
官网: https://github.com/filecoin-project/rust-fil-proofs

The Filecoin Proving Subsystem provides the storage proofs required by the Filecoin protocol. It is implemented entirely in Rust,

storage-proofs is intended to serve as a reference implementation for Proof-of-Replication (PoRep), while also performing the heavy lifting for filecoin-proofs.






Filecoin Proofs (filecoin-proofs) A wrapper around storage-proofs, providing an FFI-exported API callable from C (and in practice called by go-filecoin via cgo). Filecoin-specific values of setup parameters are included here, and circuit parameters generated by Filecoin’s (future) trusted setup will also live here.

Filecoin Proofs(Filecoin Proofs)存储证明的包装器,提供一个可从C调用的FFI导出的API(在实践中由go Filecoin通过cgo调用)。这里包括特定于Filecoin的设置参数值,由Filecoin(将来)受信任的设置生成的电路参数也将存在于此。

Earlier in the design process, we considered implementing what has become the FPS in Go – as a wrapper around potentially multiple SNARK circuit libraries. We eventually decided to use bellman – a library developed by Zcash, which supports efficient pedersen hashing inside of SNARKs. Having made that decision, it was natural and efficient to implement the entire subsystem in Rust. We considered the benefits (self-contained codebase, ability to rely on static typing across layers) and costs (developer ramp-up, sometimes unwieldiness of borrow-checker) as part of that larger decision and determined that the overall project benefits (in particular ability to build on Zcash’s work) outweighed the costs.


We also considered whether the FPS should be implemented as a standalone binary accessed from go-filecoin either as a single-invocation CLI or as a long-running daemon process. Bundling the FPS as an FFI dependency was chosen for both the simplicity of having a Filecoin node deliverable as a single monolithic binary, and for the (perceived) relative development simplicity of the API implementation.

我们还考虑了FPS是否应该实现为一个独立的二进制文件,可以通过go filecoin进行访问,既可以作为单个调用CLI,也可以作为一个长时间运行的守护进程。选择将FPS捆绑为FFI依赖项,是因为将Filecoin节点作为单个单片二进制文件交付的简单性,以及API实现的(感知的)相对开发简单性。

However, the majority of technical problems associated with calling from Go into Rust are now solved, even while allowing for a high degree of runtime configurability.

NOTE: rust-fil-proofs can only be built for and run on 64-bit platforms; building will panic if the target architecture is not 64-bits.
注意:rust fil proof只能为64位平台构建和运行;如果目标架构不是64位,则构建将报错。

Optimizing for either speed or memory during replication

While replicating and generating the Merkle Trees (MT) for the proof at the same time there will always be a time-memory trade-off to consider, we present here strategies to optimize one at the cost of the other.

  • Speed 速度

One of the most computational expensive operations during replication (besides the encoding itself) is the generation of the indexes of the (expansion) parents in the Stacked graph, implemented through a Feistel cipher (used as a pseudorandom permutation). To reduce that time we provide a caching mechanism to generate them only once and reuse them throughout replication (across the different layers). Already built into the system it can be activated with the environmental variable
One of the most computational expensive operations during replication (besides the encoding itself) is the generation of the indexes of the (expansion) parents in the Stacked graph, implemented through a Feistel cipher (used as a pseudorandom permutation). To reduce that time we provide a caching mechanism to generate them only once and reuse them throughout replication (across the different layers). Already built into the system it can be activated with the environmental variable



To check that it’s working you can inspect the replication log to find using parents cache of unlimited size. As the log indicates, we don’t have a fine grain control at the moment so it either stores all parents or none. This cache can add almost an entire sector size to the memory used during replication, if you can spare it though this setting is very recommended as it has a considerable impact on replication time.

(You can also verify if the cache is working by inspecting the time each layer takes to encode, encoding, layer: in the log, where the first two layers, forward and reverse, will take more time than the rest to populate the cache while the remaining 8 should see a considerable time drop.)

