


No module named ‘pyqt5‘解决办法





  from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QMainWindow, QMessageBox
from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPen, QColor, QPalette, QBrush, QPixmap, QRadialGradient
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qt, QPoint, QTimer
import traceback
from game import Gomoku
from corner_widget import CornerWidgetdef run_with_exc(f):"""游戏运行出现错误时,用messagebox把错误信息显示出来"""def call(window, *args, **kwargs):try:return f(window, *args, **kwargs)except Exception:exc_info = traceback.format_exc()QMessageBox.about(window, '错误信息', exc_info)return callclass GomokuWindow(QMainWindow):def __init__(self):super().__init__()self.init_ui()  # 初始化游戏界面self.g = Gomoku()  # 初始化游戏内容self.last_pos = (-1, -1)self.res = 0  # 记录那边获得了胜利self.operate_status = 0  # 游戏操作状态。0为游戏中(可操作),1为游戏结束闪烁过程中(不可操作)def init_ui(self):"""初始化游戏界面"""# 1. 确定游戏界面的标题,大小和背景颜色self.setObjectName('MainWindow')self.setWindowTitle('五子棋')self.setFixedSize(650, 650)# self.setStyleSheet('#MainWindow{background-color: green}')palette = QPalette()palette.setBrush(QPalette.Window, QBrush(QPixmap('imgs/muzm.jpg')))self.setPalette(palette)# 2. 开启鼠标位置的追踪。并在鼠标位置移动时,使用特殊符号标记当前的位置self.setMouseTracking(True)# 3. 鼠标位置移动时,对鼠标位置的特殊标记self.corner_widget = CornerWidget(self)self.corner_widget.repaint()self.corner_widget.hide()# 4. 游戏结束时闪烁的定时器self.end_timer = QTimer(self)self.end_timer.timeout.connect(self.end_flash)self.flash_cnt = 0  # 游戏结束之前闪烁了多少次self.flash_pieces = ((-1, -1), )  # 哪些棋子需要闪烁# 5. 显示初始化的游戏界面self.show()@run_with_excdef paintEvent(self, e):"""绘制游戏内容"""def draw_map():"""绘制棋盘"""qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 2, Qt.SolidLine))  # 棋盘的颜色为黑色# 绘制横线for x in range(15):qp.drawLine(40 * (x + 1), 40, 40 * (x + 1), 600)# 绘制竖线for y in range(15):qp.drawLine(40, 40 * (y + 1), 600, 40 * (y + 1))# 绘制棋盘中的黑点qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0))key_points = [(4, 4), (12, 4), (4, 12), (12, 12), (8, 8)]for t in key_points:qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * t[0], 40 * t[1]), 5, 5)def draw_pieces():"""绘制棋子"""# 绘制黑棋子qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(0, 0, 0), 1, Qt.SolidLine))# qp.setBrush(QColor(0, 0, 0))for x in range(15):for y in range(15):if self.g.g_map[x][y] == 1:if self.flash_cnt % 2 == 1 and (x, y) in self.flash_pieces:continueradial = QRadialGradient(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1), 15, 40 * x + 35, 40 * y + 35)  # 棋子的渐变效果radial.setColorAt(0, QColor(96, 96, 96))radial.setColorAt(1, QColor(0, 0, 0))qp.setBrush(QBrush(radial))qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1)), 15, 15)# 绘制白棋子qp.setPen(QPen(QColor(160, 160, 160), 1, Qt.SolidLine))# qp.setBrush(QColor(255, 255, 255))for x in range(15):for y in range(15):if self.g.g_map[x][y] == 2:if self.flash_cnt % 2 == 1 and (x, y) in self.flash_pieces:continueradial = QRadialGradient(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1), 15, 40 * x + 35, 40 * y + 35)  # 棋子的渐变效果radial.setColorAt(0, QColor(255, 255, 255))radial.setColorAt(1, QColor(160, 160, 160))qp.setBrush(QBrush(radial))qp.drawEllipse(QPoint(40 * (x + 1), 40 * (y + 1)), 15, 15)if hasattr(self, 'g'):  # 游戏还没开始的话,就不用画了qp = QPainter()qp.begin(self)draw_map()  # 绘制棋盘draw_pieces()  # 绘制棋子qp.end()@run_with_excdef mouseMoveEvent(self, e):# 1. 