

└─$ zip2john >>passwd2.txt
ver 2.0 PKZIP Encr: TS_chk, cmplen=33, decmplen=22, crc=8B1D0A37 ts=505B cs=505b type=8



└─$ john passwd2.txt
Using default input encoding: UTF-8
Loaded 1 password hash (PKZIP [32/64])
Will run 4 OpenMP threads
Proceeding with single, rules:Single
Press 'q' or Ctrl-C to abort, almost any other key for status
Almost done: Processing the remaining buffered candidate passwords, if any.
Proceeding with wordlist:/usr/share/john/password.lst
Proceeding with incremental:ASCII
hone             (
1g 0:00:00:04 DONE 3/3 (2022-05-04 22:20) 0.2469g/s 6751Kp/s 6751Kc/s 6751KC/s adenecas..hyjr
Use the "--show" option to display all of the cracked passwords reliably
Session completed.




└─$ john --help
John the Ripper 1.9.0-jumbo-1+bleeding-aec1328d6c 2021-11-02 10:45:52 +0100 OMP [linux-gnu 64-bit x86_64 AVX AC]
Copyright (c) 1996-2021 by Solar Designer and others
Homepage: john [OPTIONS] [PASSWORD-FILES]--help                     Print usage summary
--single[=SECTION[,..]]    "Single crack" mode, using default or named rules
--single=:rule[,..]        Same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--single-seed=WORD[,WORD]  Add static seed word(s) for all salts in single mode
--single-wordlist=FILE     *Short* wordlist with static seed words/morphemes
--single-user-seed=FILE    Wordlist with seeds per username (user:password[s]format)
--single-pair-max=N        Override max. number of word pairs generated (6)
--no-single-pair           Disable single word pair generation
--[no-]single-retest-guess Override config for SingleRetestGuess
--wordlist[=FILE] --stdin  Wordlist mode, read words from FILE or stdin--pipe   like --stdin, but bulk reads, and allows rules
--rules[=SECTION[,..]]     Enable word mangling rules (for wordlist or PRINCEmodes), using default or named rules
--rules=:rule[;..]]        Same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--rules-stack=SECTION[,..] Stacked rules, applied after regular rules or tomodes that otherwise don't support rules
--rules-stack=:rule[;..]   Same, using "immediate" rule(s)
--rules-skip-nop           Skip any NOP ":" rules (you already ran w/o rules)
--loopback[=FILE]          Like --wordlist, but extract words from a .pot file
--mem-file-size=SIZE       Size threshold for wordlist preload (default 2048 MB)
--dupe-suppression         Suppress all dupes in wordlist (and force preload)
--incremental[=MODE]       "Incremental" mode [using section MODE]
--incremental-charcount=N  Override CharCount for incremental mode
--external=MODE            External mode or word filter
--mask[=MASK]              Mask mode using MASK (or default from john.conf)
--markov[=OPTIONS]         "Markov" mode (see doc/MARKOV)
--mkv-stats=FILE           "Markov" stats file
--prince[=FILE]            PRINCE mode, read words from FILE
--prince-loopback[=FILE]   Fetch words from a .pot file
--prince-elem-cnt-min=N    Minimum number of elements per chain (1)
--prince-elem-cnt-max=[-]N Maximum number of elements per chain (negative N isrelative to word length) (8)
--prince-skip=N            Initial skip
--prince-limit=N           Limit number of candidates generated
--prince-wl-dist-len       Calculate length distribution from wordlist
--prince-wl-max=N          Load only N words from input wordlist
--prince-case-permute      Permute case of first letter
--prince-mmap              Memory-map infile (not available with case permute)
--prince-keyspace          Just show total keyspace that would be produced(disregarding skip and limit)
--subsets[=CHARSET]        "Subsets" mode (see doc/SUBSETS)
--subsets-required=N       The N first characters of "subsets" charset arethe "required set"
--subsets-min-diff=N       Minimum unique characters in subset
--subsets-max-diff=[-]N    Maximum unique characters in subset (negative N isrelative to word length)
--subsets-prefer-short     Prefer shorter candidates over smaller subsets
