
Often people think that WordPress is just a blogging platform that you use to start a personal blog. That might have been true in 2003, but now WordPress powers nearly 28% of all websites on the internet. This includes many of the top brands as well as some of the most well-respected universities. In this article, we will showcase 40+ popular universities that are using WordPress.

通常人们认为WordPress只是您用来建立个人博客的博客平台。 在2003年可能确实如此,但是现在WordPress支持互联网上所有网站的近28%。 这包括许多顶级品牌以及一些最受尊敬的大学。 在本文中,我们将展示40多个使用WordPress的流行大学。

为什么以及如何大学使用WordPress? (Why and How Universities are Using WordPress?)

WordPress is open source and highly customizable that makes it a great choice for universities and college websites. It is easy to setup and maintain, which allows university IT departments to quickly create and launch new websites.

WordPress是开源的且高度可定制的,这使其成为大学和学院网站的理想选择。 它易于设置和维护,这使大学IT部门可以快速创建和启动新网站。

Many universities use WordPress multisite network to allow faculty and students to create their own websites on university servers. WordPress is also commonly used for college news and magazine websites.

许多大学使用WordPress多站点网络来允许教职员工和学生在大学服务器上创建自己的网站。 WordPress也常用于大学新闻和杂志网站 。

Last but not least, WordPress is also being used as a LMS solution in higher ED.

最后但并非最不重要的一点是,WordPress还被用作更高ED中的LMS解决方案 。

Having said that, let’s take a look at how some of the most popular universities are using WordPress.


1.哈佛博客 (1. Harvard Blogs)

2.波士顿大学–出国留学 (2. Boston University – Study Abroad)

3.柏林大学 (3. University of Berlin)

4.墨尔本大学 (4. University of Melbourne)

5.俄勒冈州立大学博客 (5. Oregon State University Blogs)

6.哈佛大学涅曼新闻实验室 (6. The Nieman Journalism Lab at Harvard University)

7.康奈尔大学 (7. Cornell University)

8.佐治亚州立大学 (8. Georgia State University)

9.博伊西州立大学 (9. Boise State University)

10.得梅因大学 (10. Des Moines University)

11.缅因大学 (11. The University of Maine)

12.卡尔加里大学 (12. University of Calgary)

13.贝茨学院 (13. Bates College)

14.皇后学院 (14. Queen’s College)

15.惠顿学院 (15. Wheaton College)

16. UCF医学院 (16. UCF College of Medicine)

17.麻省理工学院 (17. MIT)

18.加州大学伯克利分校 (18. University of California – Berkeley)

19.弗吉尼亚大学 (19. University of Virginia)

20.鲍灵格林州立大学 (20. Bowling Green State University)

21.拉斐特学院 (21. Lafayette College)

22. FIU工程与计算学院 (22. FIU College of Engineering and Computing)

23.不列颠哥伦比亚大学 (23. The University of British Columbia)

24.亚当斯州立大学 (24. Adams State University)

25.玛丽华盛顿大学 (25. The University of Mary Washington)

26.阿肯色大学小石城分校 (26. University of Arkansas at Little Rock)

27.德鲁大学 (27. Drew University)

28.普林斯顿大学出版社 (28. Princeton University Press)

29.密苏里大学 (29. University of Missouri)

30.芝加哥大学 (30. University of Chicago)

31.布莱顿大学 (31. University of Brighton)

32.波士顿大学–招生 (32. Boston University – Admissions)

33.卡尔顿大学 (33. Carleton University)

34.田纳西大学查塔努加分校 (34. University of Tennessee at Chattanooga)

35.东北大学 (35. Northeastern University)

36.南加州大学 (36. University of Southern California)

37.范德比尔特大学 (37. Vanderbilt University)

38.乔治敦大学 (38. Georgetown University)

39.宾夕法尼亚州立大学 (39. Penn State University)

40.德克萨斯农工大学 (40. Texas A&M University)

41.阿拉巴马大学 (41. University of Alabama)

42.爱荷华大学 (42. University of Iowa)

43.韦恩州立大学 (43. Wayne State University)

44.克拉克大学 (44. Clark University)

45.牛津大学IT服务 (45. University of Oxford IT Services)

While we have to end our list here, there are many more universities all over the world that are using WordPress. Ready to start your own WordPress website? Check out our step by step guide on how to make a website for detailed instructions.

虽然我们必须在此处结束列表,但世界各地还有许多使用WordPress的大学。 准备开始自己的WordPress网站了吗? 查看有关如何制作网站的分步指南, 以获取详细说明。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/40-popular-universities-that-are-using-wordpress/



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