
 @Testpublic void shouldRemovesAllFmReportFromDb(){FmReport fmReport1 = givenFmReportIsStoredInDb();FmReport fmReport2 = givenFmReportIsStoredInDb();FmReport fmReport3 = givenFmReportIsStoredInDb();Integer previousSize = getEntityManager().createQuery( "SELECT re FROM FmReport re" ).getResultList().size();System.out.println("*** before delete, the size is " + previousSize);FmReport fmReportById1 = getEntityManager().find(FmReport.class, fmReport1.getId());Assert.assertNotNull( fmReportById1 );getEntityManager().createQuery( "DELETE FROM FmReport" ).executeUpdate();Integer finalSize = getEntityManager().createQuery( "SELECT re FROM FmReport re" ).getResultList().size();System.out.println("*** after delete, the size is " + finalSize);Assert.assertNull( getEntityManager().find(FmReport.class, fmReport1.getId()));}


18:25:36.027 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
18:25:36.029 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
18:25:36.029 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.SessionFactoryImpl - Checking 0 named SQL queries
18:25:36.042 [main] DEBUG o.h.s.internal.StatisticsInitiator - Statistics initialized [enabled=false]
18:25:36.105 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry - Initializing EntityManagerFactoryRegistry : org.hibernate.ejb.internal.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry@6ef93d8a
18:25:36.105 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry - Registering EntityManagerFactory: test-pu 18:25:36.216 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl - begin
18:25:36.216 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Obtaining JDBC connection
18:25:36.216 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Obtained JDBC connection
18:25:36.216 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - initial autocommit status: true
18:25:36.216 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - disabling autocommit
18:25:36.223 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
18:25:36.231 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[1]]
18:25:36.234 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 1, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
18:25:36.249 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
18:25:36.249 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[2]]
18:25:36.249 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 2, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
18:25:36.250 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
18:25:36.250 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[3]]
18:25:36.250 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 3, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
18:25:36.268 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing flush-time cascades
18:25:36.270 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections
18:25:36.273 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 3 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
18:25:36.273 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
18:25:36.274 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
18:25:36.277 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.277 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.277 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.277 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.spi.ActionQueue - Changes must be flushed to space: fm_report
18:25:36.289 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
18:25:36.295 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
18:25:36.296 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
18:25:36.300 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select fmreport0_.id as id1_0_, fmreport0_.alarms_json as alarms_j2_0_, fmreport0_.date as date3_0_ from fm_report fmreport0_
18:25:36.302 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 0
18:25:36.306 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[FmReport#1]
18:25:36.307 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 1
18:25:36.308 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[FmReport#2]
18:25:36.309 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 2
18:25:36.309 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[FmReport#3]
*** before delete, the size is 3
18:25:36.322 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing flush-time cascades
18:25:36.323 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections
18:25:36.323 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
18:25:36.324 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
18:25:36.324 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
18:25:36.324 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.324 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.324 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.330 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - delete from fm_report
18:25:36.334 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing flush-time cascades
18:25:36.335 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections
18:25:36.337 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
18:25:36.337 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
18:25:36.337 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
18:25:36.337 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.338 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.338 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.338 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select fmreport0_.id as id1_0_, fmreport0_.alarms_json as alarms_j2_0_, fmreport0_.date as date3_0_ from fm_report fmreport0_
*** after delete, the size is 0
18:25:36.338 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing flush-time cascades
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl - rolling back
18:25:36.343 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - rolled JDBC Connection
18:25:36.343 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - re-enabling autocommit
18:25:36.346 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl - HHH000420: Closing un-released batch
18:25:36.346 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Releasing JDBC connection
18:25:36.346 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Released JDBC connectionjava.lang.AssertionError: expected null, but was:<FmReport@88dfd83>

18:25:36.330 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - delete from fm_report
并且entity printer的打印显示它们仍然存在:

18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}


  • hibernate query的executeUpdate()是直接对数据库进行操作
  • executeUpdate()不对cache进行更新,executeUpdate()会造成find()和query select的不同步。



This means that manipulating data directly in the database (using the SQL Data Manipulation Language (DML) the statements: INSERT, UPDATE, DELETE) will not affect in-memory state. However, Hibernate provides methods for bulk SQL-style DML statement execution that is performed through the Hibernate Query Language (HQL).

