1 seemingly 看似,似乎 malice 恶意,怨恨n

eg. A seemingly endless line of trucks waits in vain to load up.一眼望不到头的一长列卡车眼巴巴地等着装货

eg. He is a man with seemingly not an ounce of malice in him.他这个人好像没有丁点儿的坏心眼。

2 plethora 大量,过剩n eg. A plethora of new operators will be allowed to enter the market.大批新的运营商将获准进入该市场

3 ease 轻松地adj eg. Anne was intelligent and capable of passing her exams with ease.安妮很聪明,能够轻松通过考试。

容易,舒适n eg. For ease of reference,only the relevant extracts of the regulations are included.为了便于参照,仅摘录相关规则。

减少,缓慢的移动v eg. She eased back into the chair and nodded.她轻手轻脚地坐回到椅子上,点了点头

4 by-pass绕过  affluent 富裕的adj 富裕的人,支流n

eg. a very affluent neighbourhood.富人区

5 degrade 降低身份,使恶化,使降解v  pornography色情作品n

eg. The notion that pornography degrades women.认为色情作品有辱女性尊严的观念

6 dysfunctional功能失调的,不正常的adj eg. The characteristics that typically occur in a dysfunctional family.出现在缺陷家庭中的典型特征

7 apathy 冷漠,无动于衷n eg. The political apathy and emotional uncertainty of young Americans.美国年轻人对政治的漠不关心和情感上的多变

8 manageable 容易管理的adj eg. Keep your spending on luxuries down to manageable proportions.将你在奢侈品上的花费降至可控范围。

9 bitter 激烈的 eg. On the eve of the poll,campaigning was bitter.在投票前夕,竞选活动如火如荼。

怨恨的 eg. She is said to be very bitter about the way she was sacked.据说,她对自己被以如此方式解雇而感到愤愤不平。

失望的,痛苦的,寒冷的 eg. A great deal of bitter experience had taught him how to lose gracefully.大量惨痛的经历让他学会了如何坦然面对失败

10 count 计数,事项,方面n eg. Wrong on both counts.都说错了

重要,将...看作,数v eg. It’s as if your opinions,your likes and dislikes just don’t count.就好像是你的意见、你的好恶根本不重要似的。

11 hangover 宿睡,后遗症n eg. He’s still sleeping off yesterday’s hangover.他还在睡觉消除昨天的宿醉呢

12 nostalgia 怀旧n eg.He discerned in the novel an air of Sixties nostalgia.他在小说里感受到一种20世纪60年代的怀旧氛围。

13 virtuous 道德高尚的 eg.Louis was shown as an intelligent, courageous and virtuous family man.路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人

14 life expectancy预期寿命 notorious众所周知的,臭名昭著的 eg.He worked mainly in New York City where living space is notoriously at a premium.他主要在纽约市工作,那儿的住房出了名地昂贵

15 haze 雾霾n eg.They vanished into the haze near the horizon.他们消失在天边的雾霾中

迷糊,懵懂n eg. asking people to recollect a vanished past through a nostalgic haze.让大家根据对过去的模糊印象忆起逝去的往昔。

16 obscure 鲜为人知的,难懂的 eg. The origin of the custom is obscure.这一习俗的起源鲜为人知。

遮蔽,使难懂v eg.This issue has been obscured by recent events.最近发生的一些事件使这一问题变得混淆不清。

17 in light of 按照,根据  self-absorbed自恋的,自恋狂 eg.Those who suffer from narcissism become self-absorbed and chronic show-offs.被自恋症折磨的人会变得只专注于自己的事情,或者不断地自我炫耀。

18 nurture 培养,养育nv eg.She had always nurtured great ambitions for her son.她总是鼓励儿子要树立远大抱负。

eg.The human organism learns partly by nature, partly by nurture.人的学习能力部分是天生的,部分是后天培养的。

19 picky挑剔的,吹毛求疵的 eg.Some people are very picky about who they choose to share their lives with.有些人对选择什么样的人共度一生非常挑剔。

20 capitalize 使...资本化,用大写字母写vt 利用,积累资本vi

eg.Our intention is to capitalize the company by any means we can.我们的意图是想方设法出售这个公司以获取奖金

eg.The rebels seem to be trying to capitalize on the public's discontent with the government.叛乱分子似乎想要利用公众对政府的不满情绪

21 do without没有..也行,用不着 eg.We can hardly do without the help of the masses.我们离不开群众的帮助

22 transitory 短暂的,转瞬即逝的 eg. In the final analysis,most of life’s joys are transitory.归根结底,尘世间的欢乐大多是过眼云烟,转瞬即逝。

23 vanity 虚荣,空虚,无价值的东西n eg. A man’s vanity is actually in proportion to his ignorance.一个人的虚荣心实际上是和他的愚蠢程度成正比

24 bloat 膨胀,肿起v 膨胀的东西,自满的人n

eg. As a result,during the boom,British banks were allowed to bloat.其结果是,英国各家银行得以在繁荣时期不断膨胀

25 peculiarity特性,个性,怪癖n eg. Redundent channels of communication were obviously not an American peculiarity.显然,使用重复的渠道来传递信息并非美国人所独有。

26 pitfall陷阱,隐患n eg. He also points out that forward planning can help avoid stressful pitfalls.他也指出,预先计划可有助于消除令人不安的隐患

27 live with与…一起生活,接受并忍受  excess 过量,无节制n eg.She said she was sick of her life of excess.她说她厌倦了自己无节制的生活。

过多的,额外的adj eg.Staff who have to travel farther can claim excess travel expenses.需要到更远的地方出差的职员可以领取额外差旅费。

28 evenly 平均的,平静的 eg.The teams are evenly matched.两个队难分伯仲

29 sail through 顺利通过,轻松完成v eg.I am glad I have you with me to  sail through the journey of life.我很高兴有你陪我共度我的人生.

30 pessimist悲观主义者 prophecy预言n eg. If you expect to fail, you will fail. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.你如果预期失败,就会失败。这是一种自我应验的预测。


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