首先判断鼠标位置对应棋盘中的哪一个格子mouse_x = e.windowPos().x()mouse_y = e.windowPos().y()if 25 <= mouse_x <= 615 and 25 <= mouse_y <= 615 and (mouse_x % 40 <= 15 or mouse_x % 40 >= 25) and (mouse_y % 40 <= 15 or mouse_y % 40 >= 25):game_x = int((mouse_x + 15) // 40) - 1game_y = int((mouse_y + 15) // 40) - 1else:  # 鼠标当前的位置不对应任何一个游戏格子,将其标记为(01, 01game_x = -1game_y = -1# 2. 然后判断鼠标位置较前一时刻是否发生了变化pos_change = False  # 标记鼠标位置是否发生了变化if game_x != self.last_pos[0] or game_y != self.last_pos[1]:pos_change = Trueself.last_pos = (game_x, game_y)# 3. 最后根据鼠标位置的变化,绘制特殊标记if pos_change and game_x != -1:self.setCursor(Qt.PointingHandCursor)if pos_change and game_x == -1:self.setCursor(Qt.ArrowCursor)if pos_change and game_x != -1:self.corner_widget.move(25 + game_x * 40, 25 + game_y * 40)self.corner_widget.show()if pos_change and game_x == -1:self.corner_widget.hide()@run_with_excdef mousePressEvent(self, e):"""根据鼠标的动作,确定落子位置"""if not (hasattr(self, 'operate_status') and self.operate_status == 0):returnif e.button() == Qt.LeftButton:# 1. 首先判断按下了哪个格子mouse_x = e.windowPos().x()mouse_y = e.windowPos().y()if (mouse_x % 40 <= 15 or mouse_x % 40 >= 25) and (mouse_y % 40 <= 15 or mouse_y % 40 >= 25):game_x = int((mouse_x + 15) // 40) - 1game_y = int((mouse_y + 15) // 40) - 1else:  # 鼠标点击的位置不正确returnself.g.move_1step(True, game_x, game_y)# 2. 根据操作结果进行一轮游戏循环res, self.flash_pieces = self.g.game_result(show=True)  # 判断游戏结果if res != 0:  # 如果游戏结果为“已经结束”,则显示游戏内容,并退出主循环self.repaint(0, 0, 650, 650)self.game_restart(res)returnself.g.ai_move_1step()  # 电脑下一步res, self.flash_pieces = self.g.game_result(show=True)if res != 0:self.repaint(0, 0, 650, 650)self.game_restart(res)returnself.repaint(0, 0, 650, 650)  # 在游戏还没有结束的情况下,显示游戏内容,并继续下一轮循环@run_with_excdef end_flash(self):# 游戏结束时的闪烁操作if self.flash_cnt <= 5:# 执行闪烁self.flash_cnt += 1self.repaint()else:# 闪烁完毕,执行重新开始的操作self.end_timer.stop()# 1. 显示游戏结束的信息if self.res == 1:QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', '玩家获胜!')elif self.res == 2:QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', '电脑获胜!')elif self.res == 3:QMessageBox.about(self, '游戏结束', '平局!')else:raise ValueError('当前游戏结束的标志位为' + self.res + '. 而游戏结束的标志位必须为1, 2 或 3')# 2. 游戏重新开始的操作self.res = 0self.operate_status = 0self.flash_cnt = 0self.g = Gomoku()  # 重新初始化游戏内容self.repaint(0, 0, 650, 650)  # 重新绘制游戏界面def game_restart(self, res):"""游戏出现开始"""self.res = res  # 标记谁获胜了self.operate_status = 1  # 游戏结束时的闪烁过程中,不可操作self.end_timer.start(300)  # 开始结束时闪烁的计时器


