题目描述 : Colorful Lecture Note



Little Hi is writing an algorithm lecture note for Little Ho. To make the note more comprehensible, Little Hi tries to color some of the text. Unfortunately Little Hi is using a plain(black and white) text editor. So he decides to tag the text which should be colored for now and color them later when he has a more powerful software such as Microsoft Word.

There are only lowercase letters and spaces in the lecture text. To mark the color of a piece of text, Little Hi add a pair of tags surrounding the text, <COLOR> at the beginning and </COLOR> at the end where COLOR is one of "red", "yellow" or "blue".

Two tag pairs may be overlapped only if one pair is completely inside the other pair. Text is colored by the nearest surrounding tag. For example, Little Hi would not write something like "<blue>aaa<yellow>bbb</blue>ccc</yellow>". However "<yellow>aaa<blue>bbb</blue>ccc</yellow>" is possible and "bbb" is colored blue.

Given such a text, you need to calculate how many letters(spaces are not counted) are colored red, yellow and blue.


Input contains one line: the text with color tags. The length is no more than 1000 characters.


Output three numbers count_red, count_yellow, count_blue, indicating the numbers of characters colored by red, yellow and blue.


3 6 3




//  main.cpp
//  ColorfulLectureNote
//#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;const string strStartColors[] = { "<red>", "<yellow>", "<blue>" };
const string strEndColors[] = { "</red>", "</yellow>", "</blue>" };
int countOfColors[] = {0, 0, 0};class Solution{
string removeAllWhiteSpaces(string &str)
string newStr;
for(int i=0; i<str.size(); i++)
if(str[i]!=' ')
return newStr;
void getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(string &str){
string newStr = removeAllWhiteSpaces(str);
countOfColors[0] = 0;countOfColors[1] = 0;countOfColors[2] = 0;getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(0, newStr);}void getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(int colorIndex, string &str){if(str.size()<=0)return;int colorIndexLeft = (colorIndex - 1 + 3)%3;int colorIndexRight = (colorIndex + 1)%3;size_t rspos = str.rfind(strStartColors[colorIndex]);size_t repos;if (rspos!=string::npos) {repos = str.find(strEndColors[colorIndex],rspos);if (repos!=string::npos) {string newStr1 = str.substr(rspos, repos-rspos+strEndColors[colorIndex].size());size_t yspos = newStr1.find(strStartColors[colorIndexLeft]);size_t bspos = newStr1.find(strStartColors[colorIndexRight]);if (yspos==string::npos&&bspos==string::npos) {countOfColors[colorIndex] += repos-rspos-strStartColors[colorIndex].size();} else{if (yspos!=string::npos) {getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(colorIndexLeft,newStr1);} else {getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(colorIndexRight,newStr1);}}string newStr2 = str.substr(0,rspos)+str.substr(repos+strEndColors[colorIndex].size());getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(colorIndex, newStr2);} else {exit(-1);}} else {size_t yspos = str.find(strStartColors[colorIndexLeft]);size_t bspos = str.find(strStartColors[colorIndexRight]);if (yspos==string::npos&&bspos==string::npos) {return;} else{if (yspos!=string::npos) {getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(colorIndexLeft,str);} else {getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(colorIndexRight,str);}}}}
};int main(int argc, const char * argv[]) {string testStr = "<yellow>aaa<blue>bbb</blue>ccc</yellow>dddd<red>abc</red>";Solution s;s.getNumberOfColorfulLectureNote(testStr);std::cout << countOfColors[0] << '\t' << countOfColors[1] << '\t' << countOfColors[2] << endl;return 0;


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