LeetCode 1179. Reformat Department Table

考点 难度
Database Easy

Write an SQL query to reformat the table such that there is a department id column and a revenue column for each month.

Return the result table in any order.


因为group by需要一个aggregate function,所以用sum

select id,
sum(case when month = 'Jan' then revenue else null end) as Jan_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Feb' then revenue else null end) as Feb_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Mar' then revenue else null end) as Mar_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Apr' then revenue else null end) as Apr_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'May' then revenue else null end) as May_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Jun' then revenue else null end) as Jun_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Jul' then revenue else null end) as Jul_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Aug' then revenue else null end) as Aug_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Sep' then revenue else null end) as Sep_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Oct' then revenue else null end) as Oct_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Nov' then revenue else null end) as Nov_Revenue,
sum(case when month = 'Dec' then revenue else null end) as Dec_Revenue
from department
group by id;

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