
Default is RAID Mode or "RAID: Expose RAW" Mode. When set to RAID Mode, all RAID functions of the controller are enabled. Uninitialized drives or drives without Adaptec metadata are automatically exposed as Pass Through (or Raw) drives in RAID Mode.

When set to "RAID: Hide RAW" Mode, all RAID functions of the controller are enabled, but RAW devices are not exposed to the operating system. Note: both modes, expose and hide RAW, are available with controller firmware build 30855 or later.

When set to Auto Volume Mode, RAID functions of the controller are enabled too but attached drives without Adaptec metadata and without operating system (OS) partitions, are automatically configured as Simple Volumes.
Attached drives without Adaptec metadata, but with an OS partition, are exposed to the host operating system as Pass Through devices, where the RAID layer of the controller firmware is bypassed when the host issues commands to the device.

When set to HBA Mode, attached drives are surfaced as Pass Through (or Raw) devices. Changing into HBA mode should only be done if there are no drives with Adaptec metadata attached to the controller. Drives with Adaptec metadata can be "uninitialized" to clear metadata as well as any OS partition from a drive. Drives can be uninitialized only if they are not part of any array. To uninitialize a disk drive, select "Uninitialize Drives" from the Logical Device Configuration menu.

Note: Pass Through drives cannot be migrated to Simple Volumes or RAID arrays.

When set to Simple Volume Mode, RAID functions of the controller are disabled and only Simple Volumes (up to a maximum of 128) can be created. This mode is available with controller firmware build 32033 or later. Changing into Simple Volume mode should only be done if there are no existing RAID arrays, maxCache containers, and hot spare drives.


【翻译】RAID, Auto Volume, HBA, Simple Volume模式之间的区别相关推荐

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