并且,hibernate做了多次的dirty checking collections:

    Line 21: 18:25:36.270 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collectionsLine 41: 18:25:36.323 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collectionsLine 50: 18:25:36.335 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collectionsLine 60: 18:25:36.339 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections


        getEntityManager().clear();getEntityManager().createQuery( "delete FmReport" ).executeUpdate();


14:14:16.348 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- HQL AST ---\-[DELETE] Node: 'DELETE'\-[FROM] Node: 'FROM'\-[RANGE] Node: 'RANGE'\-[DOT] Node: '.'+-[DOT] Node: '.'|  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[IDENT] Node: 'com'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'nsn'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'ood'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'cp'|  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'aswu'|  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'fm'|  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'nms'|  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'db'|  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'report'|  \-[IDENT] Node: 'domain'\-[IDENT] Node: 'FmReport'14:14:16.348 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.352 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete << begin [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.353 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.internal.ast.tree.FromElement - FromClause{level=1} : com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport (<no alias>) -> fmreport0_
14:14:16.354 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete : finishing up [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.354 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete >> end [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.355 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- SQL AST ---\-[DELETE] DeleteStatement: 'DELETE'  querySpaces (fm_report)\-[FROM] FromClause: 'FROM' FromClause{level=1, fromElementCounter=1, fromElements=1, fromElementByClassAlias=[], fromElementByTableAlias=[fmreport0_], fromElementsByPath=[], collectionJoinFromElementsByPath=[], impliedElements=[]}\-[FROM_FRAGMENT] FromElement: 'fm_report' FromElement{explicit,not a collection join,not a fetch join,fetch non-lazy properties,classAlias=null,role=null,tableName=fm_report,tableAlias=fmreport0_,origin=null,columns={,className=com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport}}14:14:16.355 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.358 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.358 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.SessionFactoryImpl - Checking 0 named SQL queries
14:14:16.369 [main] DEBUG o.h.s.internal.StatisticsInitiator - Statistics initialized [enabled=false]
14:14:16.449 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry - Initializing EntityManagerFactoryRegistry : org.hibernate.ejb.internal.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry@775dfcbc
14:14:16.449 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.EntityManagerFactoryRegistry - Registering EntityManagerFactory: test-pu 14:14:16.589 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl - begin
14:14:16.589 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Obtaining JDBC connection
14:14:16.589 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Obtained JDBC connection
14:14:16.589 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - initial autocommit status: true
14:14:16.589 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - disabling autocommit
14:14:16.597 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
14:14:16.619 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[1]]
14:14:16.624 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 1, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
14:14:16.644 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
14:14:16.645 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[2]]
14:14:16.645 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 2, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
14:14:16.645 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select nextval ('fm_report_id_seq')
14:14:16.645 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.id.SequenceGenerator - Sequence identifier generated: BasicHolder[java.lang.Long[3]]
14:14:16.645 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractSaveEventListener - Generated identifier: 3, using strategy: org.hibernate.id.SequenceHiLoGenerator
14:14:16.665 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Processing flush-time cascades
14:14:16.666 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Dirty checking collections
14:14:16.669 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 3 insertions, 0 updates, 0 deletions to 3 objects
14:14:16.669 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.i.AbstractFlushingEventListener - Flushed: 0 (re)creations, 0 updates, 0 removals to 0 collections
14:14:16.672 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - Listing entities:
14:14:16.675 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport{id=3, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
14:14:16.675 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport{id=2, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
14:14:16.676 [main] DEBUG o.h.internal.util.EntityPrinter - com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport{id=1, alarmsJson=jsonString, date=Thu Jan 01 08:00:00 CST 1970}
14:14:16.676 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.engine.spi.ActionQueue - Changes must be flushed to space: fm_report
14:14:16.693 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
14:14:16.702 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
14:14:16.703 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - insert into fm_report (alarms_json, date, id) values (?, ?, ?)
14:14:16.711 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select fmreport0_.id as id1_0_, fmreport0_.alarms_json as alarms_j2_0_, fmreport0_.date as date3_0_ from fm_report fmreport0_
14:14:16.712 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 0
14:14:16.715 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport#1]
14:14:16.715 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 1
14:14:16.715 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport#2]
14:14:16.715 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result set row: 2
14:14:16.715 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Result row: EntityKey[com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport#3]
*** before delete, the size is 3
14:14:16.723 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - parse() - HQL: delete com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport
14:14:16.726 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- HQL AST ---\-[DELETE] Node: 'delete'\-[FROM] Node: 'FROM'\-[RANGE] Node: 'RANGE'\-[DOT] Node: '.'+-[DOT] Node: '.'|  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[DOT] Node: '.'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  +-[IDENT] Node: 'com'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'nsn'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'ood'|  |  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'cp'|  |  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'aswu'|  |  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'fm'|  |  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'nms'|  |  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'db'|  |  \-[IDENT] Node: 'report'|  \-[IDENT] Node: 'domain'\-[IDENT] Node: 'FmReport'14:14:16.726 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.727 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete << begin [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.727 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.internal.ast.tree.FromElement - FromClause{level=1} : com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport (<no alias>) -> fmreport0_
14:14:16.727 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete : finishing up [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.727 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.antlr.HqlSqlBaseWalker - delete >> end [level=1, statement=delete]
14:14:16.728 [main] DEBUG o.h.h.i.ast.QueryTranslatorImpl - --- SQL AST ---\-[DELETE] DeleteStatement: 'delete'  querySpaces (fm_report)\-[FROM] FromClause: 'FROM' FromClause{level=1, fromElementCounter=1, fromElements=1, fromElementByClassAlias=[], fromElementByTableAlias=[fmreport0_], fromElementsByPath=[], collectionJoinFromElementsByPath=[], impliedElements=[]}\-[FROM_FRAGMENT] FromElement: 'fm_report' FromElement{explicit,not a collection join,not a fetch join,fetch non-lazy properties,classAlias=null,role=null,tableName=fm_report,tableAlias=fmreport0_,origin=null,columns={,className=com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport}}14:14:16.728 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.728 [main] DEBUG o.h.hql.internal.ast.ErrorCounter - throwQueryException() : no errors
14:14:16.730 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - delete from fm_report
14:14:16.732 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select fmreport0_.id as id1_0_, fmreport0_.alarms_json as alarms_j2_0_, fmreport0_.date as date3_0_ from fm_report fmreport0_
*** after delete, the size is 0
14:14:16.733 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Loading entity: [com.nsn.ood.cp.aswu.fm.nms.db.report.domain.FmReport#1]
14:14:16.733 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.SQL - select fmreport0_.id as id1_0_0_, fmreport0_.alarms_json as alarms_j2_0_0_, fmreport0_.date as date3_0_0_ from fm_report fmreport0_ where fmreport0_.id=?
14:14:16.733 [main] DEBUG org.hibernate.loader.Loader - Done entity load
14:14:16.734 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.spi.AbstractTransactionImpl - rolling back
14:14:16.738 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - rolled JDBC Connection
14:14:16.738 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.t.i.jdbc.JdbcTransaction - re-enabling autocommit
14:14:16.739 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.internal.JdbcCoordinatorImpl - HHH000420: Closing un-released batch
14:14:16.739 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Releasing JDBC connection
14:14:16.739 [main] DEBUG o.h.e.j.i.LogicalConnectionImpl - Released JDBC connection

