
1. 检查网卡是否支持相应的时间戳

2. linuxptp的目录架构

3. ptp4l的大致流程分析

4. gptp协议对应的sync, follow-up, delay-request, delay-response消息在代码的位置



gptp的报文格式: 报文格式地图——重庆网管博客

1. 检查网卡是否支持相应的时间戳

  • 通过终端命令ethtool -T eth0查看


/usrdata # ./ptp4l -i eth0 -m -S
ptp4l[5430.909]: interface 'eth0' does not support requested timestamping mode
  • 找到打印出错的地方--
  /* Check the time stamping mode on each interface. */c->timestamping = timestamping;required_modes = clock_required_modes(c);STAILQ_FOREACH(iface, &config->interfaces, list) {memset(ts_label, 0, sizeof(ts_label));if (!rtnl_get_ts_device(interface_name(iface), ts_label))interface_set_label(iface, ts_label);interface_get_tsinfo(iface);if (interface_tsinfo_valid(iface) &&!interface_tsmodes_supported(iface, required_modes)) {pr_err("interface '%s' does not support requested timestamping mode",interface_name(iface));return NULL;}

config_get_int(config, NULL, "time_stamping");  // 配置的时间戳

----->clock_required_modes()  //逻辑上需要支持的时间戳:比如SOF_TIMESTAMPING_SOFTWARE,


----->interface_get_tsinfo ----->sk_get_ts_info

  • 创建socket---------------------fd = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, 0)
  • 通过socket去把信息放到ifr--------ioctl(fd, SIOCETHTOOL, &ifr);     //获取网卡支持的时间类型---和ethtool -T eth0 对应支持的时间戳应该一致

------>interface_tsinfo_valid()  和 interface_tsmodes_supported() 来确认这个网卡是否支持此时间模式

2. linuxptp的目录架构

研究目录下的makefile发现会编译出来几个APP:主要研究ptp4l, phc2sys这两个app

  • ptp4l:主要是用来计算得出两个设备之间的时间误差(时间戳相差的大小),频率误差(时间走的快慢的差异)。
  • phc2sys:主要是把两个时钟进行同步,比如把systime同步到phc时钟(ptp hardware clock)

3. ptp4l的大致流程分析

LinuxPTP的ptp4l.c文件有个int main()函数,makefile通过这个main函数会编译出来ptp4l的可执行程序。

  • 简单的说就是通过getopt_long()函数拿到配置的参数,然后通过clock_create创建一个时钟,在通过poll处理这个时钟相关的事件。
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
......拿到配置对应的参数while (EOF != (c = getopt_long(argc, argv, "MAEP246HSLf:i:p:sl:mqvh",opts, &index))) { ......}......创建时钟clock = clock_create(type, cfg, req_phc);
......while (is_running()) {实时的处理poll得到的clock对应的事件if (clock_poll(clock))  break;}
  • clock_create函数
struct clock *clock_create(enum clock_type type, struct config *config,const char *phc_device)
....检查 -i [dev] -i参数指定的设备是否支持需要的时间戳类型/* Check the time stamping mode on each interface. */c->timestamping = timestamping;required_modes = clock_required_modes(c);STAILQ_FOREACH(iface, &config->interfaces, list) {memset(ts_label, 0, sizeof(ts_label));if (!rtnl_get_ts_device(interface_name(iface), ts_label))interface_set_label(iface, ts_label);interface_get_tsinfo(iface);if (interface_tsinfo_valid(iface) &&!interface_tsmodes_supported(iface, required_modes)) {pr_err("interface '%s' does not support requested timestamping mode",interface_name(iface));return NULL;}}
...... 打开ptp hardware clock c->clkid = phc_open(phc);
......  通过拿到的clkid初始化clockclockadj_init(c->clkid);
...... 创建时间控制器,通过makefile的
SERVOS  = linreg.o ntpshm.o nullf.o pi.o servo.o
比如比例积分(pi)控制器,线性(linreg)控制器c->servo = servo_create(c->config, servo, -fadj, max_adj, sw_ts);...... port_open通过指定不同的phc_device来创建相应的回调函数:p->dispatch 和 p->eventc->uds_ro_port = port_open(phc_device, phc_index, timestamping, 0,c->uds_ro_if, c);


1. 检查指定的网卡设备是否支持需要的时间戳模式

2. 通过port_open指定p->dispatch(事件处理分发机制)和p->event(事件有限元状态机的变化)

