When you need to work with high-level file operations like copying contents of a file, create a new copy of a file and archiving it, Python shutil module is the way to go.

当您需要进行高级文件操作(例如复制文件内容,创建文件的新副本并进行归档)时,Python shutil模块是您的理想之选。

Python关闭 (Python shutil)

Python shutil module enables us to operate with file objects easily and without diving into file objects a lot. It takes care of low-level semantics like creating file objects, closing the files once they are copied and allows us to focus on the business logic of our program. Let’s see shutil module in action here.

Python shutil模块使我们能够轻松处理文件对象,而无需大量研究文件对象。 它负责处理低级语义,例如创建文件对象,在复制文件后关闭文件,并使我们能够专注于程序的业务逻辑。 让我们在这里看到shutil模块的作用。

Python Shutil示例 (Python shutil example)

Let’s look into different examples to understand shutil module.


拷贝文件 (Copy File)

Using shutil’s copyfile() function, it is easy to copy a file to a new file in current directory only.


Here is a sample program on how we can make a new clone of existing file in our current directory:


import os
import shutilprint('BEFORE:', os.listdir('.'))
shutil.copyfile('file_copy.py', 'file_copy.py.copy')
print('AFTER:', os.listdir('.'))

Let’s see the output for this program:


Copy file to current directory


Note that copyfile() function takes name of the new file to be created.

请注意, copyfile()函数采用要创建的新文件的名称。

将文件复制到另一个目录 (Copying Files to another directory)

Using shutil’s copy() function, it is easy to copy a file to another directory.


Let’s look at a code snippet on how this can be done:


import os
import shutilos.mkdir('journaldev')
print('BEFORE:', os.listdir('journaldev'))
shutil.copy('file_copy.py', 'journaldev')
print('AFTER:', os.listdir('journaldev'))

Let’s see the output for this program:


Copy file to new directory


This function is different from copyfile() function as the later takes a file name as a parameter whereas the copy() function takes directory name as an input.


Finally, the permissions of the file are also cloned when copying a file with both the functions but metadata is not copied, which means that new file created will have a freshly created time instead of the original file’s time.

最后,在复制具有两个功能的文件时,文件权限也会被克隆 ,但不会复制元数据,这意味着创建的新文件将具有新创建的时间,而不是原始文件的时间。

使用元数据复制文件 (Copying file with Metadata)

If you need to make an exact clone of the file, along with the permissions and the metadata of a file as well, we can make use of the copy2() function. Note that this might not work completely on a POSIX based system.

如果您需要对文件进行精确的克隆,以及文件的权限和元数据,我们可以使用copy2()函数。 请注意,这可能无法在基于POSIX的系统上完全工作

Here is a sample program on how we use this function::


import os
import shutil
import timedef file_metadata(file_name):stat_info = os.stat(file_name)print('  Mode    :', oct(stat_info.st_mode))print('  Created :', time.ctime(stat_info.st_ctime))print('  Accessed:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_atime))print('  Modified:', time.ctime(stat_info.st_mtime))os.mkdir('journaldev')
print('SOURCE FILE:')
file_metadata('file_copy.py')shutil.copy2('file_copy.py', 'journaldev')print('DESTINATION FILE:')

We run this function on a POSIX system so only the Mode of the file and Modified date is preserved:


Copy File Metadata (as much as possible)


On other systems, even the created and accessed time would have matched exactly.


复制完整目录 (Replicating complete directory)

With copytree() function, it is possible to completely replicate a directory tree recursively. This means that if there are more directories inside a directory, that directory will be cloned as well.

使用copytree()函数,可以递归完全复制目录树。 这意味着,如果目录中有更多目录,该目录也将被克隆。

Let’s look at a code snippet on how we can clone a complete directory:


import pprint
import shutil
import osshutil.copytree('../shutil', './journaldev')print('\nAFTER:')

Let’s see the output for this program:


Copy directory recursively


Note that we do not print the directory journaldev contents before as the directory name copytree() function takes as input must not exist before running this command.


删除目录 (Removing a Directory)

Another simplest example with shutil is removing complete directory. No need to recursively remove files or close file handling connections.

带有shutil另一个最简单的示例是删除完整目录。 无需递归删除文件或关闭文件处理连接。

Here is a sample program on how easy it is with rmtree() function:


import pprint
import shutil
import osprint('BEFORE:')

Here, we print contents of current directory. Before running the script, the journaldev directory exists in current folder. After running the script, it is deleted along with the contents. Let’s see the output for this program:

在这里,我们打印当前目录的内容。 运行脚本之前, journaldev目录位于当前文件夹中。 运行脚本后,它将与内容一起删除。 让我们看一下该程序的输出:

Remove complete directory tree


查找文件 (Finding files)

The which() function presents an excellent tool to find a file on your machine which is present on the PATH.


Here is a sample program with a file example:


import shutilprint(shutil.which('bsondump'))

Let’s see the output for this program:


Finding a file on PATH


监视文件系统空间 (Monitoring File-system Space)

We can even get information about how much is present on our file system with simplete call using disk_usage() function.


Here is a sample program:


import shutiltotal_b, used_b, free_b = shutil.disk_usage('.')gb = 10 ** 9print('Total: {:6.2f} GB'.format(total_b / gb))
print('Used : {:6.2f} GB'.format(used_b / gb))
print('Free : {:6.2f} GB'.format(free_b / gb))

Let’s see the output for this program:


File System Space


结论 (Conclusion)

In this lesson, we studied how we can work with high-level file operations like copying contents of a file, create a new copy of a file etc. without diving into complex File Handling operations with shutil module in Python.


Read more Python posts here.


下载源代码 (Download the Source Code)

Download all Python scripts for this lesson下载本课程的所有Python脚本

翻译自: https://www.journaldev.com/20536/python-shutil-module

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