







  1 #include <stdio.h>
  2 #include <stdlib.h>
  3 #include <string.h>
  5 #define CHILDREN 2
  7 struct person{
  8     char *name;              /*名字符串指针*/
  9     char sex;                /*性别:男用字符'M';女用字符'F'*/
 10     struct person *father;   /*指向父亲*/
 11     struct person *mother;   /*指向母亲*/
 12     struct person *mate;     /*指向配偶*/
 13     struct person *childern[CHILDREN];/*指向子女*/
 14 };
 16 /* [函数]newperson增加新人 */
 17 struct person *newperson(char *name, char sex)
 18 {
 19     struct person *p;
 20     int           index;
 22     p       = (struct person *)malloc(sizeof(struct person));
 23     p->name = (char *)malloc(strlen(name)+1);
 24     strcpy(p->name, name);
 25     p->sex    = sex;
 26     p->father = NULL;
 27     p->mother = NULL;
 28     p->mate   = NULL;
 29     for(index=0; index<CHILDREN; index++)
 30         p->childern[index] = NULL;
 31     return p;
 32 }
 34 /* [函数]father_child建立父-子关系 */
 35 void father_child(struct person *father, struct person *child)
 36 {
 37     int index;
 39     for(index=0; index<CHILDREN-1; index++)/*寻找一个空缺的子女指针*/
 40         if(father->childern[index]==NULL)  /*若没有空缺,则填在最后*/
 41             break;
 42     father->childern[index] = child;    /*建立父-子关系*/
 43     child->father = father;
 44 }
 46 void mother_child(struct person *mother, struct person *child)
 47 {
 48     int index;
 49     for(index=0; index<CHILDREN-1; index++)/*寻找一个空缺的子女指针*/
 50         if(mother->childern[index]==NULL)  /*若没有空缺,则填在最后*/
 51             break;
 52     mother->childern[index] = child;    /*建立母-子关系*/
 53     child->mother = mother;
 54 }
 56 /* [函数]mate 建立配偶关系 */
 57 void mate(struct person *h, struct person *w)
 58 {
 59     h->mate = w;
 60     w->mate = h;
 61 }
 63 /* [函数]brotherinlow 检查两人是否是堂兄妹 */
 64 int brothersinlaw(struct person *p1, struct person *p2)
 65 {
 66     struct person *f1, *f2;
 67     if(p1==NULL||p2==NULL||p1==p2)
 68         return 0;
 69     if(p1->sex==p2->sex) return 0;/*不可能是堂兄妹*/
 70     f1 = p1->father;
 71     f2 = p2->father;
 72     if(f1!=NULL && f1==f2) return 0;/*是兄妹,不是堂兄妹*/
 73     while(f1!=NULL&&f2!=NULL&&f1!=f2)/*考虑远房情况*/
 74     {
 75         f1 = f1->father;
 76         f2 = f2->father;
 77         if(f1!=NULL && f2!=NULL && f1==f2) return 1;
 78     }
 79     return 0;
 80 }
 82 /* 函数print_relate用于输出人物p的姓名,性别和各种关系 */
 83 void print_relate(struct person *p)
 84 {
 85     int index,i;
 86     if(p->name == NULL)
 87         return;
 88     if(p->sex == 'M')
 89         printf(" %s is male.", p->name);
 90     else
 91         printf(" %s is female.",p->name);
 92     if(p->father != NULL)
 93         printf(" %s's father is %s.",p->name,p->father->name);
 94     if(p->mother != NULL)
 95         printf(" %s's mother is %s.",p->name,p->mother->name);
 96     printf("\n");
 97     if(p->mate != NULL)
 98         if(p->sex == 'M')
 99             printf(" His wife is %s.", p->mate->name);
100         else
101             printf(" Her husband is %s.",p->mate->name);
102     if(p->childern != NULL)
103     {
104         for(index=0; index<CHILDREN-1; index++)
105             if(p->childern[index]==NULL)
106                 break;
107         if(index>0)
108             printf(" Children are:");
109         for(i=0; i<index; i++)
110             printf(" %s",p->childern[i]->name);
111     }
112     printf("\n");
113 }
115 int main()
116 {
117     char *name[8] = {"John","Kate","Maggie","Herry","Jason","Peter","Marry","Jenny"};
118     char male='M', female='F';
119     struct person *pGrandfather, *pFather1, *pFather2, *pMother1, *pMother2;
120     struct person *pSon, *pDaughter, *pCousin;
122     pGrandfather = newperson(name[0],male);
123     pFather1     = newperson(name[3],male);
124     pFather2     = newperson(name[4],male);
125     pMother1     = newperson(name[1],female);
126     pMother2     = newperson(name[2],female);
127     pSon         = newperson(name[5],male);
128     pDaughter    = newperson(name[6],female);
129     pCousin      = newperson(name[7],female);
131     father_child(pGrandfather,pFather1);
132     father_child(pGrandfather,pFather2);
133     father_child(pFather1,pSon);
134     father_child(pFather1,pDaughter);
135     father_child(pFather2,pCousin);
137     mate(pFather1,pMother1);
138     mate(pFather2,pMother2);
139     mother_child(pMother1,pSon);
140     mother_child(pMother1,pDaughter);
141     mother_child(pMother2,pCousin);
143     print_relate(pGrandfather);
144     print_relate(pFather1);
145     print_relate(pFather2);
146     print_relate(pMother1);
147     print_relate(pMother2);
148     print_relate(pSon);
149     print_relate(pDaughter);
150     print_relate(pCousin);
153     if(!brothersinlaw(pDaughter,pCousin))
154         printf("%s and %s are not brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pDaughter->name,pCousin->name);
155     else
156         printf("%s and %s are brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pDaughter->name,pCousin->name);
157     if(!brothersinlaw(pSon,pCousin))
158         printf("%s and %s are not brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pSon->name,pCousin->name);
159     else
160         printf("%s and %s are brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pSon->name,pCousin->name);
161     if(!brothersinlaw(pSon,pDaughter))
162         printf("%s and %s are not brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pSon->name,pDaughter->name);
163     else
164         printf("%s and %s are brothers (sisters) in law.\n",pSon->name,pDaughter->name);
166     //printf("Hello world!\n");
167     return 0;
168 }



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