--subsets-prefer-small     Prefer smaller subsets over shorter candidates
--make-charset=FILE        Make a charset, FILE will be overwritten
--stdout[=LENGTH]          Just output candidate passwords [cut at LENGTH]
--session=NAME             Give a new session the NAME
--status[=NAME]            Print status of a session [called NAME]
--restore[=NAME]           Restore an interrupted session [called NAME]
--[no-]crack-status        Emit a status line whenever a password is cracked
--progress-every=N         Emit a status line every N seconds
--show[=left]              Show cracked passwords [if =left, then uncracked]
--show=formats             Show information about hashes in a file (JSON)
--show=invalid             Show lines that are not valid for selected format(s)
--test[=TIME]              Run tests and benchmarks for TIME seconds each(if TIME is explicitly 0, test w/o benchmark)
--stress-test[=TIME]       Loop self tests forever
--test-full=LEVEL          Run more thorough self-tests
--no-mask                  Used with --test for alternate benchmark w/o mask
--skip-self-tests          Skip self tests
--users=[-]LOGIN|UID[,..]  [Do not] load this (these) user(s) only
--groups=[-]GID[,..]       Load users [not] of this (these) group(s) only
--shells=[-]SHELL[,..]     Load users with[out] this (these) shell(s) only
--salts=[-]COUNT[:MAX]     Load salts with[out] COUNT [to MAX] hashes, or
--salts=#M[-N]             Load M [to N] most populated salts
--costs=[-]C[:M][,...]     Load salts with[out] cost value Cn [to Mn]. Fortunable cost parameters, see doc/OPTIONS
--fork=N                   Fork N processes
--node=MIN[-MAX]/TOTAL     This node's number range out of TOTAL count
--save-memory=LEVEL        Enable memory saving, at LEVEL 1..3
--log-stderr               Log to screen instead of file
--verbosity=N              Change verbosity (1-5 or 6 for debug, default 3)
--no-log                   Disables creation and writing to john.log file
--bare-always-valid=Y      Treat bare hashes as valid (Y/N)
--catch-up=NAME            Catch up with existing (paused) session NAME
--config=FILE              Use FILE instead of john.conf or john.ini
--encoding=NAME            Input encoding (eg. UTF-8, ISO-8859-1). See alsodoc/ENCODINGS.
--input-encoding=NAME      Input encoding (alias for --encoding)
--internal-codepage=NAME   Codepage used in rules/masks (see doc/ENCODINGS)
--target-encoding=NAME     Output encoding (used by format)
--force-tty                Set up terminal for reading keystrokes even if we'renot the foreground process
--field-separator-char=C   Use 'C' instead of the ':' in input and pot files
--[no-]keep-guessing       Try finding plaintext collisions
--list=WHAT                List capabilities, see --list=help or doc/OPTIONS
--length=N                 Shortcut for --min-len=N --max-len=N
--min-length=N             Request a minimum candidate length in bytes
--max-length=N             Request a maximum candidate length in bytes
--max-candidates=[-]N      Gracefully exit after this many candidates tried.(if negative, reset count on each crack)
--max-run-time=[-]N        Gracefully exit after this many seconds (if negative,reset timer on each crack)
--mkpc=N                   Request a lower max. keys per crypt
--no-loader-dupecheck      Disable the dupe checking when loading hashes
--pot=NAME                 Pot file to use
--regen-lost-salts=N       Brute force unknown salts (see doc/OPTIONS)
--reject-printable         Reject printable binaries
--tune=HOW                 Tuning options (auto/report/N)
--subformat=FORMAT         Pick a benchmark format for --format=crypt
--format=[NAME|CLASS][,..] Force hash of type NAME. The supported formats canbe seen with --list=formats and --list=subformats.See also doc/OPTIONS for more advanced selection offormat(s), including using classes and wildcards.

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