It was classic Juli, she totally dominated the fair(赢了比赛),and get this,her project was all about watching boring eggs hatch.(孵蛋)

I mean, here I had a live-action(实景的) erupting volcano and all anyone(所有人) cared about was Juli’s boring chicks breaking out of their boring shells.

I think the last one’s hatching,it’s,come over here(到这边来)

But she won,I lost,i’ve never been one to dwell.

But that didn’t mean I had to eat her lousy(讨厌的) eggs.

I think it’s very sweet of Juli to bring us those eggs.(好心的)

I don’t care.I still having cereal(谷物) tomorrow.

How do we know there’s no chicks in one of those eggs.(万一鸡蛋里有小鸡呢)

I uused to eat farm-fresh(直接从农场出来的) eggs when I was a kid.They were delicious.

That’s all well and good but if we crack(敲碎) one open and a dead chick falls out(出现).

Do they have a rooster(公鸡)? if they don’t have a rooster the eggs can’t be fertile(孵化).

If they had a rooster.we’d know(我们会知道).The whole neighborhood would know.

What the hell are you talking about?

Like they de-bark the dogs.

Bryce.why don’t you just ask Juli.

You’re afraid to talk to her.

I’m not afraid to talk to her.I know you are.

Just talk to her and find out(找出原因.)

How do you tell if one’s a rooster?(如何鉴别公鸡)

a rooster id bigger.Longer feathers.They’ve got rbbbery red stuff growing out of the top of theid head,and around their neck too.

That shouldn’t be too hard to spot.(那应该不难判断)

come to think of it.chickens have the rubbery red stuff too,just not that much.

Garett’s expertise in(在某方面的专业技能) roosters was the cornerstone(基础) of our plan to avoid contact with Juli.The balance of which involved spying over her back hence.

I can’t see the stupid chickens.

We gotta get them out of their coop.(把他们弄出鸡笼)

They’re all chickens.

What did I just say.

none of them are strutting.

They’re definitely all chickens.

I’m proud of come over your fear.

It’s no big deal.

That’s what he told you?They’re all chickens.

She’s genius,You’re both genius.of course they’re all chickens.A rooster’s a chicken.the question is ,is one of them a rooster or are they all hens?

Who said anything about hens?then it hit(提醒) me.Garrett didn’t know about chickens.

What does that have to do with anything?(跟这有什么关系)

They all hens.

Well.the main thing is the eggs are ok,It’s all settled.(问题解决了)

Not for me, There was no way I was ever gonna eat anything that had anything to do with Juli.(我不吃跟juli有关的任何东西)

I’m not eating them.

Why not?

Have you seen their yard? There’s not even any grass.It’s all mud and chicken turd.(鸡屎te d)

Do you suppose they could have salmonella? (你认为他们可能会有xxx)

It’s not very likely. (这不太可能)

What do we do with the eggs?

Give them back.

Sure.You talked to her before.right,It didn’t kill you.

Well.what do I say?(我该怎么说)

Tell her we don’t eat eggs.we’re allergic to them or something.come on,use your brains.(动动脑子)


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