chromecast 协议

In an effort to unify all devices on the same network, Google added a feature to the Google Home app (formerly called “Chromecast”). Now, if someone is playing something on a Chromecast in your home, it’ll show a notification on all the Android devices on your network. That means if your daughter is watching My Little Pony all day, you’ll have to deal with notifications letting you know.

为了统一同一网络上的所有设备,Google在Google Home应用中添加了一项功能(以前称为“ Chromecast”)。 现在,如果有人在您家里的Chromecast上播放音乐,它将在您网络上的所有Android设备上显示一条通知。 这意味着,如果您的女儿整天都在观看“我的小马驹”,则必须处理让您知道的通知。

This can be useful, but it can also be really annoying. After all, this notification allows all users to not only pause and mute the stream, but also close it altogether. Allowing other people to have control of my stream is annoying in the first place, but it can get even more annoying if they don’t understand what this notification is—a simple tap of the “X” to make it go away seems harmless, but it effectively kills someone else’s stream. It’s kind of infuriating.

这可能是有用的,但也可能很烦人。 毕竟,此通知使所有用户不仅可以暂停和静音流,还可以完全关闭流。 首先,让其他人控制我的信息流很烦人,但如果他们不了解此通知的内容,则可能会更加烦恼-只需轻按“ X”以使其消失,这似乎是无害的,但它有效地杀死了其他人的信息流。 真是气死我了

Fortunately, there’s a way to turn this off. There are two ways of doing so: on each individual Android device (for more granular control of who can controls various casts), or by disabling it completely from the cast device (for completely removing the notification from all Android devices). Each has its own benefits, but let’s be honest here—you probably just want to remove the notification from all devices. So let’s talk about that first.

幸运的是,有一种方法可以将其关闭。 这样做的方法有两种:在每个单独的Android设备上(用于更精细地控制谁可以控制各种投射),或通过从投射设备上完全禁用它(从所有Android设备上完全删除通知)。 每个通知都有其自身的好处,但是请在这里诚实地说-您可能只想从所有设备中删除通知。 因此,让我们先谈谈。

如何从所有设备上删除投射通知 (How to Remove the Cast Notification from All Devices)

If you’re looking for total network control over the cast notification, you’re not alone—and you haven’t been for a while. This feature wasn’t actually available when the cast notification feature started rolling out; in fact, it took Google some eight months (give or take) to add this in.

如果您希望对投射通知进行全面的网络控制,那么您并不孤单,而且已经有一段时间了。 投射通知功能开始推出时,该功能实际上不可用; 实际上,Google花费了大约八个月的时间(同意或花费)将其添加到其中。

First, open the Google Home app—this is where all casting preferences are found.

首先,打开Google Home应用 -在这里可以找到所有投射偏好设置。

Tap the small speaker-looking icon in the top right corner to show all casting devices on your network.


Find the device you want to disable notifications on, then tap the three dots in the right corner of its card. Choose “Settings.”

找到要禁用通知的设备,然后点击其卡右上角的三个点。 选择“设置”。

From here, look for the option that reads “Let others control your casted media” and disable it. The casting notification should no longer show up on any other devices on the network. Boom.

在这里,查找选项“让其他人控制您的投射媒体”并将其禁用。 投射通知不应再出现在网络上的任何其他设备上。 繁荣。

如何从通知栏禁用投射通知 (How to Disable the Cast Notification from the Notification Shade)

If you want to disable notification on a per-device basis, there are two ways of doing so: from the notification itself, or from the device’s Settings menu. Let’s start with the first option.

如果要基于每个设备禁用通知,可以通过两种方式进行:从通知本身或从设备的“设置”菜单。 让我们从第一个选项开始。

With an active cast going, pull down the notification shade to expose the “Casting to…” entry.

进行积极的投射时,请下拉通知栏以显示“ Casting to ...”条目。

By default, there are three entries here: pause, mute, and close. But if you pull down on the notification with two fingers (or tap the header entry, which shows what service is being casted), a new option will appear: a settings cog. Click that little guy.

默认情况下,这里有三个条目:暂停,静音和关闭。 但是,如果您用两根手指下拉通知(或点击标题项,其中显示了正在投射的服务),则会出现一个新选项:设置齿轮。 单击那个小家伙。

This menu is simple, and only has one option: Show remote control notifications. Toggle it off.

该菜单很简单,只有一个选项:显示远程控制通知。 切换它。

Poof. Like magic, the cast entry will disappear, never to be seen again (unless you want it to, of course).

of 就像魔术一样,演员表项将消失,再也不会被看到(当然,除非您希望如此)。

如何从设置禁用投射通知 (How to Disable the Cast Notification from Settings)

But what if you just want to turn the notification off without having an active cast? Fortunately, there’s a simple way to do this, too—but it’s not where you’d think it should be.

但是,如果您只想在没有活动演员的情况下关闭通知,该怎么办? 幸运的是,也有一种简单的方法可以执行此操作,但这并不是您认为应该的。

Instead of being in the Google Home app, the core setting is actually found in Android’s Settings menu. Go ahead and pull down the notification shade and tap the cog icon.

实际上,核心设置不是在Google Home应用中,而是在Android的“设置”菜单中找到。 继续并下拉通知栏,然后点击齿轮图标。

From here, scroll down to the Personal section and find the “Google” entry. Tap it.

从此处向下滚动到“个人”部分,然后找到“ Google”条目。 点一下

In this menu, look for the “Google Cast” option, then tap it.

在此菜单中,找到“ Google Cast”选项,然后点击它。

Again, this is the toggle you’re looking for—slide it to disable the cast notification.


If you ever want this feature back, this is where you’ll re-activate it.



chromecast 协议

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