chromecast 协议

When you first set up a new Chromecast, you have the option to give it a name. This is how the Chromecast identifies itself on the network and to casting devices, which is how you know which unit you’re casting to. But if your Chromecast started life as “Living Room Chromecast” and you moved it to another room, it only makes sense to change its name. It’s a quick and easy process—here’s how to do it.

首次设置新的Chromecast时 ,可以选择为其命名。 这就是Chromecast如何在网络上以及在投放设备上进行自我识别的方式,也就是您知道要投射到哪个单元的方式。 但是,如果您的Chromecast最初是“客厅Chromecast”,然后又将其移至另一个房间,则更改其名称才有意义。 这是一个快速而简单的过程-这是操作方法。

You should already have the Google Home app installed, since it’s required to set up a Chromecast in the first place, and the renaming process is identical on iOS and Android. I’m using an Android device, but the steps are exactly the same on your iPhone or iPad—the menus may look slightly different, but that’s about it.

您首先应该已经安装了Google Home应用,因为首先需要安装Chromecast,并且iOS和Android上的重命名过程是相同的。 我使用的是Android设备,但是在iPhone或iPad上的操作步骤完全相同,菜单可能略有不同,但仅此而已。

The first thing you’ll want to do is open the Google Home app and swipe over to the “Devices” tab. Once there, scroll down until you find the Chromecast you want to rename—if you only have one, that should be easy.

您要做的第一件事是打开Goog​​le Home应用并滑至“设备”标签。 到那里后,向下滚动,直到找到要重命名的Chromecast。如果只有Chromecast,那应该很容易。

Tap on the three-button overflow menu in the top right corner of the Chromecast’s card, then choose “Device settings.”


The very first option in this menu should read “Name,” with your Chromecast’s name directly below it. Tap on that.

此菜单中的第一个选项应显示为“名称”,而Chromecast的名称正下方。 点击那个。

This will open a dialog box where you can enter the new name. Go ahead and type whatever you want the new name to be here. When you’re done, tap “OK.”

这将打开一个对话框,您可以在其中输入新名称。 继续,输入您想要的新名称。 完成后,点击“确定”。

The name will instantly change and show up to all available devices. That’s it, you’re finished. I told you it was easy.

名称将立即更改并显示在所有可用设备上。 就是这样,您完成了。 我说过很容易

Since it’s such an affordable piece of technology, it’s not uncommon for many users to have several Chromecasts. And while changing the Chromecast name is simple to do, it’s an important feature to know about in a multi-Chromecast environment.

由于这是一项经济实惠的技术,因此许多用户拥有多个Chromecast并不少见。 尽管更改Chromecast名称很容易,但是在多Chromecast环境中,这是一个重要的功能。


chromecast 协议

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