4. gptp协议对应的sync, follow-up, delay-request, delay-response消息在代码的位置

参考:以 ptp4l、E2E 为例的 Linuxptp 代码分析_悠扬侠的博客-CSDN博客_linuxptp源码分析



  1. port_dispatch接口函数里面调用了clock_create函数的p->dispatch方法,而                port_dispatch(p, event, 0);在clock_poll()函数中被一直调用,那么正常的运行状态,所有的事件都是从clock_poll()函数调用port_dispatch--->bc_dispatch
  2. 个人感觉:bc_dispatch做了一些预处理的操作,可以暂时忽略.
  3. 然后就在clock_poll函数调用port_event()接口函数,同样的会一路调用到bc_event()函数
  • master发送sync消息:port_tx_sync()函数:这个函数发送了sync和follow-up报文





t->send(t, fda, event, 0, msg, len, NULL, &msg->hwts); 对应的是 udp->t.send  = udp_send;



  • 设置接口,拿到发送的系统时间戳
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_TIMESTAMPING,&timestamping, sizeof(timestamping));
setsockopt(fd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SELECT_ERR_QUEUE,  &flags, sizeof(flags));


  • master发送follow-up报文:port_tx_sync
  • master发送delay-request报文:port_pdelay_request
  • slave收到sync报文处理:process_sync
  • slave收到follow-up报文处理:process_follow_up


按照gptp协议的规定,master和slave之间交互了sync.follow-up,delay_requst, delay_response消息,会计算得出时间戳误差,频率误差。

  • 可以查代码看出:在process_follow_up和process_sync函数会调用port_syfufsm(p, event, m);函数(这函数用来切换收到master发来的消息之后的状态机),其中调用了port_synchronize()函数来调整状态并通过port_dispatch分发事件
  • 关键就是通过slave端的几个状态的跳变完成对时间的同步:

其中master offst对应的是clock_synchronize中的状态跳变,可以很容易看出:比较关键的就是S0到S1,调用了clockadj_step函数,完成对时间戳的改变

  • 还有需要注意:clockadj_step()函数调整的是clkid对应的时间(如果调整的时间是phc对应的clkid的时间,那么同步到系统时间需要用phc2sys这个app)
    switch (state) {case SERVO_UNLOCKED: // S0break;case SERVO_JUMP: //s1clockadj_set_freq(c->clkid, -adj);
//调整时间戳的差值clockadj_step(c->clkid, -tmv_to_nanoseconds(c->master_offset)); c->ingress_ts = tmv_zero();if (c->sanity_check) {clockcheck_set_freq(c->sanity_check, -adj);clockcheck_step(c->sanity_check,-tmv_to_nanoseconds(c->master_offset));}tsproc_reset(c->tsproc, 0);clock_step_window(c);break;case SERVO_LOCKED:
//调整频率clock_synchronize_locked(c, adj);break;case SERVO_LOCKED_STABLE:if (c->write_phase_mode) {clockadj_set_phase(c->clkid, -offset);adj = 0;} else {clock_synchronize_locked(c, adj);}break;}
  • 调整的时间的日志

