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1. xlrd # to read excel files
2. mysql-connector-python # to work with Mysql


  1 #-*- coding: utf-8 -*-
  2 import os,sys,datetime
  3 import mysql.connector
  4 import xlrd
  6 '''
  7 the main function to import data
  8     username: username of mysql database
  9     password: password for username
 10     database: a specific database in mysql
 11     datapath: the absolute path or relative path of data folder
 12 '''
 13 def importDataHelper(username, password, database, datapath):
 14     '''import data helper'''
 15     '''
 16     Step 0: Validate input database parameters
 17     '''
 18     try:
 19         conn = mysql.connector.connect(user=username, password=password, database=database, use_unicode=True)
 20     except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
 21         print e
 22         return -1
 23     '''
 24     Step 1: Traverse files in datapath, store file paths and corresponding table names in lists
 25     lists[0] is the list of files paths
 26     lists[1] is the list of table names
 27     '''
 28     lists = getFilesList(datapath)
 29     nfiles = len(lists[0])
 30     '''
 31     Step 2: Store data in mysql via a for-loop
 32     '''
 33     cursor = conn.cursor()
 34     for file_idx in xrange(0, nfiles):
 35         file_path = lists[0][file_idx]
 36         print "processing file(%d/%d):[ %s ]"%(file_idx+1, nfiles, file_path)
 37         table_name = lists[1][file_idx]
 38         num = storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor)
 39         if num >= 0:
 40             print "[ %d ] data have been stored in TABLE:[ %s ]"%(num, table_name)
 41         conn.commit()
 42     cursor.close()
 43     '''
 44     Step 3: Close connection
 45     '''
 46     conn.close()
 48 '''
 49 get files list in the dir, including the files in its sub-folders
 50 the return list contain two elements, the first element is a file names list
 51 and the second element is a table names list(will be used for creating tables in database),
 52 '''
 53 def getFilesList(dir):
 54     path_list = []
 55     table_list = []
 56     file_name_list = os.listdir(dir)
 57     for file_name in file_name_list:
 58         path = os.path.join(dir, file_name)
 59         if os.path.isdir(path):
 60             '''get the files in sub folder recursively'''
 61             tmp_lists = getFilesList(path)
 62             path_list.extend(tmp_lists[0])
 63             table_list.extend(tmp_lists[1])
 64         else:
 65             path_list.append(path)
 66             '''convert file name to mysql table name'''
 67             file_name = file_name.split('.')[0] #remove .xls
 68             # file_name = file_name.split('from')[0] #remove characters after 'from'
 69             file_name = file_name.strip()#remove redundant space at both ends
 70             file_name = file_name.replace(' ','_') #replace ' ' with '_'
 71             file_name = file_name.replace('-','_') #replace ' ' with '_'
 72             file_name = file_name.lower() #convert all characters to lowercase
 73             table_list.append(file_name)
 74     return [path_list, table_list]
 76 '''
 77 store the data of file file_path in table table_name
 78     file_path: file location
 79     table_name: name of the table that will be created in database
 80     cursor: a mysql cursor
 81 '''
 82 def storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor):
 83     ret = 0
 84     '''open an excel file'''
 85     file = xlrd.open_workbook(file_path)
 86     '''get the first sheet'''
 87     sheet = file.sheet_by_index(0)
 88     '''get the number of rows and columns'''
 89     nrows = sheet.nrows
 90     ncols = sheet.ncols
 91     '''get column names'''
 92     col_names = []
 93     for i in range(0, ncols):
 94         title = sheet.cell(1, i).value
 95         title = title.strip()
 96         title = title.replace(' ','_')
 97         title = title.lower()
 98         col_names.append(title)
 99     '''create table in mysql'''
100     sql = 'create table '\
101           +table_name+' (' \
102           +'id int NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT PRIMARY KEY, ' \
103           +'at_company varchar(10) DEFAULT \'821\', '
105     for i in range(0, ncols):
106         sql = sql + col_names[i] + ' varchar(150)'
107         if i != ncols-1:
108             sql += ','
109     sql = sql + ')'
110     try:
111         cursor.execute(sql)
112     except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
113         print e
114         # return -1
116     '''insert data'''
117     #construct sql statement
118     sql = 'insert into '+table_name+'('
119     for i in range(0, ncols-1):
120         sql = sql + col_names[i] + ', '
121     sql = sql + col_names[ncols-1]
122     sql += ') values ('
123     sql = sql + '%s,'*(ncols-1)
124     sql += '%s)'
125     #get parameters
126     parameter_list = []
127     for row in xrange(2, nrows):
128         for col in range(0, ncols):
129             cell_type = sheet.cell_type(row, col)
130             cell_value = sheet.cell_value(row, col)
131             if cell_type == xlrd.XL_CELL_DATE:
132                 dt_tuple = xlrd.xldate_as_tuple(cell_value, file.datemode)
133                 meta_data = str(datetime.datetime(*dt_tuple))
134             else:
135                 meta_data = sheet.cell(row, col).value
136             parameter_list.append(meta_data)
137         # cursor.execute(sql, parameter_list)
138         try:
139             cursor.execute(sql, parameter_list)
140             parameter_list = []
141             ret += 1
142         except mysql.connector.errors.ProgrammingError as e:
143             print e
144             # return -1
145     return ret
149 if __name__ == "__main__":
150     if len(sys.argv)<5:
151         print "Missing Parameters"
152         sys.exit()
153     elif len(sys.argv)>5:
154         print "Too Many Parameters"
155         sys.exit()
156     username = sys.argv[1]
157     password = sys.argv[2]
158     database = sys.argv[3]
159     datapath = sys.argv[4]
160     importDataHelper(username, password, database, datapath)


There are two dependency modules need to be installed.1. xlrd # to read excel files2. mysql-connector-python # to work with Mysql

Directory Structure:data_path: test the main programProcedure:(1) Get all the paths and names of the files need to be stored(2) Connect MySQL(3) Create tables for each file(4) Insert data into each tableUsage:0. create a new database in mysqlFor example, after logging in mysql in terminal, you can use the the following command"create database test_database" to create a database named 'test_database',you can replace "test_database" with any other names you like.1. set username, password, database(created in step 0) and datapath in the tail of ImportDataProgram.py2. run with the following commandpython [username] [password] [database] [datapath]# username: your username in your mysql# password: the corresponding password# database: the database you specific# datapath: the directory of excel files
    e.g.python root root test_database data_pathPS:(1) The Length of Data In TableI am not sure the maximum length of data, so I set thelength of data in mysql tables is 150 characters (you can findthe code in function storeData(file_path, table_name, cursor), the code is" sql = sql + col_names[i] + ' varchar(150)' "), you can adjust it accordingto your requirements.(2)Table Name:You can set the rules of table name, the code is following the comment code:'''convert file name to mysql table name''' in function getFilesList(dir).




(3)Python使用xlrd读取excel文件中日期类型变为浮点数[stack overflow][2中文博客]









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