
luismanuelp at gmail dot com (2005-08-26 08:05:09)

I am trying to get a list of the first character of a character string.

SELECT distinct substr(version,1,1) as COL1 FROM SPHVVERS where Version is not null order by 1

This was working and then failed recently. I think it is because some of the strings now added contain a number as the first character.

I found to get it to work I had to use decode statement. (To_Char did not work )

SELECT distinct decode (substr(version,1,1),'1','?','0','!',substr(version,1,1)) as COL1 FROM SPHVVERS where Version is not null order by 1

gabi at gambita dot de (2003-09-01 09:31:40)

if you want to join two tables having both the same column (e.g. 'id') but you don't want to (or cannot) specify all the other fields in these two tables (like erabbott mentioned), you can use:

SELECT t1.*, t2.*, t1.id AS id1, t2.id AS id2

FROM table1 t1, table2 t2;

Note that this does _not_ work:

SELECT *,t1.id AS id1, t2.id AS id2

FROM table1 t1, table2 t2;

jthome at fcgov dot com (2003-02-10 14:56:23)


In order to modify Oracle dates (using NLS_DATE_FORMAT...), you must set $ORACLE_HOME first. This environmental variable is best set in the server startup script (i.e., ./apachectl)



erabbott at NOSPAMterra dot com dot br (2002-09-27 07:22:44)

As in my previous post, the same thing applies when using conversion functions in CLOB columns.

Probably the same thing will occur to any conversion function that you use.

So, this wont work


$my_clob = OCIResult($stmt,"MY_CLOB");

But this will:


$my_clob = OCIResult($stmt,"MYC");

Best regards.

erabbott at NOSPAMterra dot com dot br (2002-09-26 15:35:48)

Note that if you are making multiple table selects, you must specify an alias to each column.

This wont work:



$stmt = OCIParse($conn, $qry);



$a = OCIResult($stmt, "A.COL_ONE");



But this will:



$stmt = OCIParse($conn, $qry);



$a = OCIResult($stmt, "X");




steve dot hurst at instem-lss dot co dot uk (2002-03-28 07:35:39)

I am trying to get a list of the first character of a character string.

SELECT distinct substr(version,1,1) as COL1 FROM SPHVVERS where Version is not null order by 1

This was working and then failed recently. I think it is because some of the strings now added contain a number as the first character.

I found to get it to work I had to use decode statement. (To_Char did not work )

SELECT distinct decode (substr(version,1,1),'1','?','0','!',substr(version,1,1)) as COL1 FROM SPHVVERS where Version is not null order by 1

dwilson at cae dot wisc dot edu (2001-04-16 18:05:40)

I complained that I couldn't get the time from an Oracle date field. Joe Brown said:

This is not a PHP bug.

Consider setting NLS_DATE_FORMAT.

The manual states OCIResult() returns everything as a string.

NLS_DATE_FORMAT may not be appropriate for your needs.

There are quite a few places you can set NLS_DATE_FORMAT.

* Environment variables (or windows registry on win32)

* orclSID.ora

* on a per session basis; execute this statement after logon:





shayman at quiver dot com (2000-08-30 09:09:10)

As this function gets a 'mixed' variable type for the column index, you may use an integer to represent the column number. In this case, the count is starting from 1 and not from zero.

I am not sure, but I think this method is a bit faster than using the column name.

For an example, see the OCINumCols first example.

Maxwell_Smart at ThePentagon dot com (2000-08-18 16:49:33)

On the column names needing to be all caps. Just a guess.

Oracle is case sensitive when columns are created with quotes around them. When they are created without quotes around them, they are case insensitive. However, Oracle will always display them as being all caps.

If PHP referes to a column, it probably gets the case from Oracle. Then since PHP is case sensitive, you have ot supply it in all caps.

dominic dot standage at revolutionltd dot com (1999-09-16 05:43:57)

OCIResult() requires the column name to be written in capitals, so OCIResult($stmt,"column") won't work, but OCIResult($stmt,"COLUMN") works fine. Hope that helps somebody out

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