
postgres=# select * from t;

id | name


1 | http

2 | qdds

(2 rows)

postgres=# \l

List of databases

Name | Owner | Encoding | Collate | Ctype | Access privileges


postgres | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 |

template0 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +

| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres

template1 | postgres | UTF8 | en_US.UTF-8 | en_US.UTF-8 | =c/postgres +

| | | | | postgres=CTc/postgres

(3 rows)

postgres=# \d

List of relations

Schema | Name | Type | Owner


public | t | table | postgres

(1 row)

pg_dump -p 5432 --inserts --column-inserts -d postgres | gzip > /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.sql.gz


[postgres@redis01 backup]$ gzip -d /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.sql.gz

[postgres@redis01 backup]$ pg_restore -p 5432 -C -d postgres /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.sql

pg_restore: [archiver] input file appears to be a text format dump. Please use psql.

[postgres@redis01 backup]$ psql -p 5432 -d postgres -f /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.sql








(1 row)















pg_dump -p 5432 -Fc -d postgres > /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.dmp

[postgres@redis01 backup]$ pg_restore -p 5432 -d postgres /u01/pgsql/backup/dump.dmp

物理备份 冷备

pg_ctl stop

tar -cvjpf /u01/pgsql/colddata.tar.gz data


tar -xvf colddata.tar.gz

pg_ctl start


[root@redis01 pgsql]# cat hot.sh

export POSTDATA=/u01/pgsql

export POSTBACKUPDATA=/u01/pgsql/backup

export PGPASSFILE=/u01/pgsql/.pgpass

backupname=`date +"%Y%m%d%H%M%S"`

echo "$backupname"


echo "$PWD"

psql -h -d postgres -U postgres -c "select pg_start_backup('hot_backup$backupname');"

tar -cvjpf $POSTBACKUPDATA/hot$backupname.tar.gz data

psql -h -d postgres -U postgres -c "select pg_stop_backup();select pg_switch_wal();"


-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 10:14 pg_00000001000000000000000E

-rwxr-x--- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 10:26 pg_00000001000000000000000F

-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 11:12 pg_000000010000000000000010

-rwxr-x--- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 11:14 pg_000000010000000000000011

-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 11:15 pg_000000010000000000000012

-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 11:39 pg_000000010000000000000013

-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 11:39 pg_000000010000000000000014

-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 346 Oct 12 11:39 pg_000000010000000000000014.00000060.backup

[postgres@redis01 archive]$ cat pg_000000010000000000000014.00000060.backup

START WAL LOCATION: 0/14000060 (file 000000010000000000000014)

STOP WAL LOCATION: 0/14000130 (file 000000010000000000000014)


BACKUP METHOD: pg_start_backup


START TIME: 2019-10-12 11:39:42 CST

LABEL: hot_backup20191012113942


STOP TIME: 2019-10-12 11:39:45 CST



postgres=# select pg_current_wal_lsn();




(1 row)

postgres=# insert into t select * ,'海天' as "1" FROM generate_series(1001,10000);

INSERT 0 9000

postgres=# select pg_switch_wal();




(1 row)

postgres=# select count(1) from t;




(1 row)

postgres=# select pg_current_wal_lsn();




(1 row)


-rw-r----- 1 postgres postgres 346 Oct 12 11:39 pg_000000010000000000000014.00000060.backup

-rwxr-x--- 1 postgres postgres 16777216 Oct 12 14:23 pg_000000010000000000000015


postgres=# drop table t;


pg_ctl stop

基于 Point-in-Time Recovery (PITR)恢复

tar -xf hot20191012113942.tar.gz -C ../

[postgres@redis01 pgsql]$ cd share

[postgres@redis01 share]$ ls

conversion_create.sql information_schema.sql pg_service.conf.sample postgresql.conf.sample recovery.conf.sample system_views.sql tsearch_data

errcodes.txt pg_hba.conf.sample postgres.bki postgres.shdescription snowball_create.sql timezone

extension pg_ident.conf.sample postgres.description psqlrc.sample sql_features.txt timezonesets