  1. s0,s1,s2 : 表示时钟伺服器的不同状态,s0表示未锁定,s1表示正在同步,s2表示锁定,锁定状态表示不会再发生阶跃行同步,只是缓慢调整


  • 交叉工具链编译内核的testptp.c文件
/** PTP 1588 clock support - User space test program** Copyright (C) 2010 OMICRON electronics GmbH**  This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify*  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by*  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or*  (at your option) any later version.**  This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,*  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of*  MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE.  See the*  GNU General Public License for more details.**  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License*  along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software*  Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.*/
#define _GNU_SOURCE
#define __SANE_USERSPACE_TYPES__        /* For PPC64, to get LL64 types */
#include <errno.h>
#include <fcntl.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <signal.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/mman.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/timex.h>
#include <sys/types.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <unistd.h>#include <linux/ptp_clock.h>#define DEVICE "/dev/ptp0"#ifndef ADJ_SETOFFSET
#define ADJ_SETOFFSET 0x0100
#endif#ifndef CLOCK_INVALID
#define CLOCK_INVALID -1
#endif/* clock_adjtime is not available in GLIBC < 2.14 */
#if !__GLIBC_PREREQ(2, 14)
#include <sys/syscall.h>
static int clock_adjtime(clockid_t id, struct timex *tx)
{return syscall(__NR_clock_adjtime, id, tx);
#endifstatic clockid_t get_clockid(int fd)
#define CLOCKFD 3
#define FD_TO_CLOCKID(fd)   ((~(clockid_t) (fd) << 3) | CLOCKFD)return FD_TO_CLOCKID(fd);
}static void handle_alarm(int s)
{printf("received signal %d\n", s);
}static int install_handler(int signum, void (*handler)(int))
{struct sigaction action;sigset_t mask;/* Unblock the signal. */sigemptyset(&mask);sigaddset(&mask, signum);sigprocmask(SIG_UNBLOCK, &mask, NULL);/* Install the signal handler. */action.sa_handler = handler;action.sa_flags = 0;sigemptyset(&action.sa_mask);sigaction(signum, &action, NULL);return 0;
}static long ppb_to_scaled_ppm(int ppb)
{/** The 'freq' field in the 'struct timex' is in parts per* million, but with a 16 bit binary fractional field.* Instead of calculating either one of**    scaled_ppm = (ppb / 1000) << 16  [1]*    scaled_ppm = (ppb << 16) / 1000  [2]** we simply use double precision math, in order to avoid the* truncation in [1] and the possible overflow in [2].*/return (long) (ppb * 65.536);
}static int64_t pctns(struct ptp_clock_time *t)
{return t->sec * 1000000000LL + t->nsec;
}static void usage(char *progname)
{fprintf(stderr,"usage: %s [options]\n"" -a val     request a one-shot alarm after 'val' seconds\n"" -A val     request a periodic alarm every 'val' seconds\n"" -c         query the ptp clock's capabilities\n"" -d name    device to open\n"" -e val     read 'val' external time stamp events\n"" -f val     adjust the ptp clock frequency by 'val' ppb\n"" -g         get the ptp clock time\n"" -h         prints this message\n"" -i val     index for event/trigger\n"" -k val     measure the time offset between system and phc clock\n""            for 'val' times (Maximum 25)\n"" -l         list the current pin configuration\n"" -L pin,val configure pin index 'pin' with function 'val'\n""            the channel index is taken from the '-i' option\n""            'val' specifies the auxiliary function:\n""            0 - none\n""            1 - external time stamp\n""            2 - periodic output\n"" -p val     enable output with a period of 'val' nanoseconds\n"" -P val     enable or disable (val=1|0) the system clock PPS\n"" -s         set the ptp clock time from the system time\n"" -S         set the system time from the ptp clock time\n"" -t val     shift the ptp clock time by 'val' seconds\n"" -T val     set the ptp clock time to 'val' seconds\n",progname);
}int main(int argc, char *argv[])
{struct ptp_clock_caps caps;struct ptp_extts_event event;struct ptp_extts_request extts_request;struct ptp_perout_request perout_request;struct ptp_pin_desc desc;struct timespec ts;struct timex tx;static timer_t timerid;struct itimerspec timeout;struct sigevent sigevent;struct ptp_clock_time *pct;struct ptp_sys_offset *sysoff;char *progname;unsigned int i;int c, cnt, fd;char *device = DEVICE;clockid_t clkid;int adjfreq = 0x7fffffff;int adjtime = 0;int capabilities = 0;int extts = 0;int gettime = 0;int index = 0;int list_pins = 0;int oneshot = 0;int pct_offset = 0;int n_samples = 0;int periodic = 0;int perout = -1;int pin_index = -1, pin_func;int pps = -1;int seconds = 0;int settime = 0;int64_t t1, t2, tp;int64_t interval, offset;progname = strrchr(argv[0], '/');progname = progname ? 