
2. TANH函数的导数



<span style="font-size:24px;">#ifndef TANH_H
#define TANH_H#include "abstractactivationfunction.h"/**
* @brief The tanh class used to calculate the tanh activation function.
* @author sheng
* @date  2014-07-18
* @version 0.1
* @history
*     <author>       <date>         <version>        <description>
*      sheng       2014-07-18          0.1         build the class
class Tanh : public AbstractActivationFunction
{public:Tanh();cv::Mat Activating(const cv::Mat &InputMat);cv::Mat Derivating(const cv::Mat &InputMat);
};#endif // TANH_H


<span style="font-size:24px;">#include "tanh.h"/**
* @brief The default constructor.
* @author sheng
* @version 0.1
* @date 2014-07-18
* @history
*     <author>       <date>         <version>        <description>
*      sheng       2014-07-18          0.1         build the function
* @brief Calculating the tanh of the inputmat.
* @param InputMat  The input mat
* @return the result of tanh(inputmat), whose size is the same of the
*         InputMat.
* @author sheng
* @version 0.1
* @date 2014-07-18
* @history
*     <author>       <date>         <version>        <description>
*      sheng       2014-07-18          0.1         build the function
cv::Mat Tanh::Activating(const cv::Mat &InputMat)
{// convert the inputmat to the float matcv::Mat Floatmat = ConvertToFloatMat(InputMat);// calculating the exp(x)cv::Mat EXP_X;cv::exp(Floatmat, EXP_X);// calculating the exp(-x)cv::Mat EXP_X_;cv::exp(-Floatmat, EXP_X_);// calculating the tanh(x)cv::Mat Result = (EXP_X - EXP_X_) / (EXP_X + EXP_X_);return Result;
* @brief Calculating the derivative of the tanh.
* @param InputMat  The input mat
* @return the result of the derivative of the tanh, whose size is the same of
*         the InputMat.
* @author sheng
* @version 0.1
* @date 2014-07-18
* @history
*     <author>       <date>         <version>        <description>
*      sheng       2014-07-18          0.1         build the function
cv::Mat Tanh::Derivating(const cv::Mat &InputMat)
{// convert the inputmat to float matcv::Mat FloatMat = ConvertToFloatMat(InputMat);// calculating the tanh(x)cv::Mat TanhX = Activating(FloatMat);// calculting the tanh(x) * tanh(x)cv::Mat SquareTanhX = TanhX.mul(TanhX);// calculating the derivative of the tanhcv::Mat Result = 1 - SquareTanhX;return Result;

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