旁边的“卸载”按钮,然后在出现的弹出窗口中再次单击“卸载”。

Alternatively, you can use the search bar to locate the program a lot faster than scrolling through the list.


From here, Windows will take care of the rest and safely remove the program from your computer.




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