
When people are deciding why they should use WordPress, we often get asked about “can WordPress do [blank]? The answer is mostly Yes. In this article, we will show you 19 different types of websites you can create with WordPress without learning any programming skills.

当人们决定为什么要使用WordPress时 ,我们经常会被问到“ WordPress可以[空白]吗? 答案大多是肯定的。 在本文中,我们将向您展示可以使用WordPress创建的19种不同类型的网站,而无需学习任何编程技能。

WordPress入门 (Getting Started With WordPress)

You will need WordPress hosting and a domain name to get started with your WordPress site. We have a step by step guide on how to make your website with WordPress.

您将需要WordPress托管和域名才能开始使用WordPress网站。 我们有逐步指南, 介绍如何使用WordPress创建您的网站 。

If you just want to play around with WordPress, then you can install it on your computer. Take a look our tutorials on how to install WordPress on Windows and Mac computers.

如果您只想使用WordPress,则可以将其安装在计算机上。 看看我们的教程,了解如何在Windows和Mac计算机 上安装WordPress 。

1.博客或个人网站 (1. Blog or Personal Website)

WordPress started out as a simple blogging platform and quickly evolved into a powerful CMS. During the last 12 years, those blogging and personal website components didn’t disappear.

WordPress最初是一个简单的博客平台,然后Swift发展为功能强大的CMS。 在过去的12年中,那些博客和个人网站组件没有消失。

They have become more polished, sophisticated and mature. If you are going to create a blog or personal website, then you will find plenty of tools to manage and grow your WordPress quickly.

它们变得更加精致,精致和成熟。 如果您要创建博客或个人网站,那么您会发现很多工具可以快速管理和增长WordPress 。

2.商业网站 (2. Business Website)

WordPress is the easiest way to build a professional looking business website. It is so powerful that many big name brands are using WordPress to power their websites. It gives you easy tools to quickly launch a website and then extend it as your business grows.

WordPress是构建具有专业外观的商业网站的最简单方法。 它是如此强大,以至于许多知名品牌都在使用WordPress来为其网站提供动力。 它为您提供了简便的工具,可以快速启动网站,然后随着业务的增长对其进行扩展。

3.电子商务 (3. eCommerce)

WordPress is quickly becoming a go to solution for building an eCommerce websites. There are awesome plugins like WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads, and WPEcommerce which convert your WordPress website into fully functional eCommerce platform. You can accept payments, manage inventory, shipping, taxes, and users from the same roof.

WordPress正在Swift成为构建电子商务网站的首选解决方案。 有很棒的插件,如WooCommerce, Easy Digital Downloads和WPEcommerce,可将您的WordPress网站转换为功能齐全的电子商务平台。 您可以从同一屋顶接受付款 ,管理库存,运输,税金和用户。

4.工作委员会 (4. Job Board)

Several popular sites like Smashing Magazine, Problogger etc use job boards as an extra source of income. There is a growing demand of niche job boards catering the needs of a specific industry or specialization.

几个热门网站,例如Smashing Magazine,Problogger等,都将工作板作为额外的收入来源。 满足特定行业或专业需求的利基工作板的需求在不断增长。

WordPress allows you easily create a job board where employers can post job listings and professionals can respond to them.

WordPress使您可以轻松地创建工作板 ,雇主可以在其中发布工作清单,而专业人员可以对此作出回应。

5.业务目录 (5. Business Directory)

Just like job boards, there is increasing demand of niche business directories on the web. There are some great WordPress business directory plugins which allow you to easily create a business directory.

就像工作板一样,网络上对特定业务目录的需求也在不断增长。 有一些很棒的WordPress商业目录插件 ,可让您轻松创建商业目录。

You can even create web directory that is not limited to businesses alone.

您甚至可以创建不仅限于企业的Web目录 。

6.问答网站 (6. Question & Answer Website)

Want to create your own version of Yahoo Answers, Stack Exchange, or Quora? With WordPress you can easily create a question and answers site. Combine it with other tools, and you can build yourself a thriving online community of your own.

是否要创建自己的Yahoo Answers,Stack Exchange或Quora版本? 使用WordPress,您可以轻松创建一个问答网站 。 将其与其他工具结合使用,您可以建立自己的繁荣在线社区。

7.非营利和宗教网站 (7. NonProfits and Religious Websites)

WordPress is free as in freedom (see our guide why is WordPress free?). This makes it an ideal solution for nonprofit organizations.

WordPress和自由一样免费(请参阅我们的指南WordPress为什么免费? )。 这使其成为非营利组织的理想解决方案。

With WordPress plugins you can add donate form and raise money by accepting paypal donations. There are some great WordPress themes for churches and nonprofits.

使用WordPress插件,您可以添加捐款表格并通过接受Paypal捐款来筹集资金。 教堂和非营利组织有一些很棒的WordPress主题。

8.投资组合网站 (8. Portfolio Websites)

Need a place to showcase your work? You can easily add a portfolio to your WordPress site with stunning image galleries, and beautiful sliders. WordPress can be used to provide a very sleek and polished user experience for your portfolio site making it easier for others to browse and learn about your work.

需要展示作品的地方吗? 您可以通过精美的图片库和漂亮的滑块轻松地将投资组合添加到WordPress网站 。 WordPress可用于为您的投资组合网站提供非常流畅和优美的用户体验,从而使其他人更容易浏览和了解您的工作。

9.在线社区 (9. Online Communities)

WordPress can be used as an online forum using the lightweight bbPress forum. You can even add social features to a WordPress site with plugins like BuddyPress.

