AWS - Amazon Web Service。AWS是通过web service的方式提供服务的:用户使用浏览器,发送Http请求到AWS。

Every AWS account has 2 ID:

1, An AWS account ID -12-digit number

2, A canonical user ID - seems it only be useful in an Amazon S3 bucket policy for cross-account access.

Security Credentials:

1, root account user

Also can login in using federated user

ConduitAccessClientRole-DO-NOT-DELETE/my login

2, IAM users

3, Access key for programmatic use such as REST or Query APIs or in AWS Command Line Interface (AWS CLI).

4, AWS Multi-Factor Authentication (AWS MFA) provides an extra level of security that you can apply to your AWS account. With AWS MFA enabled, when you sign in to an AWS website, you are prompted for your user name and password, and an authentication code from an MFA device.

5, Key pairs for EC2 when using SSH.

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