from PyQt5.QtGui import QPainter, QPen
from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QWidget
from PyQt5.QtCore import Qtclass CornerWidget(QWidget):def __init__(self, parent):super().__init__(parent=parent)self.setFixedSize(30, 30)def paintEvent(self, e):qp = QPainter()qp.begin(self)pen = QPen(Qt.red, 3, Qt.SolidLine)qp.setPen(pen)qp.drawLine(0, 8, 0, 0)qp.drawLine(0, 0, 8, 0)qp.drawLine(22, 0, 28, 0)qp.drawLine(28, 0, 28, 8)qp.drawLine(28, 22, 28, 28)qp.drawLine(28, 28, 20, 28)qp.drawLine(8, 28, 0, 28)qp.drawLine(0, 28, 0, 22)


class Gomoku:def __init__(self):self.g_map = [[0 for y in range(15)] for x in range(15)]  # 当前的棋盘self.cur_step = 0  # 步数def move_1step(self, input_by_window=False, pos_x=None, pos_y=None):"""玩家落子:param input_by_window: 是否从图形界面输入:param pos_x: 从图形界面输入时,输入的x坐标为多少:param pos_y: 从图形界面输入时,输入的y坐标为多少"""while True:try:if not input_by_window:pos_x = int(input('x: '))  # 接受玩家的输入人pos_y = int(input('y: '))if 0 <= pos_x <= 14 and 0 <= pos_y <= 14:  # 判断这个格子能否落子if self.g_map[pos_x][pos_y] == 0:self.g_map[pos_x][pos_y] = 1self.cur_step += 1returnexcept ValueError:  # 玩家输入不正确的情况(例如输入了‘A’)continuedef game_result(self, show=False):"""判断游戏的结局。0为游戏进行中,1为玩家获胜,2为电脑获胜,3为平局"""# 1. 判断是否横向连续五子for x in range(11):for y in range(15):if self.g_map[x][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 1][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 2][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 3][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 4][y] == 1:if show:return 1, [(x0, y) for x0 in range(x, x + 5)]else:return 1if self.g_map[x][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 1][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 2][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 3][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 4][y] == 2:if show:return 2, [(x0, y) for x0 in range(x, x + 5)]else:return 2# 2. 判断是否纵向连续五子for x in range(15):for y in range(11):if self.g_map[x][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x][y + 1] == 1 and self.g_map[x][y + 2] == 1 and self.g_map[x][y + 3] == 1 and self.g_map[x][y + 4] == 1:if show:return 1, [(x, y0) for y0 in range(y, y + 5)]else:return 1if self.g_map[x][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x][y + 1] == 2 and self.g_map[x][y + 2] == 2 and self.g_map[x][y + 3] == 2 and self.g_map[x][y + 4] == 2:if show:return 2, [(x, y0) for y0 in range(y, y + 5)]else:return 2# 3. 判断是否有左上-右下的连续五子for x in range(11):for y in range(11):if self.g_map[x][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 1][y + 1] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 2][y + 2] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 3][y + 3] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 4][y + 4] == 1:if show:return 1, [(x + t, y + t) for t in range(5)]else:return 1if self.g_map[x][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 1][y + 1] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 2][y + 2] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 3][y + 3] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 4][y + 4] == 2:if show:return 2, [(x + t, y + t) for t in range(5)]else:return 2# 4. 判断是否有右上-左下的连续五子for x in range(11):for y in range(11):if self.g_map[x + 4][y] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 3][y + 1] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 2][y + 2] == 1 and self.g_map[x + 1][y + 3] == 1 and self.g_map[x][y + 4] == 1:if show:return 1, [(x + t, y + 4 - t) for t in range(5)]else:return 1if self.g_map[x + 4][y] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 3][y + 1] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 2][y + 2] == 2 and self.g_map[x + 1][y + 3] == 2 and self.g_map[x][y + 4] == 2:if show:return 2, [(x + t, y + 4 - t) for t in range(5)]else:return 2# 5. 判断是否为平局for x in range(15):for y in range(15):if self.g_map[x][y] == 0:  # 棋盘中还有剩余的格子,不能判断为平局if show:return 0, [(-1, -1)]else:return 0if show:return 3, [(-1, -1)]else:return 3def ai_move_1step(self):"""电脑落子"""for x in range(15):for y in range(15):if self.g_map[x][y] == 0:self.g_map[x][y] = 2self.cur_step += 1returndef show(self, res):"""显示游戏内容"""for y in range(15):for x in range(15):if self.g_map[x][y] == 0:print('  ', end='')elif self.g_map[x][y] == 1:print('〇', end='')elif self.g_map[x][y] == 2:print('×', end='')if x != 14:print('-', end='')print('\n', end='')for x in range(15):print('|  ', end='')print('\n', end='')if res == 1:print('玩家获胜!')elif res == 2:print('电脑获胜!')elif res == 3:print('平局!')def play(self):while True:self.move_1step()  # 玩家下一步res = self.game_result()  # 判断游戏结果if res != 0:  # 如果游戏结果为“已经结束”,则显示游戏内容,并退出主循环self.show(res)returnself.ai_move_1step()  # 电脑下一步res = self.game_result()if res != 0:self.show(res)returnself.show(0)  # 在游戏还没有结束的情况下,显示游戏内容,并继续下一轮循环


from PyQt5.QtWidgets import QApplication
from window import GomokuWindow
from game import Gomoku
import sysdef main():# g = Gomoku()# g.play()app = QApplication(sys.argv)ex = GomokuWindow()sys.exit(app.exec_())if __name__ == '__main__':main()






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