[postgres@redis01 share]$ cp recovery.conf.sample ../data/

mv recovery.conf.sample recovery.conf

[postgres@redis01 data]$ tail -3 recovery.conf

restore_command = 'cp /u01/pgsql/archive/pg_%f %p' #pg_wal里没有的日志从归档目录处拷贝

recovery_target_lsn = '0/16000140' #恢复到指定的lsn

recovery_target_inclusive = true #这个时间点上的commit是否要包括进去.true就是包括


recovery_target_time (timestamp)

recovery_target_xid (string)

recovery_target_inclusive (boolean)

recovery_target_timeline (string)


[postgres@redis01 log]$ cat postgresql-2019-10-12_150259.log

2019-10-12 15:02:59.624 CST [8319] LOG: database system was interrupted while in recovery at log time 2019-10-12 11:39:42 CST

2019-10-12 15:02:59.624 CST [8319] HINT: If this has occurred more than once some data might be corrupted and you might need to choose an earlier recovery target.

2019-10-12 15:02:59.865 CST [8320] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:02:59.872 CST [8321] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:02:59.906 CST [8322] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:02:59.914 CST [8323] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:02:59.947 CST [8324] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.018 CST [8325] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.028 CST [8326] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.062 CST [8327] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.070 CST [8328] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.121 CST [8329] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.128 CST [8330] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.164 CST [8331] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.169 CST [8332] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.207 CST [8333] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.214 CST [8334] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.247 CST [8335] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.283 CST [8336] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.290 CST [8337] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.325 CST [8338] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.336 CST [8339] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.358 CST [8340] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.378 CST [8341] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.397 CST [8342] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.423 CST [8343] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.433 CST [8344] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.466 CST [8345] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.473 CST [8346] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.507 CST [8347] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.523 CST [8348] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.545 CST [8349] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.564 CST [8350] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.592 CST [8351] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.622 CST [8352] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.633 CST [8353] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.657 CST [8354] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.674 CST [8355] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.699 CST [8356] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.718 CST [8357] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.735 CST [8358] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.766 CST [8359] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.778 CST [8360] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.814 CST [8361] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.821 CST [8362] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.860 CST [8363] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.866 CST [8364] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.908 CST [8365] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.914 CST [8366] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.962 CST [8367] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:00.968 CST [8368] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.008 CST [8369] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.014 CST [8370] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.042 CST [8319] LOG: starting point-in-time recovery to WAL location (LSN) "0/16000140"

2019-10-12 15:03:01.051 CST [8372] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.057 CST [8373] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.058 CST [8319] LOG: restored log file "000000010000000000000014" from archive

2019-10-12 15:03:01.107 CST [8374] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.112 CST [8375] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.145 CST [8376] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.152 CST [8377] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.182 CST [8378] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.188 CST [8379] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.221 CST [8380] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.226 CST [8381] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.267 CST [8382] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.273 CST [8383] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.300 CST [8319] LOG: redo starts at 0/14000060

2019-10-12 15:03:01.311 CST [8386] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.317 CST [8387] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.351 CST [8388] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.357 CST [8389] FATAL: the database system is starting up

2019-10-12 15:03:01.359 CST [8319] LOG: consistent recovery state reached at 0/14000130

2019-10-12 15:03:01.359 CST [8317] LOG: database system is ready to accept read only connections

2019-10-12 15:03:01.377 CST [8319] LOG: restored log file "000000010000000000000015" from archive

2019-10-12 15:03:01.642 CST [8319] LOG: restored log file "000000010000000000000016" from archive

2019-10-12 15:03:01.775 CST [8319] LOG: recovery stopping after WAL location (LSN) "0/16000140"

2019-10-12 15:03:01.775 CST [8319] LOG: recovery has paused

2019-10-12 15:03:01.775 CST [8319] HINT: Execute pg_wal_replay_resume() to continue.

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