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Fully revised for the very latest EnCE exam and EnCase software

EnCE certification tells the world that you've not only mastered the use of EnCase Forensic Software, but also that you have acquired the in-depth forensics knowledge and techniques you need to conduct complex computer examinations. This official study guide, written by a law enforcement professional who is an expert in EnCE and computer forensics, provides the complete instruction, advanced testing software, and solid techniques you need to prepare for the exam.

Key topics include:
*Understanding Computer Hardware. Understanding computer components, boot processes, partitions, and files systems, so you can explain them to a jury
*First Response. What to do and how to follow procedures when first entering a scene
*Acquisition of Digital Evidence. Creating EnCase boot disks; booting with EnCase boot disks; and drive-to-drive, network cable, FastBloc, Linen, and Enterprise acquisitions
*EnCase Forensic Software Overview. Tour of EnCase environment including software, menus, and capabilities
*Report Writing. Sample reports from real-life cases (names changed)
*EnCase Legal Journal. Essential information on operating within the law and giving expert testimony


EnCase Computer Forensics, includes DVD: The Official EnCE: EnCase Certified Examiner Study Guide相关推荐

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