YouTube is a wild west of content. There are some great videos there, but also some truly awful ones. You can help out by reporting questionable content.

YouTube是内容的狂野西部。 那里有一些很棒的视频,但也有一些真正糟糕的视频。 您可以通过报告可疑内容来提供帮助。

With 300 hours of video being uploaded to YouTube every minute, there’s just no way for Google to effectively police it all. That’s where you, the viewer, come in. If you think a video is against YouTube’s Community Guidelines, you can report it. YouTube’s human moderators (who are on duty 24 hours a day, 365 days a year) will then review it. If it is against the Guidelines, it will get removed and the YouTube Channel will face sanctions. Too many violations (or ones that are too objectionable) and the whole Channel can be removed. Let’s look at how to do it.

每分钟都有300个小时的视频上传到YouTube ,因此Google无法有效地监管这一切。 观众就是您来的地方。如果您认为视频违反YouTube的社区准则,则可以举报。 然后,YouTube的人工主持人(每年365天,每天24小时值班)将对其进行审核。 如果违反该准则,它将被删除并且YouTube频道将受到制裁。 过多的违规行为(或过于令人反感的违规行为),可以删除整个Channel。 让我们看看如何做。

什么违反了YouTube的社区准则 (What Is Against YouTube’s Community Guidelines)

YouTube’s Community Guidelines are pretty vague—and for good reason. The vagueness allows Google some leeway in determining what content they allow on the platform. The things they explicitly cover under the guidelines include:

YouTube的社区准则含糊不清,这是有充分理由的。 这种模糊性使Google在确定他们在平台上允许哪些内容方面有一定的余地。 他们在指南中明确涵盖的内容包括:

  • Nudity or sexual content裸露或色情内容
  • Harmful or dangerous content有害或危险的内容
  • Hateful content仇恨内容
  • Violent or graphic content暴力或图形内容
  • Harassment and cyberbullying骚扰和网络欺凌
  • Spam and scams垃圾邮件和诈骗
  • Threats威胁
  • Copyright infringement侵犯版权
  • Privacy violations侵犯隐私
  • Impersonation假冒
  • Child endangerment儿童危害

If you see videos that go against these guidelines (or other stuff you think is questionable), you can report it.


如何举报YouTube视频 (How to Report a YouTube Video)

For a feature that’s so important, the option to report a video on YouTube is actually slightly hidden, so it’s easy to overlook if you don’t know it’s there.


First off, you do need to be logged in to your Google account to report a video. After you log in, click the three little dots beneath the video.

首先,您确实需要登录Google帐户才能报告视频。 登录后,单击视频下方的三个小点。

In the popup menu, click the “Report” option.


To report a video using the YouTube mobile app, you need to first tap the video to bring up all the options and controls. Next, tap the three little dots in the top right corner, and then click the “Report” option.

要使用YouTube移动应用报告视频,您需要先点击视频以显示所有选项和控件。 接下来,点击右上角的三个小点,然后单击“报告”选项。

Whichever platform you report the video on, you need to provide YouTube with a little more information. Select the reason you think it violates the Community Guidelines, and then click the “Next” button.

无论您在哪个平台上报告视频,都需要向YouTube提供更多信息。 选择您认为它违反社区准则的原因,然后单击“下一步”按钮。

Add in any additional information that explains the issues with the video, and then click “Report.”


YouTube’s moderators will review your report as soon as possible.


如何举报YouTube评论 (How To Report a YouTube Comment)

Videos aren’t the only place you find questionable content on YouTube; the comment section is famously awful. If you see a comment that goes against the Community Guidelines—or looks like it’s spam—here’s how to report it.

视频并不是您在YouTube上发现可疑内容的唯一地方; 评论部分以可怕着称。 如果您发现有违反社区准则的评论,或者看起来像是垃圾邮件,请按照以下方法举报。

Once again, on the website, the option is a little hidden. If you just look at a comment, there’s no obvious way to report it.

再次,在网站上,该选项有点隐藏。 如果您只看评论,则没有明显的报告方法。

Once you hover your mouse over it, however, three little dots appear on the right hand side.


Click those dots, and then select the “Report Spam or Abuse” option.


Select the reason you’re reporting the comment, and then click “Report.”


In the mobile app, things are a little more obvious. The three little dots aren’t hidden, so just tap them, and then tap “Report.”

在移动应用程序中,事情变得更加明显。 这三个小点没有隐藏,因此只需点按它们,然后点按“报告”。

YouTube has serious content issues. With so many thousands of hours of videos uploaded everyday, it’s no wonder that some portion of them is pretty awful. There’s also the ongoing abuse that happens in the comments. Now at least, you know how to do something about it.

YouTube存在严重的内容问题。 每天都有成千上万小时的视频上载,也就不足为奇了。 评论中还存在持续的滥用行为。 至少现在,您知道如何执行此操作。



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