cb loss pytorch 实现,可直接调用

import numpy as np
import torch
import torch.nn.functional as Fdef focal_loss(logits, labels, alpha, gamma):"""Compute the focal loss between `logits` and the ground truth `labels`.Focal loss = -alpha_t * (1-pt)^gamma * log(pt)where pt is the probability of being classified to the true class.pt = p (if true class), otherwise pt = 1 - p. p = sigmoid(logit).Args:logits: A float tensor of size [batch, num_classes].labels: A float tensor of size [batch, num_classes].alpha: A float tensor of size [batch_size]specifying per-example weight for balanced cross entropy.gamma: A float scalar modulating loss from hard and easy examples.Returns:focal_loss: A float32 scalar representing normalized total loss."""bce_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(input=logits, target=labels, reduction="none")if gamma == 0.0:modulator = 1.0else:modulator = torch.exp(-gamma * labels * logits - gamma * torch.log(1 + torch.exp(-1.0 * logits)))loss = modulator * bce_lossweighted_loss = alpha * lossloss = torch.sum(weighted_loss)loss /= torch.sum(labels)return lossclass ClassBalancedLoss(torch.nn.Module):def __init__(self, samples_per_class=None, beta=0.9999, gamma=0.5, loss_type="focal"):super(ClassBalancedLoss, self).__init__()if loss_type not in ["focal", "sigmoid", "softmax"]:loss_type = "focal"if samples_per_class is None:num_classes = 5000samples_per_class = [1] * num_classeseffective_num = 1.0 - np.power(beta, samples_per_class)weights = (1.0 - beta) / np.array(effective_num)self.constant_sum = len(samples_per_class)weights = (weights / np.sum(weights) * self.constant_sum).astype(np.float32)self.class_weights = weightsself.beta = betaself.gamma = gammaself.loss_type = loss_typedef update(self, samples_per_class):if samples_per_class is None:returneffective_num = 1.0 - np.power(self.beta, samples_per_class)weights = (1.0 - self.beta) / np.array(effective_num)self.constant_sum = len(samples_per_class)weights = (weights / np.sum(weights) * self.constant_sum).astype(np.float32)self.class_weights = weightsdef forward(self, x, y):_, num_classes = x.shapelabels_one_hot = F.one_hot(y, num_classes).float()weights = torch.tensor(self.class_weights, device=x.device).index_select(0, y)weights = weights.unsqueeze(1)if self.loss_type == "focal":cb_loss = focal_loss(x, labels_one_hot, weights, self.gamma)elif self.loss_type == "sigmoid":cb_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy_with_logits(x, labels_one_hot, weights)else:  # softmaxpred = x.softmax(dim=1)cb_loss = F.binary_cross_entropy(pred, labels_one_hot, weights)return cb_lossdef test():torch.manual_seed(123)batch_size = 10num_classes = 5x = torch.rand(batch_size, num_classes)y = torch.randint(0, 5, size=(batch_size,))samples_per_class = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]loss_type = "focal"loss_fn = ClassBalancedLoss(samples_per_class, loss_type=loss_type)loss = loss_fn(x, y)print(loss)if __name__ == '__main__':test()

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