查看cbr vbr

If you use Calibre, the veritable Swiss Army knife of ebook management, you might not realize it can also view and organize digital comic books—though it’s a little janky out of the box.

如果您使用Caliber (名副其实的电子书管理瑞士军刀) ,您可能不会意识到它还可以查看和组织数字漫画,尽管它有点开箱即用。

口径如何处理漫画 (How Calibre Handles Comics)

A fresh installation of Calibre handles ebooks right out of the gate, without any tweaking. Throw some EPUB, MOBI, or other ebook formats at it, and it will automatically open all of them with the internal ebook reader packaged right with Calibre. When it comes to comic book archive files, like CBR and CBZ, however, things are a little different.

全新的Calibre安装可立即处理电子书,而无需进行任何调整。 将一些EPUB,MOBI或其他电子书格式扔给它,它会使用Calibre附带的内置电子书阅读器自动打开所有这些格式。 但是,当涉及到CBR和CBZ等漫画档案文件时,情况有所不同。

Calibre can organize these files in your library, but if you try to read them, it’ll do one of two things. It either attempts to launch an external application based on whatever operating-system level file association you have set (but fails if there is no file association) or it launches its internal file reader—but only if you’ve expressly configured it to do so.

Caliber可以在您的库中组织这些文件,但是如果您尝试读取它们,它将执行以下两项操作之一。 它要么尝试根据您设置的任何操作系统级别的文件关联来启动外部应用程序(但如果没有文件关联则失败),或者启动其内部文件读取器,但前提是您已经明确配置了这样做。

If you want Calibre to launch an external comic book viewer, that’s easy enough: simply install a third-party tool like the incredibly popular CDisplay Ex and it will automatically create the file association for you (if you need help manually creating a file association in Windows, check out our guide here).

如果您希望Calibre启动外部漫画阅读器,这很简单:只需安装一个第三方工具,例如非常受欢迎的CDisplay Ex ,它会自动为您创建文件关联(如果需要帮助,请手动在其中创建文件关联Windows,请在此处查看我们的指南)。

We recommend, however, enabling Calibre’s internal viewer too. It’s helpful if you’re just organizing comics and want to peek inside, and you can enable it without messing with your file associations. That way, you can still do your heavy reading with CDisplay, but Calibre can see inside your comics without needing to open a separate app. Here’s how to enable that.

但是,我们建议也启用Calibre的内部查看器。 如果您只是组织漫画并且想窥视里面,这将很有帮助,并且可以启用它而不会弄乱您的文件关联。 这样,您仍然可以使用CDisplay进行大量阅读,但是Calibre无需打开单独的应用程序即可看到漫画中的内容。 启用方法如下。

如何启用Calibre的内部阅读器 (How to Enable Calibre’s Internal Reader)

To enable comic book reading within Calibre, fire up Calibre and click on the “Preferences” icon in the upper right corner of the window.


Within the Preferences menu, select “Behavior”.


Within the Behavior menu, look for the column on the right hand side labeled “Use internal viewer for:” and check CBR and CBZ. Be sure to click “Apply” at the bottom to save the changes.

在“行为”菜单中,找到右侧标记为“将内部查看器用于:”的列,然后检查CBR和CBZ。 确保单击底部的“应用”以保存更改。

Now when you click on a CBR or CBZ file from within Calibre, it will launch Calibre’s file handler, like so:


But again, setting up the internal file viewer in this fashion does not change any system-wide file associations. So if you double-click a CBR or CBZ file from within Windows, it’ll open in your preferred comic reading app instead.

但是同样,以这种方式设置内部文件查看器不会更改任何系统范围的文件关联。 因此,如果您在Windows中双击CBR或CBZ文件,它将在您首选的漫画阅读应用程序中打开。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/291916/how-to-view-cbr-and-cbz-comic-books-in-calibre/

查看cbr vbr

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