这下清爽了许多,而且也没有了dirty checking的开销


    /*** Clear the persistence context, causing all managed* entities to become detached. Changes made to entities that* have not been flushed to the database will not be* persisted.*/public void clear();

如果在clear之前我们有还有没提交的transaction, 那之前保存在内存中还没提交到数据库的修改就会被丢弃。

Clearing the entity manager empties its associated cache, forcing new database queries to be executed later in the transaction. It’s almost never necessary to clear the entity manager when using a transaction-bound entity manager. I see two reasons to clear:

  • when doing batch processing, in order to avoid having a giant cache eating memory and increasing the time to flush because of long dirty checks
  • when you’re doing DML or SQL queries, which completely bypass the entity manager cache. In this case, the state held by the cache doesn’t reflect what is in the database because of the queries, so you want to clear the cache to avoid this inconsistency.


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    1.清空不带外键约束的数据表中的数据 使用delete语句清空`t_test`表中的数据 delete from `t_test`; 使用truncate语句清空`t_test`表中的数据 trunc ...

  4. MySQL - 删除数据库表中的数据

    删除数据库表中的数据 删除数据记录是数据操作中常见的操作,可以删除表中已经存在的数据记录.在MySQL中可以通过DELETE语句来删除数据记录,该SQL语句可以通过以下几种方式使用:删除特定数据记录. ...

  5. oracle 两表去除重复的数据,Oracle数据库删除两表中相同数据的方法

    在Oracle数据库中删除两表中相同数据的方法是用到in语句,本文通过实例来讲解删除两表中相同数据的方法. 软件环境: 1.Windows NT4.0+ORACLE 8.0.4. 2.Oracle安装 ...

  6. 数据库笔记03:管理数据表中的数据

    /***************************  第三单元:管理数据表中的数据 ***************************/ /************************* ...

  7. xlsx表格怎么做汇总统计_Excel表格中如何快速汇总多个数据表中的数据

    原标题:Excel表格中如何快速汇总多个数据表中的数据 在Excel工作表中,如果需要汇总报告多个单独单元格的结果,可以将这些单元格中的数据合并到一个主工作表中.这些工作表可以与主工作表在同一个工作簿 ...

  8. 17.2.3 通过查看triggers数据表中的数据查看触发器的信息

    17.2.3 通过查看triggers数据表中的数据查看触发器的信息 在MySQL中,会将触发器的信息存储到information_schema数据库中的triggers数据表中.可以通过查看info ...

  9. 编写Scala代码,使用Spark讲Mysql数据表中的数据抽取到Hive的ODS层

    编写Scala代码,使用Spark讲Mysql数据表中的数据抽取到Hive的ODS层 抽取MySQL的metast库中Production表的全量数据进入Hive的ods库中表production,字 ...

  10. mysql视图中可以删除数据吗_sql問題 删除视图中的数据,表中的数据会删除吗?

    如果你那个视图,是 单表的, 没写 触发器的. 那么 如果 删除视图中的数据 成功了,那么 表中的数据 就被删除了. 如果那个视图, 写了个 INSTEAD OF 触发器. 但是里面没有任何删除的动作 ...


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