Speed Optimized Pedersen Hashing - we use Pedersen hashing to generate Merkle Trees and verify Merkle proofs. Batched Pedersen hashing has the property that we can pre-compute known intermediary values intrinsic to the Pedersen hashing process that will be reused across hashes in the batch. By pre-computing and cacheing these intermediary values, we decrease the runtime per Pedersen hash at the cost of increasing memory usage. We optimize for this speed-memory trade-off by varying the cache size via a Pedersen Hash parameter known as the “window-size”. This window-size parameter is configured via the pedersen_hash_exp_window_size setting in storage-proofs. By default, Bellman has a cache size of 256 values (a window-size of 8 bits), we increase the cache size to 65,536 values (a window-size of 16 bits) which results in a roughly 40% decrease in Pedersen Hash runtime at the cost of a 9% increase in memory usage. See the Pedersen cache issue for more benchmarks and expected performance
Pedersen hash 性能优化-我们使用Pedersen散列生成Merkle树并验证Merkle证明。批处理的Pedersen散列具有这样的属性:我们可以预先计算Pedersen散列过程的内部已知中介值,这些值将在批处理中的散列之间重用。通过预计算和缓存这些中间值,我们减少了每个佩德森散列的运行时,同时增加了内存使用量。我们通过一个称为“窗口大小”的Pedersen散列参数来改变缓存大小,从而优化这种速度内存权衡。此窗口大小参数是通过存储证明中的 pedersen_hash_exp_window_size 设置配置的。默认情况下,Bellman的缓存大小为256个值(窗口大小为8位),我们将缓存大小增加到65536个值(窗口大小为16位),这将导致Pedersen哈希运行时减少大约40%,而内存使用量增加了9%。请参阅Pedersen缓存问题以获取更多基准和预期的性能效果。

  • 内存
    At the moment the default configuration is set to reduce memory consumption as much as possible so there’s not much to do from the user side. (We are now storing MTs on disk, which were the main source of memory consumption.) You should expect a maximum RSS between 1-2 sector sizes, if you experience peaks beyond that range please report an issue (you can check the max RSS with the /usr/bin/time -v command).
    目前,默认配置被设置为尽可能减少内存消耗,因此用户端没有太多工作要做。(我们现在正在磁盘上存储MTs,这是内存消耗的主要来源。)您应该期望最大RSS在1-2个扇区大小之间,如果您遇到超出该范围的峰值,请报告一个问题(您可以使用/usr/bin/time -v命令检查最大RSS)。

Memory Optimized Pedersen Hashing - for consumers of storage-proofs concerned with memory usage, the memory usage of Pedersen hashing can be reduced by lowering the Pederen Hash window-size parameter (i.e. its cache size). Reducing the cache size will reduce memory usage while increasing the runtime per Pedersen hash. The Pedersen Hash window-size can be changed via the setting pedersen_hash_exp_window_size in settings.rs. See the Pedersen cache issue for more benchmarks and expected performance effects.
内存优化的Pedersen哈希-对于关注内存使用的存储证明的使用者,可以通过降低Pederen哈希窗口大小参数(即其缓存大小)来减少Pedersen哈希的内存使用。减少缓存大小将减少内存使用,同时增加每个Pedersen哈希的运行时数。Pedersen Hash窗口大小可以通过设置Pedersen_Hash_exp_window_size来更改设置.rs。有关更多基准和预期性能影响,请参阅Pedersen缓存问题。

The following benchmarks were observed when running replication on 1MiB (1024 kibibytes) of data on a new m5a.2xlarge EC2 instance with 32GB of RAM for Pedersen Hash window-sizes of 16 (the current default) and 8 bits:
在一个新的m5a.2xlarge EC2实例上对1MiB(1024 kibibytes)的数据运行复制时,观察到了以下基准,对于Pedersen哈希窗口大小为16(当前默认值)和8位的32GB RAM:

$ cargo build --bin benchy --release
$ env time -v cargo run --bin benchy --release -- stacked --size=1024window-size: 16
User time (seconds): 87.82
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1712320window-size: 8
User time (seconds): 128.85
Maximum resident set size (kbytes): 1061564

Note that for a window-size of 16 bits the runtime for replication is 30% faster while the maximum RSS is about 40% higher compared to a window-size of 8 bits.



Feistel 密码结构是用于分组密码中的一种对称结构。以它的发明者 Horst Feistel 为名,而Horst Feistel 本人是一位物理学家兼密码学家,在他为 IBM 工作的时候,为Feistel 密码结构的研究奠定了基础。很多密码标准都采用了Feistel 结构,其中包括DES。










什么是Pedersen Hash?

参考URL: https://www.tuoluocaijing.cn/article/detail-49313.html
Zcash - 深入浅出 Pedersen Hash/Commitment 计算
参考URL: https://www.chainnews.com/articles/179526099055.htm
什么是Pedersen Hash?

ZCash 用 Pedersen Hash 替换掉了 SHA256。
从传统上看,Pedersen Hash 是一个存在了很多很多年的古老算法,一直被认为非常低效而已经被人遗忘。但是在 零知识证明技术 zkSNARK 中,Pedersen Hash 的构造电路却可以非常精简,性能居然出奇地好。电路规模大概只有 SHA256 的 三十分之一。


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