使用轻量级的bbPress论坛, WordPress可以用作在线论坛 。 您甚至可以使用BuddyPress之类的插件向WordPress网站添加社交功能。

10.优惠券网站 (10. Coupon Website)

Want to earn affiliate commissions from thousands of websites offering special discounts on their products and services? Use WordPress to create a coupon site. It allows you to easily add, manage, and expire coupons. Your users can vote and rate coupons, and it all fits right in your WordPress admin area.

是否想从成千上万的提供产品和服务折扣的网站上赚取会员佣金? 使用WordPress 创建优惠券网站 。 它使您可以轻松添加,管理和过期优惠券。 您的用户可以对优惠券进行投票和评分,而这些都完全适合您的WordPress管理区域。

11.拍卖网站 (11. Auction Websites)

Want to run your own eBay like auctions website? With WordPress, you can create a fully functional auction website. Users can bid online, make payments, and you get to earn by simply providing a platform for your niche industry.

想经营自己的像拍卖网站一样的eBay吗? 使用WordPress,您可以创建功能齐全的拍卖网站 。 用户可以在线竞标,付款,而您只需为利基行业提供一个平台就可以赚钱。

12.多语言网站 (12. Multilingual Websites)

You can install WordPress in many languages, but you can also create a multilingual website as well. See how easy it is to create multilingual websites using WordPress.

您可以安装多种语言的WordPress ,但也可以创建一个多语言的网站。 看看使用WordPress创建多语言网站是多么容易。

13.知识库/ Wiki网站 (13. Knowledgebase / Wiki Websites)

Want to add a documentation section with a knowledgebase or wiki like articles? WordPress comes with great plugins that quickly turn your website into an easy to browse knowledgebase wiki.

是否要添加带有知识库或类似文章的Wiki的文档部分? WordPress附带了出色的插件,可以Swift将您的网站变成易于浏览的知识库Wiki 。

14.播客网站 (14. Podcasting Websites)

WordPress and podcasting go hand in hand. Most popular podcasters on the web are using WordPress for their websites. See our step by step guide on how to start a podcast with WordPress.

WordPress和播客齐头并进。 网络上最流行的播客正在将WordPress用于其网站。 请参阅我们的逐步指南,了解如何使用WordPress 启动播客 。

15.利基会员网站 (15. Niche Affiliate Websites)

Want to make a commission by referring your users to products and services? Here are the best affiliate marketing tools and plugins available for WordPress. These tools will boost your affiliate earnings and make things a lot more easier.

是否想通过向用户推荐产品和服务来收取佣金? 这是适用于WordPress的最佳联盟营销工具和插件 。 这些工具将提高您的会员收入,并使事情变得更加轻松。

16.摄影网站 (16. Photography Websites)

Are you a professional or amateur photographer? Want to share your family vacation photos? With WordPress and Envira Gallery, you can create astonishingly beautiful photography websites. You can add galleries, albums, titles, captions, lightbox popups, slideshows, and the bells and whistles.

您是专业摄影师还是业余摄影师? 想分享您的家庭度假照片吗? 使用WordPress和Envira Gallery ,您可以创建惊人的美丽摄影网站。 您可以添加画廊,专辑,标题,标题,灯箱弹出窗口,幻灯片以及铃声和口哨声。

There are also tons of photography templates available for WordPress.

还有大量可用于WordPress的摄影模板 。

17.学校或学院的网站 (17. School or College Websites)

WordPress powers thousands of schools and college websites around the world. It is safe, secure, and easy to manage. See our list of popular universities that are using WordPress.

WordPress为全球成千上万的学校和大学网站提供支持。 它是安全,可靠且易于管理的。 请参阅我们使用WordPress的热门大学列表。

18.私人博客 (18. Private Blogs)

Want to keep your WordPress blog to yourself? See how easily you can make your WordPress blog completely private. Run team projects, diaries, or whatever you want in a safe environment away from prying eyes.

想要保留自己的WordPress博客吗? 了解如何轻松地将WordPress博客完全私有化 。 在安全的环境中运行团队项目,日记或任何您想要的东西,而不用撬开眼睛。

19.家庭博客 (19. Family Blogs)

With built in media and user management system, WordPress is perfect to create small family websites. Create beautiful wedding websites, upload family photos, or add family gossip. WordPress can provide endless fun for all members of family age 10 and up. See our list of best WordPress themes for family blogs.

借助内置的媒体和用户管理系统,WordPress非常适合创建小型家庭网站。 创建漂亮的婚礼网站,上传家庭照片或添加家庭八卦。 WordPress可以为10岁以上家庭的所有成员提供无尽的乐趣。 请参阅我们的家庭博客最佳WordPress主题列表。

We hope this article gave you some ideas about the kind of websites you can create with WordPress. Getting started with WordPress is easier with WPBeginner, see how you can make the most out of WPBeginner’s free learning resources.

我们希望本文能为您提供一些有关可以使用WordPress创建的网站的想法。 使用WPBeginner可以更轻松地开始使用WordPress,了解如何充分利用WPBeginner的免费学习资源 。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

翻译自: https://www.wpbeginner.com/showcase/x-type-of-websites-you-can-create-with-wordpress/



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