

1.aptitude install zhcon

2.安装好了不要直接运行zhcon,会黑屏的;正确的命令是:zhcon --utf8 --drv=vga


aptitude search 试试看!



Zhcon - a fast CJK console environment for GNU/Linux and BSD


zhcon [prog]


Zhcon is a fast Linux Console Chinese System which supports framebuffer

device.It can display Chinese, Japanese or Korean double byte charac-

ters.Supported language encodings include: GB2312, GBK, BIG5, JIS and

KSC. It can also use input methods(table based) from M$ pwin98 and


* Features include:

* Full support for Linux FrameBuffer device(from 640x480x8bpp to


* Multiple language support (GB2312, GBK, BIG5, JIS, KSCM)

* Gpm mouse support under GNU/Linux (in progress)

* Mouse support under FreeBSD (finished)

* Auto-detect and convert between GB2312 and BIG5 encoding(like hztty)

* Hot key to change language encoding on the fly

* Can use input method from M$Pwin98 or UCDOS for M$-DOG

If a command line argument (prog) is given, zhcon will run this program

on start instead of a shell and quit when that program exits. For


zhcon screen

will run screen on start


On startup, zhcon first try to load configuration from ~/.zhconrc.If

failed, it will use /etc/zhcon.conf by default.The configure file has

many options that control the behavior of zhcon.See the comments in the

file for instruction on customizing zhcon.Comprehensive document can be

found in doc/ directory of source package.


CTRL_ALT_H:          active online help

ALT_SPACE:           open/close CJK mode

CTRL_SPACE:          open/close input method

ALT_SPACE:           show/hide input bar

CTRL_,:              toggle Full/Half char mode

CTRL_.:              toggle Chinese symbol

CTRL_F1:             set encode to GB2312

CTRL_F2:             set encode to GBK

CTRL_F3:             set encode to BIG5

CTRL_F4:             set encode to JIS

CTRL_F5:             set encode to KSCM

CTRL_F7:             toggle between nativebar and overspot input style

CTRL_F9:             toggle GB2312/BIG5 auto-detect mode

CTRL_F10:            menu mode

CTRL_ALT_1 - CTRL_ALT_9: switch to input method 1 to 9

CTRL_ALT_0:          English mode

History mode keys:

SHIFT_PAGEUP:        scroll up half screen in history

SHIFT_PAGEDOWN:      scroll down half screen in history

SHIFT_ARROWUP:       scroll up one line in history

SHIFT_ARROWDOWN:     scroll down one in history



Hu Yong

Rick Lei

This manpage is written by ejoy.


Chinese                           zhcon 0.2.6                         zhcon(1)


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