1+progname : argv[0];while (EOF != (c = getopt(argc, argv, "a:A:cd:e:f:ghi:k:lL:p:P:sSt:T:v"))) {switch (c) {case 'a':oneshot = atoi(optarg);break;case 'A':periodic = atoi(optarg);break;case 'c':capabilities = 1;break;case 'd':device = optarg;break;case 'e':extts = atoi(optarg);break;case 'f':adjfreq = atoi(optarg);break;case 'g':gettime = 1;break;case 'i':index = atoi(optarg);break;case 'k':pct_offset = 1;n_samples = atoi(optarg);break;case 'l':list_pins = 1;break;case 'L':cnt = sscanf(optarg, "%d,%d", &pin_index, &pin_func);if (cnt != 2) {usage(progname);return -1;}break;case 'p':perout = atoi(optarg);break;case 'P':pps = atoi(optarg);break;case 's':settime = 1;break;case 'S':settime = 2;break;case 't':adjtime = atoi(optarg);break;case 'T':settime = 3;seconds = atoi(optarg);break;case 'h':usage(progname);return 0;case '?':default:usage(progname);return -1;}}fd = open(device, O_RDWR);if (fd < 0) {fprintf(stderr, "opening %s: %s\n", device, strerror(errno));return -1;}clkid = get_clockid(fd);if (CLOCK_INVALID == clkid) {fprintf(stderr, "failed to read clock id\n");return -1;}if (capabilities) {if (ioctl(fd, PTP_CLOCK_GETCAPS, &caps)) {perror("PTP_CLOCK_GETCAPS");} else {printf("capabilities:\n""  %d maximum frequency adjustment (ppb)\n""  %d programmable alarms\n""  %d external time stamp channels\n""  %d programmable periodic signals\n""  %d pulse per second\n""  %d programmable pins\n""  %d cross timestamping\n",caps.max_adj,caps.n_alarm,caps.n_ext_ts,caps.n_per_out,caps.pps,caps.n_pins,caps.cross_timestamping);}}if (0x7fffffff != adjfreq) {memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));tx.modes = ADJ_FREQUENCY;tx.freq = ppb_to_scaled_ppm(adjfreq);if (clock_adjtime(clkid, &tx)) {perror("clock_adjtime");} else {puts("frequency adjustment okay");}}if (adjtime) {memset(&tx, 0, sizeof(tx));tx.modes = ADJ_SETOFFSET;tx.time.tv_sec = adjtime;tx.time.tv_usec = 0;if (clock_adjtime(clkid, &tx) < 0) {perror("clock_adjtime");} else {puts("time shift okay");}}if (gettime) {if (clock_gettime(clkid, &ts)) {perror("clock_gettime");} else {printf("clock time: %ld.%09ld or %s",ts.tv_sec, ts.tv_nsec, ctime(&ts.tv_sec));}}if (settime == 1) {clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts);if (clock_settime(clkid, &ts)) {perror("clock_settime");} else {puts("set time okay");}}if (settime == 2) {clock_gettime(clkid, &ts);if (clock_settime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &ts)) {perror("clock_settime");} else {puts("set time okay");}}if (settime == 3) {ts.tv_sec = seconds;ts.tv_nsec = 0;if (clock_settime(clkid, &ts)) {perror("clock_settime");} else {puts("set time okay");}}if (extts) {memset(&extts_request, 0, sizeof(extts_request));extts_request.index = index;extts_request.flags = PTP_ENABLE_FEATURE;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_EXTTS_REQUEST, &extts_request)) {perror("PTP_EXTTS_REQUEST");extts = 0;} else {puts("external time stamp request okay");}for (; extts; extts--) {cnt = read(fd, &event, sizeof(event));if (cnt != sizeof(event)) {perror("read");break;}printf("event index %u at %lld.%09u\n", event.index,event.t.sec, event.t.nsec);fflush(stdout);}/* Disable the feature again. */extts_request.flags = 0;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_EXTTS_REQUEST, &extts_request)) {perror("PTP_EXTTS_REQUEST");}}if (list_pins) {int n_pins = 0;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_CLOCK_GETCAPS, &caps)) {perror("PTP_CLOCK_GETCAPS");} else {n_pins = caps.n_pins;}for (i = 0; i < n_pins; i++) {desc.index = i;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_PIN_GETFUNC, &desc)) {perror("PTP_PIN_GETFUNC");break;}printf("name %s index %u func %u chan %u\n",desc.name, desc.index, desc.func, desc.chan);}}if (oneshot) {install_handler(SIGALRM, handle_alarm);/* Create a timer. */sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;sigevent.sigev_signo = SIGALRM;if (timer_create(clkid, &sigevent, &timerid)) {perror("timer_create");return -1;}/* Start the timer. */memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));timeout.it_value.tv_sec = oneshot;if (timer_settime(timerid, 0, &timeout, NULL)) {perror("timer_settime");return -1;}pause();timer_delete(timerid);}if (periodic) {install_handler(SIGALRM, handle_alarm);/* Create a timer. */sigevent.sigev_notify = SIGEV_SIGNAL;sigevent.sigev_signo = SIGALRM;if (timer_create(clkid, &sigevent, &timerid)) {perror("timer_create");return -1;}/* Start the timer. */memset(&timeout, 0, sizeof(timeout));timeout.it_interval.tv_sec = periodic;timeout.it_value.tv_sec = periodic;if (timer_settime(timerid, 0, &timeout, NULL)) {perror("timer_settime");return -1;}while (1) {pause();}timer_delete(timerid);}if (perout >= 0) {if (clock_gettime(clkid, &ts)) {perror("clock_gettime");return -1;}memset(&perout_request, 0, sizeof(perout_request));perout_request.index = index;perout_request.start.sec = ts.tv_sec + 2;perout_request.start.nsec = 0;perout_request.period.sec = 0;perout_request.period.nsec = perout;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_PEROUT_REQUEST, &perout_request)) {perror("PTP_PEROUT_REQUEST");} else {puts("periodic output request okay");}}if (pin_index >= 0) {memset(&desc, 0, sizeof(desc));desc.index = pin_index;desc.func = pin_func;desc.chan = index;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_PIN_SETFUNC, &desc)) {perror("PTP_PIN_SETFUNC");} else {puts("set pin function okay");}}if (pps != -1) {int enable = pps ? 1 : 0;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_ENABLE_PPS, enable)) {perror("PTP_ENABLE_PPS");} else {puts("pps for system time request okay");}}if (pct_offset) {if (n_samples <= 0 || n_samples > 25) {puts("n_samples should be between 1 and 25");usage(progname);return -1;}sysoff = calloc(1, sizeof(*sysoff));if (!sysoff) {perror("calloc");return -1;}sysoff->n_samples = n_samples;if (ioctl(fd, PTP_SYS_OFFSET, sysoff))perror("PTP_SYS_OFFSET");elseputs("system and phc clock time offset request okay");pct = &sysoff->ts[0];for (i = 0; i < sysoff->n_samples; i++) {t1 = pctns(pct+2*i);tp = pctns(pct+2*i+1);t2 = pctns(pct+2*i+2);interval = t2 - t1;offset = (t2 + t1) / 2 - tp;printf("system time: %lld.%u\n",(pct+2*i)->sec, (pct+2*i)->nsec);printf("phc    time: %lld.%u\n",(pct+2*i+1)->sec, (pct+2*i+1)->nsec);printf("system time: %lld.%u\n",(pct+2*i+2)->sec, (pct+2*i+2)->nsec);printf("system/phc clock time offset is %" PRId64 " ns\n""system     clock time delay  is %" PRId64 " ns\n",offset, interval);}free(sysoff);}close(fd);return 0;


