Windows 10 Mobile support is coming to an end in December. Microsoft stopped developing features for the Mobile OS in 2017, but with this news, all updates come to an end, marking a final death to a once-promising mobile OS.

Windows 10移动版支持将于12月结束。 微软于2017年停止了为移动操作系统开发功能的消息,但随着这一消息的发布,所有更新都告一段落,这标志着曾经有希望的移动操作系统最终被淘汰。

所有支持即将结束 (All Support is Coming to an End)

Microsoft recently updated its support page for Windows 10 Mobile to note the change in status. After December 10th, any Windows 10 Mobile on the 1709 build will stop receiving any updates whether security related or not. The company will also discontinue any free support options or online technical assistance.

Microsoft最近更新了其对Windows 10移动版的支持页面,以记录状态变化。 12月10日之后,无论是否与安全相关,任何1709版本的Windows 10移动版都将停止接收任何更新。 该公司还将停止提供任何免费支持选项或在线技术帮助。

Users on build 1703 will see end up support even sooner—June 11th, 2019. If you’re wondering about 1803 and 1809, these builds never made it to Windows Phones.

使用1703版的用户将更早获得最终支持-2019年6月11日。如果您对1803和1809感到疑惑,这些版本永远都不会出现在Windows Phones中。

某些服务稍后会停止 (Some Services will Stop Later)

After the end of support, Windows Phones will continue to work, but some features will eventually shut down. Automatic and manual backups for settings and apps will cease after March 10, 2020. And services like photo upload and device restore will stop December 2020.

支持终止后,Windows Phones将继续运行,但是某些功能最终将关闭。 设置和应用的自动和手动备份将在2020年3月10日之后停止。照片上传和设备还原等服务将在2020年12月停止。

您的下一个步骤应该是切换到新的移动操作系统 (Your Next Move Should be to Switch to a new Mobile OS)

Microsoft says it best. Switch to Android or iOS:

微软说最好。 切换至Android或iOS:

With the Windows 10 Mobile OS end of support, we recommend that customers move to a supported Android or iOS device. Microsoft’s mission statement to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more, compels us to support our Mobile apps on those platforms and devices.

随着Windows 10移动操作系统支持的结束,我们建议客户迁移到受支持的Android或iOS设备。 Microsoft的使命宣言赋予地球上的每个人和每个组织以更大的力量,这迫使我们在这些平台和设备上支持我们的移动应用程序。

If you’re one of the few diehards who stuck out this long, you may find welcome surprises. Microsoft apps on iOS and Android are exceptionally well supported, and offer features not seen on Windows Phones today. Both an iOS and Android version of Outlook exists, along with an iOS and Android version of OneDrive. And if you need any help deciding, we think one phone really stood out last year.

如果您是为时已久的顽固分子之一,那么您可能会发现令人惊喜的惊喜。 iOS和Android上的Microsoft应用程序受到特别良好的支持,并且提供了当今Windows Phone所没有的功能。 同时存在iOS和Android版本的Outlook,以及iOS和Android版本的OneDrive。 而且,如果您需要任何决定的帮助,我们认为去年确实有一部手机脱颖而出 。

via The Verge



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