Openstack is a free and opensource IaaS cloud platform that handles cloud compute, storage and network resources. It comes with an intuitive dashboard that enables systems administrators to provide and monitor these resources.

Openstack是一个免费的开源IaaS云平台,可处理云计算,存储和网络资源。 它带有直观的仪表板,使系统管理员可以提供和监视这些资源。

You can seamlessly install OpenStack locally on your Ubuntu 18.04 instance for learning and testing purposes using Devstack.

您可以在Ubuntu 18.04实例上本地无缝安装OpenStack,以使用Devstack进行学习和测试。

Devstack is a set of extensible scripts that facilitate OpenStack deployment. In this guide, you will learn how to deploy OpenStack on Ubuntu 18.04 with devstack.

Devstack是一组有助于OpenStack部署的可扩展脚本。 在本指南中,您将学习如何使用devstack在Ubuntu 18.04上部署OpenStack。

最低要求 (Minimum Requirements)

Before we begin, ensure you have the following minimum prerequisites


  1. A fresh Ubuntu 18.04 installation全新的Ubuntu 18.04安装
  2. User with sudo privileges具有sudo特权的用户
  3. 4 GB RAM4 GB内存
  4. 2 vCPUs2个vCPU
  5. Hard disk capacity of 10 GB硬盘容量10 GB
  6. Internet connection网络连接

With the minimum requirements satisfied, we can now proceed.


步骤1:更新和升级系统 (Step 1: Update and Upgrade the System)

To start off, log into your Ubuntu 18.04 system using SSH protocol and update & upgrade system repositories using the following command.

首先,使用SSH协议登录到Ubuntu 18.04系统,并使用以下命令更新和升级系统存储库。

apt update -y && apt upgrade -y

Sample Output


Next reboot the system using the command.


sudo reboot



init 6

步骤2:创建Stack用户并分配sudo权限 (Step 2: Create Stack user and assign sudo priviledge)

Best practice demands that devstack should be run as a regular user with sudo privileges.


With that in mind, we are going to add a new user called “stack” and assign sudo privileges.

考虑到这一点,我们将添加一个名为“ stack”的新用户并分配sudo特权。

To create stack user execute


sudo adduser -s /bin/bash -d /opt/stack -m stack

Next, run the command below to assign sudo privileges to the user


echo "stack ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL" | sudo tee /etc/sudoers.d/stack

Sample Output


步骤3:安装git并下载DevStack (Step 3: Install git and download DevStack)

Once you have successfully created the user ‘stack’ and assigned sudo privileges, switch to the user using the command.


su - stack

In most Ubuntu 18.04 systems, git comes already installed. If by any chance git is missing, install it by running the following command.

在大多数Ubuntu 18.04系统中,已经安装了git。 如果git丢失,请通过运行以下命令进行安装。

sudo apt install git -y

Sample output


Using git, clone devstack’s git repository as shown.


git clone

Sample output


步骤4:创建devstack配置文件 (Step 4: Create devstack configuration file)

In this step, navigate to the devstack directory.


cd devstack

Then create a local.conf configuration file.


vim local.conf

Paste the following content


[[local|localrc]]# Password for KeyStone, Database, RabbitMQ and Service
SERVICE_PASSWORD=$ADMIN_PASSWORD# Host IP - get your Server/VM IP address from ip addr command

Save and exit the text editor.




  1. The ADMIN_PASSWORD is the password that you will use to log in to the OpenStack login page. The default username is admin.ADMIN_PASSWORD是用于登录OpenStack登录页面的密码。 默认用户名是admin
  2. The HOST_IP is your system’s IP address that is obtained by running ifconfig or ip addr commands.HOST_IP是通过运行ifconfigip addr命令获得的系统IP地址。

步骤5:使用Devstack安装OpenStack (Step 5: Install OpenStack with Devstack)

To commence the installation of OpenStack on Ubuntu 18.04, run the script below contained in devstack directory.

要在Ubuntu 18.04上开始安装OpenStack,请运行devstack目录中包含的以下脚本。


The following features will be installed:


  • Horizon – OpenStack DashboardHorizo​​n – OpenStack仪表板
  • Nova – Compute ServiceNova –计算服务
  • Glance – Image Service概览–图片服务
  • Neutron – Network Service中子–网络服务
  • Keystone – Identity ServiceKeystone –身份服务
  • Cinder – Block Storage Service煤渣–块存储服务
  • Placement – Placement API展示位置–展示位置API

The deployment takes about 10 to 15 minutes depending on the speed of your system and internet connection. In our case, it took roughly 12 minutes.

部署大约需要10到15分钟,具体取决于您的系统和Internet连接的速度。 在我们的案例中,大约花费了12分钟。

At the very end, you should see output similar to what we have below.


This confirms that all went well and that we can proceed to access OpenStack via a web browser.


步骤6:在网络浏览器上访问OpenStack (Step 6: Accessing OpenStack on a web browser)

To access OpenStack via a web browser browse your Ubuntu’s IP address as shown.




This directs you to a login page as shown.


Enter the credentials and hit “Sign In

输入凭据,然后点击“ 登录

You should be able to see the Management console dashboard as shown below.


For more on Devstack’s customization, check out their system configuration guide.

有关Devstack定制的更多信息,请查看其系统配置指南 。

Additionally, check out the Openstack documentation for administration guide.

此外,请查看《 Openstack文档管理指南》。


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