




1. 在Windows系统中

(1) 备份你的文档

(2)Ctrl+A 全选

(3)Crtl+6 去除代码 (这个是关键步骤)(其实到第3步在原文档中就可以正常使用了,第4步就个人选择吧!!)

(4)Ctrl+C 和 V 复制到新的文档中去。

2. 在Mac系统中

(1) 备份你的文档

(2)Command+A 全选

(3)Command+6 去除代码 (这个是关键步骤)

(4)Command+C 文档

(5)Apple + V 粘贴到新的文档中


In Windows:

Make a backup of your document.

In Word 2010/2013/2016 with Endnote X4 or later, go to the EndNote tab and choose the “Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Unformatted Citations” command.

In Word 2007 with Endnote X1 or later, go to the EndNote tab and choose the “Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Unformatted Citations” command.

In Word 2007 with Endnote X or earlier, go to the Add-Ins tab and choose the “EndNote > Unformat Citations” command.

In Word 2000/2002(XP)/2003 go to the Tools Menu and select “EndNote > Unformat Citations” command.

This will remove the reference list and revert the citations to a temporary format.

Press [Ctrl]+A on the keyboard to highlight everything.

Press [Ctrl]+6 (above the “T” and “Y” key) to remove any additional hidden field codes.

Press [Ctrl]+C to copy the highlighted text.

Open a new document and press [Ctrl]+V to paste.

Note: If you have citations in footnotes, you will need to click in the footnotes section and repeat steps 3- 6.

You should now be able to format this cleaned up version of the document without running into problems.

Please note that you may get the “EndNote Select Matching Reference” dialog box when formatting the bibliography. This may be because you have modified the author name or the year in one of the references. Please click at EndNote: Select Matching Reference for information on how to resolve this.

On a Mac:

Make a backup of your document.

Word 2008/2011: Choose the “Tools > EndNote > Unformat Citations” or “Convert to Unformatted Citations” command, which will remove the reference list and revert the citations.

Word 2016: Go to the EndNote tab and select the “Tools > Convert to Unformatted Citations” command.

This will remove the reference list and revert the citations to a temporary format.

Press [Command]+A on the keyboard to highlight everything. Note: The [Command] key may be identified as the [Apple] key on some keyboards.

Press [Command]+6 (above the “T” and “Y” key) to remove any additional hidden field codes.

Press [Command]+C to copy the highlighted text.

Open a new document and press [Apple]+V to paste.

Note: If you have citations in footnotes, you will need to click in the footnotes section and repeat steps 3- 6.

You should now be able to format this cleaned up version of the document without running into problems.

Please note that you may get the “EndNote Select Matching Reference” dialog box when formatting the bibliography. This may be because you have modified the author name or the year in one of the references. Please click at EndNote: Select Matching Reference for information on how to resolve this.

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