  • ./ptp4l -i eth0 -E -m -l 7 -S -4 &

slave: [选择/dev/ptp1是发现在clokadj_step的时候对应的clkid对应的设备是/dev/ptp1,需要根据调试过程动态调整]

  • ./testptp -d /dev/ptp1 -s    //把systime设到/dev/ptp1时间
  • ./ptp4l -i pfe2 -m -4 -E -S -s


  • ./testptp -d /dev/ptp1 -S    //把/dev/ptp1时间设到systime


  • ./phc2sys -l 7 -m -c CLOCK_REALTIME -s /dev/ptp1 -w &


-w是等待ptp4l: 通过pmc_create()来创建进程间通信,-w当收到了来自ptp4l的消息,就会跳出 Waiting for ptp4l...的循环,然后执行do_loop来执行 update_clock()来跟新时间(把/dev/ptp1上的时间更新到CLOCK_REALTIME上!!)

  • ./testptp -d /dev/ptp1 -k 1  //打印系统,/dev/ptp1时间


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    本文以Camel2.24.3 + SpringBoot2.x 为基础简单解读Camel中的Rest组件的源码级实现逻辑. 0. 目录 1. 前言 2. 源码解读 2.1 启动时 2.1.1 `Rest ...

  9. WebRTC源码研究(7)创建简单的HTTPS服务

    文章目录 WebRTC源码研究(7)创建简单的HTTPS服务 1. HTTPS简介 2. HTTPS 协议 3. HTTPS 证书 4. 创建简单的HTTPS服务 4.1 生成HTTPS证书 4.2 ...

  10. WebRTC源码研究(4)web服务器工作原理和常用协议基础(转载)

    前言 前面3篇博客分别对WebRTC框架的介绍,WebRTC源码目录,WebRTC的运行机制进行了介绍,接下来讲解一点关于服务器原理的知识.后面博客会写关于WebRTC服务器相关的开发,目前git上面 ...


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